Existing methods for interpreting protein variation focus on annotating mutation pathogenicity rather than detailed interpretation of variant deleteriousness and frequently use only sequence-based or structure-based information. We present VIPUR, a computational framework that seamlessly integrates sequence analysis and structural modeling (using the Rosetta protein modeling suite) to identify and interpret deleterious protein variants. To train VIPUR, we collected 9,477 protein variants with known effects on protein function from multiple organisms and curated structural models for each variant from crystal structures and homology models. VIPUR can be applied to mutations in any organism’s proteome with improved generalized accuracy (AUROC .83) and interpretability (AUPR .87) compared to other methods. We demonstrate that VIPUR‘s predictions of deleteriousness match the biological phenotypes in ClinVar and provide a clear ranking of prediction confidence. We use VIPUR to interpret known mutations associated with inflammation and diabetes, demonstrating the structural diversity of disrupted functional sites and improved interpretation of mutations associated with human diseases. Lastly we demonstrate VIPUR‘s ability to highlight candidate genes associated with human diseases by applying VIPUR to de novo variants associated with autism spectrum disorders.
High-throughput sequencing technologies and new computational techniques for analyzing population genetics data are rapidly improving our understanding of disease susceptibility in humans(29, 32, 51) and adaptation in a wide variety of organisms, including crop species and pathogens(10, 41, 50). These studies often discover nonsynonymous variation with large effects as even a single amino acid change can disrupt the folding, catalytic activity, and physical interactions of proteins(11, 27). Current estimates predict that every human genome contains 10,000-11,000 nonsynonymous variations(46, 48) and, while we cannot currently characterize all this diversity experimentally, many variants that alter protein function can be identified computationally from destabilization of structural models or amino acid conservation(8, 10, 47). Methods for annotating variant effects in genome-wide association studies and exome sequencing studies, such as PolyPhen2(1), CADD(22), PROVEAN(7), and SIFT(35), use conservation and other sequence-based features to identify damaging variants but cannot predict the effect these variants have on protein function. Recent studies of de novo variants(9, 12, 36, 38) have demonstrated the power of these methods but also the need for additional information(10), such as physical models from the Protein Data Bank(4), to identify causal variants in disease association studies.
Most methods for annotating coding variants attempt to predict variant deleteriousness in the context of the whole orangism (where deleteriousness is defined as the tendency for a variant to reduce organismal fitness, to express an altered phenotype, or to exhibit an association with a disease condition)(22). Deleteriousness, when defined in terms of fitness or phenotypic effects, is difficult to measure directly but underlies patterns of conservation, molecular functionality, and disease pathogenicity. Variant annotations in several databases are often limited to discrete labels such as deleterious or neutral. Definitions based on deleteriousness are often confused with definitions of pathogenicity used to curate training and benchmarking on datasets. The annotations predicted by current coding variant annotation methods for these reasons have diverse implications. For example, SIFT segregates “tolerant” from “intolerant” variants(35) while PolyPhen2 identifies “possibly damaging” and “probably damaging” effects(1). CADD predicts deleteriousness by distinguishing fixed from simulated variation and relies on the predictions of other methods including both SIFT and PolyPhen2(22). Each of these methods predicts a label that is designed to correlate with variant deleteriousness and is used to prioritize causal pathogenic variants from large genomic datasets(10). Deleteriousness can be approximated with measures of conservation and molecular functionality but available data on both protein sequence variation and structural energetics are rarely combined(6, 40, 43). Selection against deleterious variants can be detected by analysis of conservation and other alignment-based methods, although these metrics may not apply to de novo mutations. Alternatively, several studies have aimed to model the biophysical characteristics of mutations, such as stability, enzymatic function, and the pKa of key residues. Protein structure models of mutations can be used to indicate disruption of active sites and destabilization of the folded protein (6, 11, 20, 45) using tools like Rosetta (20, 25) and FoldX (45). Here we aim to provide a measure of deleteriousness centered on individual proteins with deleterious defined as disrupted protein function (disrupted stability, active site, interface, or folding). Our method aims to use conservation and structural analyses to better predict protein-centered deleteriousness.
We present VIPUR (vIpә(r), Variant Interpretation and Prediction Using Rosetta), a computational framework capable of identifying, ranking, and interpreting deleterious protein variants in different species. To make VIPUR applicable across multiple species, we curated VTS (the VIPUR Training Set), a novel collection of 9,477 annotated variants from >360 species containing both natural variations and experimental mutations. Variant annotations were carefully curated, restricting VTS to deleterious variants which directly disrupt protein molecular function or are functionally neutral, rather than “pathogenicity” or “intolerance”. We obtained structural models for these proteins from solved crystal structures and comparative modeling initiatives, such as ModBase(39), taking advantage of reliable homology models freely available for most human proteins. Structural analysis is performed using Rosetta to rigorously sample variant protein conformations, properly accommodating the variant amino acid by moving the protein backbone(20, 40, 49). We combine sequence-based and structure-based features in a sparse logistic regression framework, leading to a classifier that accurately ranks deleterious variants, with ≥90% precision on the highest scoring 3,800 variants (40% of variants classified) and 0.872 Area Under the Precision-Recall curve (AUPR). In addition to classification and ranking, VIPUR uses structural analysis to provide a detailed prediction of each variant’s physical effect, automatically reporting disruption of hydrogen bonding, side-chain packing, and backbone stability.
VIPUR deleterious predictions do not guarantee the presence of a disease phenotype. Nonetheless, distributions of VIPUR deleterious scores match the expectation for known pathogenic and benign variant phenotypes in ClinVar(24) while PolyPhen2 produces many false positives that overshadow true positives when applied to variants with uncertain effects. We apply VIPUR to a small set of variants (388) in proteins associated with inflammation and diabetes mellitus to identify deleterious variants improperly annotated by sequence-based methods and demonstrate the clarity of VIPUR predictions. We demonstrate the ability of VIPUR to identify and rank potentially causal variants in the de novo missense mutations of the Simons Simplex Collection(19, 37, 42) and compare to other variant annotation methods (2,226 missense variants).VIPUR deleterious predictions demonstrate a clear enrichment for mutations found in children with autism that is unmatched by current variant annotation methods and highlights a small set of extremely confident candidate genes for future investigation.
Generating a Deleterious Protein Variant Benchmark
Existing datasets for the training and benchmarking of protein variant annotation methods are frequently restricted in scope, focusing on disease-associated variants(1, 7, 15, 34). Methods that model protein structures are similarly restricted, validating on in vitro experimental characterization of variants produced by mutagenesis(6, 45). We want VIPUR to predict variant deleteriousness and generalize to both natural variants and mutagenesis variants. We collected and curated missense variants from multiple experimental sources and prepared structural models from different databases to ensure VIPUR is benchmarked on diverse protein structures (see Supplementary Figure S1). Protein variants from HumDiv(1) and UniProt(2) with clear ‘deleterious’ or ‘neutral’ effects were mapped onto crystallographic and comparative models of the protein macromolecules from the Protein Data Bank(4), ModBase(39), and SwissModel(44). Our deleterious and neutral labels are restricted to variants with direct evidence of protein disruption, avoiding the assumptions that all disease-associated variants are necessarily deleterious(1) or that all unannotated variants are necessarily neutral(7). This training set, VTS, includes 9,477 variants (5,740 deleterious, 3737 neutral, 1.54 label ratio) and curated structural models (2,637 models in 2,444 proteins), available at https://osf.io/bd2h4. Each variant is characterized by 106 sequence and structure features (see below). VTS comprises 5,901 human variants, 1,635 variants in other Eukaryotic proteins, 1,725 in Prokaryotic proteins, 122 Archael variants in proteins, and 94 variants in viral proteins.
Acquiring Structural Models and Homology Models We searched for crystal structures and homology models of proteins in VTS to maximize structural coverage. For proteins present in HumDiv without crystal structures in the PDB, we produced comparative models using Modeller(13, 14). For proteins with sufficient variant annotation details in UniProt but without structures in the PDB, we extracted comparative models from ModBase(39) and SwissModel(44), selecting models with the largest sequence identity match to the query. All protein models were standardized to remove unwanted components (duplicate chains, ligands, metals, and non-standard amino acids). This curation process resulted in 9,477 variants of 2,637 separate domains in 2,444 proteins (see Supplementary Figure S1).
Protein Variant Characterization
Each protein variant is characterized by 106 features, five from sequence-based analysis, 17 from Rosetta ddg_monomer, 83 from Rosetta FastRelax, and one additional feature generated using PROBE.
Sequence-based Features from BLAST Analysis We find sequences similar to the query protein using PSIBLAST (2.2.25+, two iterations, pseudocount of two)(5) and extract five features directly from the output PSSM. At the protein position of interest, we use the PSSM log-likelihood of the native and variant amino acids (pssm_nat, pssm mut) along with the position’s information content (info_cont) as features. We also include an aminochange term that indicates broad chemical differences between the native and variant amino acid (see Supplementary Figure S2, Supplementary Table S4).
Structure-based Features from Rosetta Analysis Stability differences between the native and variant protein structures are predicted by comparing their individual Rosetta Energy terms(20). The Rosetta Energy function combines physical and statistical potentials to approximate the energetic stability of protein structures and can be decomposed into individual scoring terms(25). We derive structure-based features from two different approaches for refining the local structure around the new amino acid; a fast approach approximating the change in Energy (Rosetta ddg_monomer(20), 17 features) and broader conformational sampling using Rosetta FastRelax(21, 49) (83 features). Both protocols 1) substitute the native residue for the variant amino acid, 2) refine the variant structure, including protein backbone movements, to accommodate this change, and 3) compare the output structures using the Rosetta score terms (Figure 1, Supplementary Figure S2). To generate features for each variant, we follow Poultney et al.(40) and normalize structure-based features by comparing scores for a given variant to scores derived from Rosetta-relaxed ensembles of its native protein. We also include the accessible surface area at the position of variation as a feature, calculated using PROBE(52). Additional details on the methods of structural analysis and generation of the 106 features can be found in the Supplementary Material.
Training a Sparse Logistic Regression Classifier
VIPUR uses sparse logistic regression as a statistical classification framework to robustly discriminate between deleterious and neutral protein variants from the derived 106 sequence-and structure-based features and thus allows for a natural probabilistic interpretation of the outcome. Using stability based feature selection we identified a set of 20 non-redundant features that maximize the average generalization performance(26, 31, 33) of the logistic regression classifier (Supplementary Table S4, Supplementary Figure S3, Supplementary Figure S4). We evaluated the performance of this classifier on 100 independent random splits (80% training, 20% testing, split by proteins not variants) by means of average Receiver Operating Characteristic and Precision-Recall curves (Figure 2, Figure S6). Using the same strategy we trained a sequence-only classifier using just the sequence-based features and a structure-only classifier using just the structure-based features (Supplementary Figure S4). We compared VIPUR curves to several alternative methods, including the individual sequence-based and structure-based feature sets (Supplementary Figure S5), an optimized SVM with a radial basis function kernel (Supplementary Figure S8), and PROVEAN (Figure 2). Many popular variant annotation methods are only benchmarked on human variants, making interpretation of their predictions non-applicable for nonhuman variants, such as VTS.
We cannot properly compare performance between VIPUR and PolyPhen2 on the full VTS since it contains variants in non-human proteins and variants from PolyPhen2’s training set (HumDiv). A set of 1,542 human variants included in VTS that are not included in HumDiv are used to compare a VIPUR-like classifier and PolyPhen2. To ensure a fair comparison, we retrained a VIPUR-like classifier (VIPUR∗) on the remaining 7,935 variants of VTS. We calculated ROC curves and PR curves for VIPUR∗, PolyPhen2, and PROVEAN on this set of 1,542 variants (Figure 2) and a subset of 383 variants found naturally in the human population (Supplementary Figure S7, Supplementary Table S3).
VIPUR Software Availability
VIPUR is currently available as an independent Python module requiring BLAST+, ROSETTA, and PROBE (all freely available for academic use). Please see the VIPUR code for usage and analysis details, available at https://osf.io/bd2h4. The full predictions for all variants below, including structural models, are also available at https://osf.io/bd2h4.
Classifying ClinVar Annotated Single Nucleotide Variants Phenotypes
We demonstrate that VIPUR’s deleterious predictions are an accurate indication of variant pathogenicity by classifying variants in the ClinVar database(24). ClinVar is a collection of human variants with annotated phenotypic effects, including variants with causative ‘pathogenic’ effects and ‘benign’ variants with no known disease effect. We expect VIPUR deleterious predictions to be enriched for variants with ClinVar “pathogenic”, “likely pathogenic”, or “risk factor” annotations, termed pathogenic variants. We also expect VIPUR neutral predictions to be enriched for variants with “benign” and “likely benign” annotations, termed benign variants. Many variants in ClinVar contain variants with uncertain effects or conflicting annotations (e.g. “likely benign” and “likely pathogenic”) including variants directly annotated with “uncertain significance”. We obtained models for 24,703 variants (in 4,016 proteins) in ClinVar from available structures in the PDB, ModBase, and SwissModel out of 32,311 variants (in 7,188 proteins) that could be unambiguously matched to UniProt proteins. ClinVar contains many additional SNV entries that lack appropriate protein IDs, variant positions, or annotations. Here we present predictions for VIPUR, PolyPhen2, and PROVEAN on 5,590 variants in ClinVar containing 498 benign variants, 1,797 pathogenic variants, and 3,295 variants with uncertain annotation. Additional predictions for CADD, SIFT, and PROVEAN were obtained from dbNSFP(28).
Obtaining Inflammation Disease-Associated Variants
To demonstrate detailed VIPUR predictions on disease associated variants, we applied VIPUR to variants associated with inflammation diseases. We collected variants associated with various inflammation diseases and diabetes mellitus from entries in OMIM(30) and UniProt(2) by searching for the terms “Celiac disease”, “Crohn’s disease”, and “diabetes mellitus”, and mapping these variants onto available protein structures. This resulted in 388 variants in 46 disease-associated proteins. We provide illustrative examples of different deleterious variants and functional sites (Figures 4, 5, S9, S10).
Classifying De novo Mutations in the Simons Simplex Collection
We tested VIPUR’s ability to identify disease-associated variants by classifying de novo missense mutations in the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC) of sequenced exomes from families (quads and trios) with children having Autism Spectrum Disorders (referred to as probands)(19, 37, 42) and unaffected siblings. Quad studies consist of exome sequencing for children with ASD, both of his or her parents, and siblings with no intellectual disability or ASD phenotype. These studies identify de novo SNVs in children with ASD (variants not present in either parent) and examples of de novo variation from the unaffected siblings. For 2,814 mutations in the SSC, 2,226 mutations could be analyzed by all variant annotation methods tested (1,335 missense mutations found in proband children and 891 mutations in their unaffected siblings). For VIPUR, 1,644 mutations were mapped onto structures from the PDB, ModBase, and SwissModel, considering models of all protein isoforms available for genes with alternative splicing. We predicted deleterious scores using VIPUR and applied our sequence-only classifier to the 582 mutations that could not be mapped to structure. For each mutation, we only considered the isoform prediction with the highest score, treating any deleterious prediction for a gene as indicative of deleteriousness. We compared the VIPUR, PolyPhen2 (HumDiv), and SIFT predictions to the phenotype associated with each de novo mutation (proband or unaffected sibling)(28). Since these methods have different scores, we consider the enrichment for proband mutations across score thresholds by calculating the ratio of proband to sibling mutations in different score bins. Although these classification methods differ, we expect high scores (deleterious, ‘damaging’, ‘intolerant’) to be enriched for proband mutations and low scores (neutral, ‘non-damaging’, ‘tolerant’) to be enriched for mutations found in unaffected siblings (Figure 6). We consider the correlation between this enrichment ratio and each output score across score thresholds and also the enrichment ratios found at the score cutoff of .5. Additional evaluation verified that this method of comparison is robust to the number of bins (Supplementary FigureS12) and the score threshold used (Supplementary FigureS13).
Accuracy and Generalization of the VIPUR Classifier
Combining sequence-based features and structure-based features enables VIPUR to accurately and precisely identify deleterious variants, achieving >90% precision on the highest scoring 40% (over 3,800 variants above score cutoff of .7, Figure 2B). VIPUR achieves a higher AUROC and AUPR than PROVEAN and other methods tested (Figure 2). Scores that clearly indicate confident predictions are essential for prioritizing variants and deleterious proteins. Filtering predictions with our confidence score raises the accuracy from 81% with no ranking (scores above .5 are considered deleterious) to > 94% accuracy for scores above .95. We tested both the classification (in-set) and generalization (out-of-set) performance of VIPUR and report here only the generalization performance (Figure 2) since this is characteristic of VIPUR’s behaviour on new variants. The classification and generalization performance converge as the training set size increases demonstrating that VIPUR predictions are robust and the classifier is not overfit to the training set (Supplementary Figure S4). Classifiers trained on only the sequence-based features correctly predict 78% of the dataset, providing a high baseline performance, while the structure-based features cause VIPUR output scores to scale with precision, indicating a clear estimate of prediction confidence. Adding structure-based features improves performance by recovering improperly classified neutral samples with a slight change in deleterious sensitivity, suggesting these features help identify misclassifications made by the sequence-based features (Figure 2A).
Comparison to Other Classifiers
We compare performance of our combined classifier to PROVEAN, PolyPhen2, and multiple classifiers trained on our own features (structure and sequence features only). PROVEAN is a popular variant annotation method that extends the SIFT framework for identifying deleterious variants. We compare performance on the entire VTS to PROVEAN since it can interpret variants in any organism without additional training and is not overfit to any particular training set. Using the full VTS our combined classifier performs better than PROVEAN with improved classification (AUROC 0.831 over PROVEAN’s 0.819) and notably improved ranking ability, quantified by our AUPR of 0.872 over PROVEAN’s 0.835; over twenty percent of the AUPR not covered by PROVEAN (Figure 2A). Our sequence-only classifier displays similar performance to PROVEAN, with nearly identical AUROC (Figure 2). The “flat” shape of the precision-recall curves for sequence-based classifiers may be a general property of these feature sets, providing generalized predictions without clear specificity since they do not identify any specific mechanism of protein disruption. These similarities also suggest that our sequence-based features appropriately capture the deleterious signal within multiple sequence alignments (when used with logistic regression).
We are unable to consistently compare performance of VIPUR to popular human-specific methods on the full VTS. For example, PolyPhen2 does not support prediction on nonhuman variants and is trained on HumDiv (contained in VTS). Accordingly, we compare our method to PolyPhen2 over a subset of 1,542 human variants in VTS using a classifier similar to VIPUR but trained on the remaining 7,935 variants of VTS, termed VIPUR∗. VIPUR∗ produces ROC curves similar to PROVEAN and PolyPhen2 with notably improved AUPR on this set of human variants (Figure 2C,D). PROVEAN and PolyPhen2 perform very similarly although PolyPhen2 predictions are restricted to a small region of the Precision-Recall landscape (PolyPhen2 scores are highly degenerate, a large number of predictions obtain a score of ‘1’). The decrease in performance for VIPUR and PROVEAN on this set of variants suggests these variants represent mutations that are different from the rest of VTS. VIPUR∗ appears overfit, due to the lack of diverse neutral annotations during training (HumDiv neutrals are all pseudomutations) and we included all available variants with neutral annotations to eliminate this overfitting when training VIPUR. We also contrast the performance of our logistic regression classifier with a SVM classifier using an optimized Radial Basis-Function kernel (Supplementary Figure S6). Our logistic regression classifier achieves higher accuracy, AUPR, and AUROC than the SVM classifier with fewer features (reduced complexity), superior generalization, and direct interpretability (Supplementary Figure S6B).
We investigated prediction trends of VIPUR across numerous protein properties including the source of data, species of origin, fold classification, functional annotation, and model quality (using Pearson chi-squared test, see Supplementary Material). These trends show a slightly increased false negative rate for eukaryotic proteins and a slightly increased false positive rate for prokaryotic proteins. This is likely caused by simple label imbalance since the majority of neutral-labeled variations are in eukaryotic proteins. While VIPUR generalizes very well across diverse protein functions, the structure-only classifier has an increased false negative error rate on several DNA and RNA associated proteins, suggesting that simulating these interactions will improve the accuracy of our structural modeling (DNA and RNA are absent in our structural models). We have verified that VIPUR’s performance is the same for proteins with many variants in VTS and proteins with no other variants in the training set. This demonstrates that VIPUR is not overfit to specific sequence/fold properties, a confounding form of overfitting(16) (Supplementary Table S2).
VIPUR Predictions Match ClinVar Phenotypes
We tested VIPUR’s capability to distinguish pathogenic variants from benign variants by classifying SNVs in the ClinVar database. ClinVar’s curated annotations include benign variants with no known effect on disease and a large collection of pathogenic variants with various causal roles in genetic disorders and disease susceptibility. The variant annotations in ClinVar do not directly match VIPUR labels, but we expect ClinVar pathogenic variants to be enriched for deleterious VIPUR predictions and for ClinVar benign variants to be enriched for neutral VIPUR predictions. We emphasize that not all pathogenic variants are deleterious and many deleterious variants appear benign when they do not have clear biological phenotypes.
Pathogenic variants have a highly skewed distribution of VIPUR deleterious scores while benign variants have a broad distribution of neutral scores (Figure 3). PolyPhen2 scores tend towards high and low values that also clearly distinguish between pathogenic and benign variants. PROVEAN scores are distributed similarly to VIPUR scores, matching our expectations for ClinVar variants. All three methods are designed to highlight deleterious variants and must be able to clearly identify variants with strong evidence of deleteriousness. Benchmarked on ClinVar, VIPUR has a higher specificity than PolyPhen2 with a reduced sensitivity. ClinVar itself has a high label bias with a 7:2 proportion of pathogenic:benign annotations. Training on datasets with a large label imbalance can inherently off-set the sensitivity/specificity tradeoff of a classifier and must be avoided by training on samples that accurately represent the category labels. Prediction methods of other variant annotation methods resemble VIPUR predictions and match our expectations for score distributions on pathogenic and benign variants (Supplementary Figure S11).
Predictions on ClinVar variants annotated as uncertain effect demonstrate the differences in error rates between these methods (Figure 3, Supplementary Figure S7). VIPUR predictions are predominately neutral with a small set (208/3,295, 6%) of highly confident deleterious predictions while PolyPhen2 predicts over seven times as many “high confidence” pathogenic variants (1,435/3,295, 44%!). PROVEAN predictions are nearly uniform without enrichment at the highest and lowest scores or a score distribution resembling either benign or pathogenic variants. Without reliable labels for ClinVar variants of uncertain effect, the accuracy of these predictions cannot be evaluated. VIPUR is the only method tested with a score distribution for these variants resembling the benign variants and places the fewest number of these variants into the highest confidence bins (Supplementary Figure S11, Supplementary Table S5). Nearly all of these methods identify some aspect of deleteriousness although classification of variants with uncertain labels is very diverse between these methods. Several variant annotation methods may have artificially high false positive rates and comparisons between these methods will obtain similar score distributions when benchmarked on datasets with a large deleterious label bias (like ClinVar). The uncertain effect variants likely have a different label ratio, leading to the diverse behavior of these methods.
Examples of Detailed Structural Annotation for Deleterious Variants Associated with Human Diseases
We demonstrate VIPUR’s applications by predicting deleterious variants among a small set of inflammation and diabetes associated variants. Genome Wise Association Studies and exome sequence studies of disease conditions reveal many candidate genes by associating variants to traits and conditions. Some of these genes with be deleterious and may have large effects on the disease phenotype. The variants collected here do not necessarily have causal roles in inflammation or diabetes, unlike the ClinVar pathogenic variants which have established effects, but instead provide examples of VIPUR prioritization and interpretation. We collected proteins and variants associated with the terms “Celiac disease”, “Crohn’s disease”, and “diabetes mellitus” from OMIM(30) and UniProt(2), identifying 388 variants in 46 disease-associated proteins (in 102 models). We predicted VIPUR scores for each variant and interpreted the structure-based features of each variant model. Predictions on the entire set of disease-associated variants are available at https://osf.io/bd2h4.
Out of 388 variants, we predict 205 are deleterious with 108 having confidence scores above .8. UniProt annotations for these deleterious variants have several keywords describing damaging effects. These descriptions, however, do not meet our curation standard for a deleterious label in VTS but are suggestive of the variant’s functional impact. Our physically intuitive structure-based features allow VIPUR to automatically produce structural hypotheses about the physical causes of deleteriousness. We include a summary of the structure-based features that contribute to the deleterious classification with each prediction, indicating disrupted hydrogen bonds, disulfide bridges, improper packing, and other structural defects. Many deleterious variants destabilize the protein native state by introducing a steric clash or otherwise preventing proper packing arrangements. In this dataset, variants in NR3C1, HNF1A, NEUROD1, and SIAE all clearly disrupt packing interactions. During classification, features like the Rosetta van der Waals repulsive term (fa_rep) contribute a large deleterious score, allowing automated identification of packing disruption. While these amino acid changes dramatically alter the side-chain shape and size, amino acid side-chain interactions are most easily identified using 3D contacts in the protein structure. VIPUR’s structure-based features automatically detect disrupted side-chain interactions using Rosetta’s statistical potentials. In this dataset, variants in LEP, AKT2, and TGM2 are predicted to disrupt specific interactions that stabilize the folded protein. These examples are representative of automated VIPUR interpretations but many long-range effects require sampling protein backbone conformations to properly interpret variant effects.
Many physical interactions within a protein are far apart in sequence, limiting the insight provided by methods that assume protein positions are independent. VIPUR can correctly identify mutations that disrupt these interactions by analyzing a 3D structural model of the protein, even when destabilization occurs far from the mutated position. We identified several cases where mutations disrupted interactions between elements of secondary structure, a deleterious effect captured by VIPUR but missed by sequence-based methods. The S204P variant of IL6 is associated with numerous inflammation diseases (Figure 4) and annotated in UniProt as “87% loss of activity”. While PROVEAN predicts this variant is neutral (-1.20 score), VIPUR predicts this variant is deleterious with high confidence (.835) and infers that it disrupts a disulfide bond. Position 204 is not close enough to destabilize the nearest disulfide bond, C101-C111, by direct interaction (Figure 4, bottom), however, conformational rearrangements that accommodate P204 disrupt the interface between helix four and helix seven, straining this disulfide bond. These subtle structural changes cannot be detected with a multiple-sequence alignment or structural modeling of a single conformation. V117M of ADIPOQ also appears neutral in a PSSM and PROVEAN (-2.00 score), but interactions between protein backbones with β-strand pairing inform a deleterious prediction by VIPUR (Supplementary Figure S9). V117 is physically close to I135 on an adjacent β-strand and mutation of V117 to methionine introduces a clash between these positions that cannot be accommodated without breaking inter-strand hydrogen bonds, destabilizing the β-sheet (Supplementary Figure S9, bottom right). These examples demonstrate the clarity and scope of structural modeling to detect destabilizing mutations, highlighting the limited performance of sequence-based methods at positions without strong conservation.
Beyond long-range interactions, VIPUR can also detect destabilization at active sites and binding interfaces. GCK has many diabetes-associated variants, including several high confidence predictions in this dataset: T168P, G299R, W257R, and G385V. Position 168 is a conserved glycine in the PSSM and predicts both the native threonine and variant proline are similarly unfavorable. This conservation causes PROVEAN to predict T168P as deleterious (-5.82) even when the native threonine is just as disfavorable as the variant (based on sequence analysis), yet known to make a hydrogen bond with the substrate D-glucose (from PDB 3F9M). Our structural model does not include this interaction with D-glucose (all ligands are removed) yet VIPUR still predicts mutation to proline is highly destabilizing (.987) based on the unfavorable backbone conformation of proline (Figure 5) at this structurally conserved binding site. We observe a similar pattern at other ligand and metal binding sites, such as ZFP57 H374D (not shown), where structure-based features produce confident deleterious predictions even without explicitly including the ligand or metal in the structural model. This suggests interaction sites have conserved structural properties that can help identify deleterious variants and that VIPUR predictions may identify disrupted active sites even when the substrate is unknown.
Identification of Deleterious De novo Mutations Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders
To demonstrate VIPUR’s ability to prioritize disease-associated genetic variants in the absence of curated labels, we ran VIPUR on the Simons Simplex Collection.
The Simons Simplex Collection (SSC) is a set of de novo SNVs where the genotypes of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders are compared to their parents, identifying de novo variation. These quad studies require genomic comparison to both parents, the child with ASD, and an unaffected sibling to provide samples of de novo variation found in children without ASD. Many of the variants in the SSC may be non-causal for ASD or otherwise contribute weak effects to complex behavioural phenotypes, obscuring the deleteriousness and pathogenicity of these variants. We expect the deleterious/damaging/intolerant predictions from these methods to be enriched for de novo mutations found in children with ASD (probands) while neutral/no effect/tolerant predictions are enriched for variants in unaffected siblings.
These methods all output confidence scores that are scaled from 0 to 1 with high scores predicting deleterious effects and low scores predicting neutral effects. When thresholding prediction scores at .5, all methods tested have a higher proportion of proband mutations in deleterious predictions and a lower proportion in neutral predictions, however none of the methods appear notably enriched. Since the classification threshold is arbitrary, no single threshold will be appropriate for all methods, however, we expect proband enrichment to be proportional to the confidence score. We count the number of proband and sibling mutations found in each score bin and compare this ratio to the confidence score of that bin. We calculate the correlation between the annotation confidence score and proband enrichment to compare method performance.
The simple BLOSUM62 matrix achieves an impressive enrichment for proband mutations despite having only seven distinct values for mutations in this dataset. Surprisingly, PolyPhen2, SIFT, CADD, and MutationTaster do not display significant enrichment across score thresholds, although SIFT and PolyPhen2 have trends in the proper direction for intolerant/damaging predictions (Figure 6). VIPUR is the only method to obtain significant Spearman (rank) and Pearson correlations across score thresholds, properly enriching deleterious predictions for proband mutations and removing proband mutations from neutral predictions. VIPUR predictions also fit our intuition that the majority of variants in this dataset are predicted to have a neutral effect on protein function. Many of these variant effect annotation methods are trained and/or benchmarked on datasets with a high label bias. This label imbalance likely contributes to the inflated false positive rate we observe for many methods tested here (Supplementary Figure S7). Since we are primarily concerned with the efficient identification of candidates for follow-up studies, proper ranking of pathogenic variants is essential for highlighting causal mutations and is severely confounded by these high false positive rates for de novo mutations. At the confidence score threshold of .95, VIPUR predicts 43 variants are very likely to have disrupted molecular functions which may contribute to ASD while PolyPhen2 predicts 607 variants with high confidence. While these confidence thresholds are arbitrary, we verified that this trend is invariant to the number of bins used (Supplementary Figure S12) or the classification thresholds used (Supplementary Figure S13).
VIPUR is a variant annotation method that is designed to identify deleterious variants by analyzing conservation and protein structural energetics. The VIPUR deleterious and neutral labels are learned from curated annotations of variants with clear effects on protein molecular functions and are not restricted to variants with known pathogenicity for any particular disease or any single organism. VIPUR has superior performance to PROVEAN and PolyPhen2 on out-of-set evaluations drawn from VTS. Our structure-based features enhance the ranking ability of VIPUR, leading to an improved precision for variants with higher deleterious scores. We demonstrate that VIPUR predicted labels match expectations for the pathogenic and benign phenotype annotations in the ClinVar database. All other variant annotation methods tested also match these expectations as well, although the methods notably disagree about ClinVar variants with uncertain effect. Examples of VIPUR predictions on inflammation and diabetes associated variants demonstrate the clarity of structure-based features to explain the specific causes of protein deleteriousness. These automated structural interpretations are only possible using structure refinement techniques that can identify long-range structural disruption. Predictions on the Simons Simplex Collection show that VIPUR deleterious predictions are more enriched for de novo mutations found in children with autism spectrum disorders than any other method tested. While VTS and ClinVar have a strong deleterious label bias, we expect most genetic variations to have neutral effects and VIPUR consistently predicts neutral scores for collections of variants of unknown significance.
Our current method allows us to accurately predict and interpret many protein variants, however several substantial improvements to this method are on the horizon. Successful prediction of variants in IL6 (Figure 4) and ADIPOQ (Figure S9) demonstrate that VIPUR can accurately predict the effects of amino acid substitutions even when disruption occurs at a distant region of the protein structure. This suggests that VIPUR could predict the functional effects of multiple mutations within the same protein, even though these variants are not currently included in VTS. Thus far VTS includes 323 of the 400 possible single amino acid transitions. Although we observe nearly unbiased predictions across these amino acid transitions, VIPUR has slightly reduced performance for some substitutions with changes in polarity (Supplementary Table S1). More advanced electrostatics modeling in the context of our predicted structure ensembles will likely improve classification for these transitions(18). In addition to more sophisticated electrostatic features, many additional features are likely to improve performance, such as individual amino acid properties. Recent improvements to the Rosetta framework make it possible to incorporate DNA, RNA, metals, and other cofactors into our structural models which will further improve our structure-based features and interpretation. Improved Rosetta protocols for modeling membrane environments, including transmembrane-specific conformational sampling and a membrane energy function with depth dependent solvation and hydrogen bonding terms, will expand our coverage to include variants in transmembrane environments(3, 53).
VTS currently includes 9,477 annotated variants in more than 360 species with 106 features for each variant and structural models from the Protein Data Bank and homology models. Independent of VIPUR, this dataset is a valuable resource for researchers in computational biology and machine learning communities to develop and test novel classification methods. We are currently expanding VTS to include annotated variants with multiple substitutions, nearly neutral variations, variants in transmembrane proteins(3), alternative comparative models using multi-template homology modeling(13), and known binding interactions including variants at DNA-and RNA-protein interfaces. These advances will make VIPUR applicable to an even wider range of protein variants, further contributing to our understanding of structure-function relationships. Given the relatively distinct chemical environments and conformational motions between intrinsically disordered protein regions, transmembrane proteins, and traditional ordered proteins, we expect individual classifiers trained for each type of protein region will perform better than a marginal classifier trained on all types combined. While the PDB does not include models of all proteins, human proteins are abundant and available models in ModBase and SwissModel help increase the structural coverage. Of the 32,311 protein coding variants in ClinVar (in 7,188 proteins) that could be unambiguously matched to proteins in UniProt, 24,703 (in 4,016 proteins) had structures available in the PDB, ModBase, or SwissModel (76% of variants covered, 55% of proteins). We apply our sequence-only classifier to protein variants lacking structural models and will continue to improve this rapid classification method. Although structural coverage limits our ability to classify all protein variants, VIPUR still identifies candidate genes and causal variants within large genomic datasets, highlighting only the variants with structural evidence of large effects.
VIPUR has been designed to identify and interpret deleterious protein variants across multiple species and sources of variation. To achieve this generalization, we have collected and curated VTS, a dataset of protein variants with annotated functional and physical effects on protein molecules. VIPUR’s superior classification performance and ranking stem from a seamless integration of high quality sequence and structure information (Figure 2) and Rosetta’s ability to find low energy backbone conformations that can accommodate neutral substitutions and indicate long-range disruption of deleterious substitutions. Unlike other methods, VIPUR uses automated structural analysis to make a detailed 3D model of each variant and subsequently infer the physical origin of deleterious predictions, generating hypotheses and interpretations previously achievable only by tedious manual inference. We have demonstrated that VIPUR predictions are informed by protein structural constraints that cannot be identified using a multiple sequence alignment or a static protein structure alone (Figure 4, Figure 5). VIPUR can automatically highlight protein variants involved in human diseases that disrupt protein function and is applicable to nonsynonymous SNVs in proteins with reliable structural models. Although VIPUR predicts variants with disruption of biophysical function, this label matches expectations of biological phenotypes and predicts fewer false positives than many current variant annotation methods, a problem confounded by the incoherence of label bias between traditional benchmarks (more pathogenic examples than neutral examples) and real applications (we expect most single variants to be neutral). While other methods lack the specificity required to identify neutral variation, VIPUR can clearly distinguish deleterious variants from neutral variants (Figure 6A, B). Previous advances in deleterious variant prediction have often focused on improving recall and global accuracy but failed to explain the origin of deleterious variation. Here, we demonstrate how these pathogenicity detection methods are great tools for initially filtering and identifying potential causal variants, however additional analysis, such as structural model analysis, is required to further refine candidates. VIPUR can identify deleterious protein variants and provide structural explanations for disrupted protein function. We hope that VIPUR will contribute to our understanding of structure-function relationships, particularly for the interpretation of de novo mutations and disease associated variants.
Additional Methods Details
Aminochange Groups We implement a crude “dissimilarity” score termed aminochange (from Poultney et al.(40)) by comparing the general properties of the native and variant amino acids. Each amino acid is placed into one of seven groups and a substitution is scored “1” if the native and variant amino acids belong to the same group and “2” otherwise. The amino acid groups used for aminochange are
A, I, L, V -Alanine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine (small nonpolar)
C, S, T -Cysteine, Serine, Threonine (small polar)
D, E -Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid (negative charge)
F, M, W, Y -Phenylalanine, Methionine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine (large nonpolar)
G, P -Glycine, Proline (“bad behaved”)
H, K, R -Histidine, Lysine, Arginine (positive charge)
N, Q -Asparagine, Glutamine (side chain amide)
Definitions of Surface and Buried Positions The definition of surface and buried positions was taken from a Koga et al.(2012)(23), a recent publication using Rosetta for protein design. Residues were classified as “core”, “boundary”, or “surface” based on their surface area and secondary structure (reduced DSSP representation allowing helix, strand, and loop). Helix and strand residues are considered core if they have a small Solvent Accessible Surface Area (SASA≤15 Å), surface if they have a large SASA (≥60Å) and boundary if they fall between these thresholds. For loop residues, a larger SASA is tolerated for core (≤25Å) and a smaller SASA is required for surface (≥40Å). Feature distributions for the boundary residues in our training set appear very similar to the distribution for core residues, while surface residues appear distinct from both. During analysis, we considered both core and boundary classifications as “buried” or “interior” to simplify consideration of local protein environment. The VIPUR code currently assigns these positions based on a 12.5 Åcutoff (above this is considered “surface”).
Identification of “Essential” Positions The structure-only classifier’s confidence metric approximates energetic destabilization, yet many variants in this dataset do not appear deleterious due simply to fold destabilization, likely due to the absence of interaction partners in our models. Similarly, the sequence-only classifier confidence metric serves as an appropriate approximation for amino acid conservation. These metrics correlate highly since many, but not all, destabilizing variants occur at conserved positions. Several variant positions where these scores disagree occur at interaction sites, such as W11 at the DNA binding interface of IRF1 (Supplementary Figure S10). At position 11, mutation to arginine eliminates a favorable DNA contact which “abolishes DNA binding” (UniProt annotation). Without DNA in our structural model, this mutation is not detected as destabilizing by the structure-based features even though VIPUR makes a confident deleterious prediction (.952), indicating conservation not caused by destabilization of the monomer structure. We observe this same behavior at other binding interfaces, such as the FOXP3 F371C dimer interface (not shown). Even though VIPUR can adequately identify disrupted interactions due to conservation of sequence or structure, incorporating these binding partners into the structural models will improve classification and enhance our automated interpretation of variant effects. Comparing the combined classifier score (destabilization vs conservation) to the structure-only classifier score (just destabilization) can identify “essential” positions that are conserved but not due to energetic constraints on the monomer. The precise cutoff for identifying these essential positions is unclear, though they frequently occur when the combined classifier score notably exceeds the structure-only classifier score (at interaction interfaces, score differences frequently exceed .2). The VIPUR code currently identifies potential interaction sites for deleterious predictions with a score difference (total-structure-only) of .2.
We would like to thank the Simons Foundation, specifically the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative and the Simons Center for Data Analysis, and NYU-ITS, specifically Muataz Al-Barwani and the NYU Abu Dhabi ITS. RB was supported by the Simons Foundation and US National Science Foundation grants IOS-1126971, CBET-1067596 and CHE1151554, and National Institutes of Health GM 32877-21/22, PN2-EY016586, IU54CA143907-01 and EY016586-06.Conflict of interest statement. None declared.