A community-based collaboration to build prediction models for short-term discontinuation of docetaxel in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Fatemeh Seyednasrollah, Devin C Koestler, Tao Wang, Stephen R Piccolo, Roberto Vega, Russ Greiner, Christiane Fuchs, Eyal Gofer, Luke Kumar, Russell D Wolfinger, Kimberly Kanigel Winner, Chris Bare, Elias Chaibub Neto, Thomas Yu, Liji Shen, Kald Abdallah, Thea Norman, Gustavo Stolovitzky, PCC-DREAM Community, Howard Soule, Christopher J Sweeney, Charles J Ryan, Howard I Scher, Oliver Sartor, Laura L Elo, Fang Liz Zhou, Justin Guinney, James C Costello
bioRxiv 087809; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/087809