Antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) are pervasive in gut microbiota, but it remains unclear how often ARG are transferred, particularly to pathogens. Traditionally, ARG spread is attributed to horizontal transfer mediated either by DNA transformation, bacterial conjugation or generalized transduction. However, recent viral metagenome (virome) analyses suggest that ARG are frequently carried by phages, which is inconsistent with the traditional view that phage genomes rarely encode ARG. Here we used exploratory and conservative bioinformatic strategies found in the literature to detect ARG in phage genomes, and experimentally assessed a subset of ARG predicted using exploratory thresholds. ARG abundances in 1,181 phage genomes were vastly over-estimated using exploratory thresholds (421 predicted vs 2 known), due to low similarities and matches to protein unrelated to antibiotic resistance. Consistent with this, 4 ARG predicted using exploratory thresholds were experimentally evaluated and failed to confer antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli. Re-analysis of available human-or mouse-associated viromes for ARG and their genomic context suggested that bona fide ARG attributed to phages in viromes were previously over-estimated. These findings provide guidance for documentation of ARG in viromes, and re-assert that ARG are rarely encoded in phages.
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Financial support: This work was supported in part by the French ANR grant Dynamophage to MAP and AB, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grants (#2631, 3790) and the University of Arizona Technology and Research Initiative Fund through the Water, Environmental and Energy Solutions Initiative to MBS.