Tfh initiates four eradicable immunities. Tfh includes FDC, LTi, IL21 CD4 T cell, and IgG/M B cell. Treg initiates four tolerable immunities. Treg includes DCreg, ILCreg, TGFβ CD4 T cell, and IgA B cell. TH1/TH1-like is immunity for intracellular bacteria/protozoa and type 4 delayed type hypersensitivity. TH1 includes M1 macrophage, mDC2, Tc1 CD8 T cell, IFNg CD4 T cell, ILC1, iNKT1, and IgG3 B cell. TH1-like includes M2 macrophage, ILC1, suppressive CD8 T cell, IFNg/TGFβ CD4 T cell, regulatory iNKT cells, and IgA1 B cell. TH2/TH9 is immunity for helminths and type1 IgE mediated hypersensitivity. TH2 includes iEOS eosinophil, Langerhans cell, basophil/MCt mast cell, IL-4 CD4 T cell, ILC2, iNKT2, and IgE/IgG4 B cell. TH9 includes rEOS eosinophil, basophils/mast cell MCct, IL-9 CD4 T cell, ILC2, regulatory iNKT cells, and IgA2 B cell. TH22/TH17 is immunity for extracellular bacteria/fungi and type 3 immune complex hypersensitivity. TH22 includes N1 neutrophils, mDC1, IL-22 CD4 T cell, ILC3(NCR+), iNKT17, and IgG2 B cell. TH17 includes N2 neutrophils, IL-17 CD4 T cell, regulatory iNKT cells, ILC3(NCR−), and IgA2 B cell. THαβ/TH3 is immunity for viruses and type 2 antibody dependent cytotoxic hypersensitivity. THαβ includes NK1 natural killer cell, pDC, Tc2 CD8 T cell, IL10 CD4 T cell, ILC10, iNKT10, and IgG1 B cell. TH3 includes NK2 natural killer cell, suppressive CD8 T cell, ILC10, IL-10/TGFβ CD4 T cell, regulatory iNKT cells, and IgA1 B cell.
Summary sentence The summarized framework of host immunities to explain their relations to specific pathogens and hypersensitivities
National Taiwan University, Johns Hopkins University
The summary table of discovered host immunological pathways are provided in this revised manuscript. And, mast cell subtypes are modified due to proinflammatory or profibrotic characteristics.