New Results
High-throughput mapping of single neuron projections by sequencing of barcoded RNA
Justus M Kebschull, Pedro Garcia da Silva, Ashlan P Reid, Ian D Peikon, Dinu F Albeanu, Anthony M Zador
Justus M Kebschull
1Watson School of Biological Sciences, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
2Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
Pedro Garcia da Silva
2Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
3Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
Ashlan P Reid
2Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
Ian D Peikon
1Watson School of Biological Sciences, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
2Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
Dinu F Albeanu
2Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
Anthony M Zador
2Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA

Article usage
Posted May 24, 2016.
High-throughput mapping of single neuron projections by sequencing of barcoded RNA
Justus M Kebschull, Pedro Garcia da Silva, Ashlan P Reid, Ian D Peikon, Dinu F Albeanu, Anthony M Zador
bioRxiv 054312; doi:
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