Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) drives the formation of gliomas in an experimental animal model, which notably involves the recruitment of large numbers of glial progenitor cells. (Assanah 2006). In order to understand the underlying mechanism, particularly what factors influence the degree of recruitment, and how varied amounts of PDGF would affect the gross characteristics and overall appearance of tumors in the brain, we adapted a reaction diffusion model of glioma, which has been used for analyzing clinical data, to model the interactions at play in these experimental models.
Research supported by NIH: U54 CA 14397, R01 NS 060752, R01 CA 16437 and the James S. McDonnel Foundation.
K. R. Swanson is with the Department of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ 85054 USA. (phone: 480-301-4871; fax: 480-301-9162; e-mail: Swanson.Kristin@mayo.edu).
S. C. Massey is finishing graduate studies with University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA, and is currently at Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ 85054 USA. (e-mail: Massey.Susan@mayo.edu).