Towards Coordinated International Support of Core Data Resources for the Life Sciences
W. Anderson, R. Apweiler, A. Bateman, G.A. Bauer, H. Berman, J.A. Blake, N. Blomberg, S.K. Burley, G. Cochrane, V. Di Francesco, T. Donohue, C. Durinx, A. Game, E.D. Green, T. Gojobori, P. Goodhand, A. Hamosh, H. Hermjakob, M. Kanehisa, R. Kiley, J. McEntyre, R. McKibbin, S. Miyano, B. Pauly, N. Perrimon, M.A. Ragan, G. Richards, Y-Y. Teo, M. Westerfield, E. Westhof, P.F. Lasko
bioRxiv 110825; doi: