Errors segregating homologous chromosomes during meiosis result in the formation of aneuploid gametes and are the largest contributing factor to birth defects and spontaneous abortions in humans. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has long served as a model organism for studying the gene network supporting normal chromosome segregation. Current methods of measuring homolog nondisjunction frequencies are laborious and involve dissecting thousands of tetrads to detect missegregation of individually marked chromosomes. Here we describe a holistic computational approach to determine the relative contributions of meiosis I nondisjunction and random spore death in mutants with reduced spore viability. These values are based on best-fit distributions of 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 viable-spore tetrads to observed distributions in mutant and wild-type strains. We show proof-of-principle using published data sets that the calculated average meiosis I nondisjunction frequency closely matches empirically determined values. This analysis also points to meiosis I nondisjunction as an intrinsic component of spore inviability in wild-type strains. We uncover two classes of mutants that show distinct relationships between nondisjunction death and random spore death. Class I mutants, including those with known defects in establishing and maintaining the physical engagement of homologous chromosomes display a 4-fold greater ratio of nondisjunction death to random spore death compared to Class II mutants, which include those with defects in sister chromatid cohesion. Low numbers of required tetrads facilitates epistasis analysis to probe genetic interactions. Finally the application of the R-Scripts does not require any special strain construction and can be applied to previously observed tetrad distributions.