We report here the de novo assembly of a eukaryotic genome using only MinION nanopore DNA sequence data by examining a novel Galdieria sulphuraria genome: strain SAG 107.79. This extremophilic red alga was targeted for full genome sequencing as we found that it could grow on a wide variety of carbon sources and could uptake several precious and rare-earth metals, which places it as an interesting biological target for disparate industrial biotechnological uses. Phylogenetic analysis clearly places this as a species of G. sulphuraria. Here we additionally show that the genome assembly generated via nanopore long read data was of a high quality with regards to low total number of contiguous DNA sequences and long length of assemblies. Collectively, the MinION platform looks to rival other competing approaches for de novo genome acquisition with available informatics tools for assembly. The genome assembly is publically released as NCBI BioProject PRJNA330791. Further work is needed to reduce small insertion-deletion errors, relative to short-read assemblies.
Species in the genus Galdieria are unicellular red algae that exhibit wide metabolic versatility and display enormous capacity to thrive at temperatures up to 50 °C and under highly acidic conditions (Gross and Schnarrenberger 1995). These organisms are found at sulphur vents (Ciniglia, Yoon et al. 2004, Yoon, Ciniglia et al. 2006, Pinto 2007) and anthropomorphic sites contaminated with acidic conditions, such as in acid-mine drains and the River Tinto in Spain (López-Archilla, Marín et al. 2001). Isolates within this genus display a broad metabolic repertoire allowing vigorous growth on a great many sugar-based carbon sources (Gross and Schnarrenberger 1995, Qiu, Price et al. 2013). These species are metabolic workhorses. Efforts have been made to harness these abilities and develop Galdieria for industrial biotechnological applications (Graziani, Schiavo et al. 2013, Henkanatte-Gedera, Selvaratnam et al. 2015, Minoda, Sawada et al. 2015, Selvaratnam, Pegallapati et al. 2015, Ju, Igarashi et al. 2016). Specific goals will undoubtedly include identifying those strains best capable of using waste from the food industry and biofuel community, and assess the nature of metabolic conversions, including metal concentration bioaccumulation or bioabsorption, to determine the utility and benefit of resultant useful products. This includes an examination of the diverse Galdieria genomes to explore the "industrial space" of isolates of this species with an intention of creating recombinant proteins of unique benefits, as they are expected to be heat and acid tolerant.
Metabolism has been most characterised in Galdieria sulphuraria strain 074W. Numerous reports have shown that this organism can grow between pH levels of ~0 to about pH 5 (Gross and Schnarrenberger 1995, Gross, Küver et al. 1998, Weber, Oesterhelt et al. 2004, Schmidt, Wiebe et al. 2005, Oesterhelt, Klocke et al. 2007, Linka, Jamai et al. 2008, Qiu, Price et al. 2013). Additionally it can thrive under autotrophic growth in the light, as well as mixotrophic growth in the light. In darkness, heterotrophic growth is supported under a huge range of available carbon sources, including essentially all tested sugars, sugar-alcohols and organic acids (Gross and Schnarrenberger 1995, Qiu, Price et al. 2013). These are often metabolised, as for example, G. sulphuraria can thrive in the presence of nearly 1M sucrose and 0.2 M ammonium sulphate without any alterations in cell division rates and general growth (Schmidt, Wiebe et al. 2005). It is also tolerant to massive concentrations of cations, including diverse heavy metals, as well as anions (Dopson and Holmes 2014). Additionally, perhaps as acidic environments increase the solubility of most cations, G. sulphuraria bioaccumulates numerous rare-earth metals and several precious metals (Minoda, Sawada et al. 2015, Ju, Igarashi et al. 2016). In this versatile growth state, interest in this organism has been seen in the industrial biotechnology sector, both for remediation of wastes and in the production of high value chemicals (Schmidt, Wiebe et al. 2005, Selvaratnam, Pegallapati et al. 2014, Henkanatte-Gedera, Selvaratnam et al. 2015, Selvaratnam, Pegallapati et al. 2015, Henkanatte-Gedera, Selvaratnam et al. 2016).
Galdieria genomics emerged with the deep sequencing of an Expressed Sequence Tags (EST) library from the type species Galdieria sulphuraria 074. It was estimated that sequence reads covered >70% of the G. sulphuraria genome (Weber, Oesterhelt et al. 2004). These were compared to the thermo-acidophilic alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae, which is believed to be autotrophic (Barbier, Oesterhelt et al. 2005). Consistent with versatile hetero- and mixo-trophic grown on most carbon sources tested, within the subset of genes unique to Galdieria, many were found to encode metabolite transporters and enzymes (Barbier, Oesterhelt et al. 2005). This supports the notion of a broad metabolic repertoire within Galdieria that is absent from related organisms in the Family Cyanidiaceae (Schönknecht, Chen et al. 2013, Schönknecht, Weber et al. 2014). Building on this, Galdieria genomes have been reported based on traditional and second-generation approaches.
Here we generated a draft eukaryotic genome using the MinION third-generation nanopore sequencing method. The selected strain of G. sulphuraria was chosen as it is available at several stock centres and performed well under numerous lab-based tests. This 107.79 strain was first selected over other available lines as it notably grew quickly on agar plates resulting in larger colonies than other tested Galdieria species. Here we found that 107.79 could grow under massive amounts of diverse anions and could bioaccumulate several rare-earth and precious metals. It also could grow heterotrophically on diverse carbon sources, but not all of those that support growth in G. sulphuraria. Waste sources supported vigorous growth implying resistance to toxicity of various metals. In considering its genome, we strive to compare Illumina paired-end runs to MinION runs alone, or read corrected with Illumina reads. Together we found that long-sequence reads could generate a nearly contiguous genome, and that Galdieria sp. 107.79 is an excellent candidate for further bioinformatics and phycological analyses.
Materials and methods
The studied Galdieria species SAG 107.79 was obtained from Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Göttingen, Germany (SAG). It is also available at The Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas at Austin (UTEX) as strain UTEX 2393 and the algal collection at the Dipartimento di Biologia, Università Federico II of Naples (ACUF) as strain ACUF 139. It was previously erroneously classified as Cyanidium caldarium (Merola, Castaldo et al. 1981, Moreira, López-Archilla et al. 1994).
Our standard media for growth was 4.4 g / L Murashige and Skoog + vitamins (Duchefa M0222) supplemented with 10 g / L sucrose. The pH was adjusted to 2.0 with sulphuric acid and was sterilized by heat. Sugars and other carbon tests were from chemicals acquired from Sigma or Amazon.uk. In some experiments, pH was adjusted by a metalliferous waste acid that was predominantly phosphoric acid (obtained from Airdale, UK). Rare earth and precious metal salts were all from Sigma, as were concentrated acids. The acid recoverable solution "Cyanidium Medium" was as described at the SAG stock centre (Koch 1964), from a soil sample taken from the Walmgate Stray (53.9467°N 1.0622°W). Briefly, to a soil sample, two parts water was added and sulphuric acid was added until the pH became 1.4. This solution was filtered for particles over Whatman paper and the resultant supernatant was heat sterilised.
Microscopy entailed imaging stationary cultures grown autotrophically on a Zeiss LSM 710 meta upright.
Carbon growth tests have been performed were growth was detected in the dark on 10 g/L for: sucrose, glucose, arabinose, fructose, galactose, maltose, lactose, glycerol, erythritol, xylitol, manitol, sorbitol, isomalt, myoinositol, thiamine, biotin, adenine, glycine and di-glycine.
For the high anions comparison, media were prepared with the addition of 1% (v/v) of each of the following concentrated acids: HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 and H3PO4. The specific concentrations of the stock acids available were taken into account and added volumes were adjusted accordingly. The pH of all media was increased to 2 using KOH. Cultures (25mL) were incubated at 38°C for 19 days, in pre-weighed plastic centrifuge tubes. The cultures were given airings, under aseptic conditions, every few days, to encourage culture growth. The dried cell fraction was attained by pelleting the cultures by centrifugation, decanting the supernatant, then washing with deionised water, centrifuging again, washing again and centrifuging for a final time. The water was decanted and the centrifuge tubes weighed to calculate the fresh algal weight. The cultures were placed in an air-drying oven for 18 hrs at 60°C, then weighed again to calculate the dry algal weight.
To assess growth under a synthetic condition, a media was formulated entitled Acid Mine Drainage Emulating Media (Heavy Metals Uptake Comparison). This medium was prepared as our standard MS-sucrose pH2, with the following additions: 2mM FeNaEDTA, 1.5mM CuCl2, 0.2mM NiCl2.6H2O, 0.2mM CoCl2.6H2O. Metals were added after autoclaving, to prevent any premature precipitation. Cultures (40 mL) were incubated at 38°C for 7 days, in sterile conical flasks, transferred to pre-weighed centrifuge tubes for accurate weight determinations. The cells were dried and weighed as per the high-level anions comparison. The dried cell fractions were submitted for ICP-MS analysis, as described (Parker, Rylott et al. 2014), along with a sample of the original medium (filtered), to allow approximate percentage recoveries to be calculated.
For a Precious Metals uptake comparison, the standard MS-sucrose medium was supplemented with 1 × 10−3mM PdCl2, 1 × 10−3mM AgNO3, 5 × 10−4mM PtCl2 and 5 × 10−4mM AuBr3. Pd, Pt and Au were first dissolved in concentrated HCl. The solution was adjusted to a pH of ~2 with NaOH, then diluted with water to make a stock solution 1000 times more concentrated than the final concentrations required. This was 0.45μM filter sterilised, then added to the medium after autoclaving. As Ag is known to precipitate in the presence of chloride, AgNO3 was added to the individual centrifuge tubes immediately before the addition of parent culture, to ensure the amount of Ag was equal for each culture. Cultures (25 mL) were incubated at 38°C in pre-weighed centrifuge tubes, laid horizontally, for 8 days. They were then transferred to sterile conical flasks, and incubated for a further 8 days, The cells were dried and weighed as per the high-level anions comparison. The dried cell fractions were submitted for ICP-MS analysis, along with a sample of the original medium.
For a Lanthanides uptake comparison, the MS-sucrose medium was supplemented with 6 × 10−4mM Y(NO3)3.6H2O, 7 × 10−4mM LaCl3, 6 × 10−4mM GdC3F9O9S3, 7 × 10−4mM NdF3 and 3 × 10−4mM YbC3F9O9S3. All elements were dissolved in water, then diluted with further water to make a stock solution 1000 times more concentrated than the final concentrations required. The pH was adjusted to ~2 with H2SO4 before the dilution was completed. Cultures (25mL) were incubated at 38°C in pre-weighed centrifuge tubes, laid horizontally, for 8 days. They were then transferred to sterile conical flasks and incubated for a further 8 days. The cells were dried and weighed as per the high-level anions comparison. The dried cell fractions were then submitted for ICP-MS analysis.
For phylogenetic analysis of strain 107.79, this was performed relative to 37 taxa belonging to different genera and species of Cyanidiophyceae (2 Cyanidioschyzon merolae, 3 Cyanidium caldarium, 2 mesophilic Cyanidium, 6 G. phlegrea, 10 G. maxima, 12 G. sulphuraria, 1 G. daedala, 1 G. partita) and belonging to the Algal Culture Collection of University Federico II of Naples (ACUF www.acuf.net), were used for the traditional Sanger-sequencing method, the strain G. sulphuraria 107.79, belonging to the UTEX Algal Culture Collection was used for MinION sequencing. For DNA extraction, algal cells were ground with glass beads using a Mini- BeadBeater (BioSpec, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA) operated at 13,000 rpm per min for 5 min. Total genomic DNA was extracted using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Santa Clarita, California, USA). PCR and sequencing reactions were conducted using specific primers for three plastid genes, psbA, psaA and rbcL (Ciniglia, Yoon et al. 2004, Ciniglia, Yang et al. 2014). The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were purified with the QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen) and used for direct sequencing using the BigDyeTM Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit 3.1 (PE-Applied Biosystems, Norwalk, Connecticut, USA) and an ABI-3500 XL at the Microgem Laboratory (Naples, Italy). Forward and reverse electropherograms were assembled and edited using the program Chromas Lite v.2.1 (www.technelsium.com.au/chromas.html). New sequences were aligned with already published sequence data (Ciniglia, Yoon et al. 2004, Toplin, Norris et al. 2008, Skorupa, Reeb et al. 2013, Ciniglia, Yang et al. 2014, Hsieh, Zhan et al. 2015), obtained from GenBank (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), using BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor (http://www.mbio.ncsu.edu/BioEdit/bioedit.html). No gaps or indels have been incorporated in the alignments. The dataset used here contained 5 outgroup and 37 taxa, comprising a total of 2965 DNA positions (1080 bp for rbcL, 899 bp for psbA and 980 for psaA).
Phylogenetic trees were inferred with maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference methods. Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses were performed using the TOPALi v2.5 (Milne, Lindner et al. 2009). The best likelihood tree was estimated under the general time reversible (GTR) substitution with gamma distributed rate heterogeneity (G) model. One thousand bootstrap analyses (MLB) were performed using the same program option. The Bayesian inference was obtained through the algorithm of MrBayes implemented in Topali v2.5 (Milne, Lindner et al. 2009). Two runs were made with 1 million generations and a sample frequency of 200 using the same model for the Maximum Likelihood analyses (GTR + G + I). The first 25% of sampled trees were discarded as burnin before calculating posterior probabilities. Consensus tree topology and its log-likelihood mean (lnL) were also determined for each dataset as well as substitution model parameters as the 95 % credibility interval for the gamma distribution shape (α).
MySeq Illumina data
For DNA extraction used for Illumina, DNA was extracted by resuspending a stationary phase algal paste with DNA extraction buffer (Davis, Hall et al. 2009). This was incubated for 1 hr at 65°C, centrifuged and the supernatant was precipitated by the addition of 1: 1 isopropanol. A resultant pellet was suspended in Qiagen buffer PB, applied to a miniprep column and washed according to manufacturers' details. DNA was eluted by applying EB to the column where 200mL of 65 °C EB was added in 4 sequential elution steps. Sequencing was as described (Willing, Rawat et al. 2015). After trimming, Illumina MiSeq reads were assembled using Spades v3.1 (Bankevich, Nurk et al. 2012).
MinION sequencing
A DNA library was prepared by shearing DNA in a Covaris, and then generating a library with a Oxford Nanopore SQK-006 library preparation kit using the standard ONT protocol (Oxford Nanopore Technologies), as per manufacturers' instructions. This was then run on a R7.3 flow cell (ONT) for 36 hours. After running on the MinION, base calling was performed using Metrichor (Jain, Fiddes et al. 2015). Those reads that passed 2-D base calling were then run through nanocorrect (Loman, Quick et al. 2015), assembled using minimap and miniasm (Li 2016). The consensus sequence from the raw contigs were then improved by processing twice with monopolist (Goodwin, Gurtowski et al. 2015, Loman, Quick et al. 2015). The genome assembly is publically released as BioProject PRJNA330791. This is currently found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/330791.
General growth
The growth of G. sulphuraria 107.79 in MS media resulted in cells that were 5 to 10 μM in size (Fig 1a). Fluorescence overlay on an FITC channel revealed clear plasid composition (Fig 1b). On agar plates, the strain generated ~10 mm diameter-sized colonies after ~7 days growth at 37°C, and notably, mixotrophic growth had the best growth rate on plates (Fig 1c). Heterotrophic cultures were a brownish-yellow colour, and photoautotrophic cultures where sucrose was omitted resulted in a green colour. In assessing the tolerance of strain 107.79 to anions, different acid sources were compared. Whereas it is known that G. sulphuraria is tolerant to sulphuric acid, we had no expectations of growth on other inorganic acid sources. In comparing final growth levels of 1% nitric, hydrochloric and phosphoric acid, to 1% sulphuric acid, this strain grew equivalently under all tests. Similar fresh weight and dry weights were seen (Fig 1d). Collectively G. sulphuraria 107.79 appears to be broadly tolerant to numerous acid sources.
(A) Microscopic image after 2- weeks growth in liquid medium. (B) A separate microscopic image with confocal FITC filter set fluorescence image overlaid. (C) Plate growth after 2 weeks. (D) Dense liquid culture growth in the presence of high concentrations of various anions.
Growth under various ionic conditions
Next G. sulphuraria 107.79 was tested for growth under conditions typically found at anthropomorphic acid-mine tailings. Under the presence of high Fe, Co, Cu and Ni, this strain grew well. After harvesting cells, whether metals were uptaken was assessed by ICP analysis. Fe and Ni appeared to be more accumulated than Cu and Co, but all 4 could be readily detected in the bioaccumulated fraction (Fig 2a).
Metal uptake by strain 107.79. (A) Metal uptake after growth on acid mine tailings. (B) Precious metals uptake. (C) Rare-earths uptake.
It has been shown that G. sulphuraria strain 074W can take up various precious and rare-earth metals (Ju, Igarashi et al. 2016), so we assessed 107.79's ability to similarly bioaccumulate these. In a media mixture of 4 precious metals, high levels of Ag were taken up, and excellent recovery of Pd and Au was noted (Fig 2b). Like strain 074W, 107.79 does not seem to take in Pt. Similarly, in a mixture of Lanthanides, strain 107.79 appeared to bioaccumulate many of these elements (Fig 2c) in a manner seen with 074W (Minoda, Sawada et al. 2015). Together, strains 074W and 107.79 seem similar in their ability to bioaccumulate metals of high economic value from dilute media.
Phylogenetic position of G. sulphuraria 107.79
We next sought to (re)establish the phylogenetic position of strain 107.79, to confirm its placement. Phylogenetic analyses based on the concatenated dataset of the three plastidial genes (rbcL, psaA and psaA), along with the new sequences generated by the MinION technology for the strain SAG107.79, revealed the clustering of this strain together with Galdieria sulphuraria SAG108.79 with the support of a high value of bootstrap (99%) and a Bayesian posterior probability of 1 (Fig 3). The entire cluster group together with Icelandic strains (ACUF 424, ACUF 388, ACUF 416, ACUF 402, ACUF 399, ACUF 461 and ACUF 453), along with Galdieria partita IPPAS P500 and Galdieria daedala IPPAS P508 (MLB=62%, posterior probability = 0.97). On the other branch of Galdieria sulphuraria clade, Turkish and Italian strains (ACUF 768, ACUF 011 and ACUF 018) took place (MLB = 100%, posterior probability =1). The phylogeny for the strain SAG107.79, using the plastid genes from MinION, confirmed the phylogeny highlighted in (Ciniglia, Yoon et al. 2004), where the 107.79 sequence used came from the Sanger method.
Maximum likelihood tree of Cyanidiophyceae inferred from RAxML analysis based on the combined plastid DNA sequences of psaA, psbA, and rbcL. Bootstrap support values are indicated near nodes above the branches, whereas the Bayesian posterior probability for clades using the GTR model is shown below the branches. Starred red is the position of the SAG 107.79. Only bootstrap values > 60% are shown.
Generating a genome with nanopore technology
We used Oxford Nanopore technologies (ONT) MinION nanopore sequencing to define the genome of this G. sulphuraria species. Using a single flow cell, we generated 17,800 reads from individual DNA molecules in 2.5 hours with a modal read length of 15 kb (equivalent to 7.5 kb double stranded). Over 36 hours, this run generated a total of 1.2 Gb of sequence. The longest double-stranded read from a single molecule was 116.7 kb. In parallel, we sequenced the same organism using Illumina MiSeq technology. Together we could use this data to separately assemble de novo genomes, and a preliminary overview is now described of the results.
To examine the potential of the sequence we had generated, we used minimap/miniasm (Li 2016) to de novo assemble minION data. Assembly took less than three minutes (on a standard computing cluster) and produced a total assembly size of 12,092,737 bp in 127 contigs. The largest contig was 319,606 bp. By way of comparison, the short read data was assembled using Spades v3.1 assembler generated a total assembly size of 20.5 Mb, in 12,708 contigs with a largest contig of 150,370 bp (Table 1).
We have started a visual inspection to establish sequence error rates of the 107.79 genome from Illumina versus MinION data. As a rough comparison of sequence accuracy, we isolated a contig containing the Galdieria Heme oxygenase [Notated as Gasu_19790 in the reference genome; (Qiu, Price et al. 2013)], and performed an alignment. As seen (Fig 5), several sequence insertions and deletions (indels) resulted. Future Sanger sequencing is proposed to clarify whether the Illumina versus MinION data quality was the source of the sequence alignment incongruity.
Galdieria is an acidophilic and thermophilic red alga that holds enormous promise as an industrial biotechnological resource. Examining its capacity to convert acid-rich waste carbon to higher-value chemicals, we have started to examine the broad applications of bespoke industrial utility. Methods for engineering Galdieria start from a genomic examination of "available" enzymes. Defining multiple Galdieria genomes from diverse biogeographic habitats would support that discovery. We targeted the G. sulphuraria 107.79 genome as it was reported to show robust growth characteristics (Albertano, Ciniglia et al. 2000, Cozzolino, Caputo et al. 2000), which we could confirm (Figs 1-2).
One of the major challenges associated with short-read 2nd-generation DNA sequencing technologies is the de novo assembly of large contigs. In the absence of scaffolding information such as a pre-existing reference genome this problem increases with the size and complexity of the genome (or metagenome) being studied. One approach to tackling this problem is to generate long reads using solutions such as those provided by Pacific Biosciences (Faino, Seidl et al. 2015) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) (Goodwin, Gurtowski et al. 2015). While the accuracy of these reads is lower than that achieved by short read technologies, it has been established that mapping short reads to a Pacbio scaffold has the potential to substantially increase the size of contigs that can be assembled. (Koren, Schatz et al. 2012). To start to evaluate this with MinION data, we generated a genome using nanopore sequencing (Fig 4).
Preliminary assembly statistics of Illumina data and MinION data
The data generated by MinION sequencing exceeded our expectations. In addition to having the potential to act as a scaffold for more accurate short read assembly, we have been able to use the MinION data alone to rapidly assemble de novo an accurate and essentially complete genome, and we have used information from this data to position strain 107.79 within a phylogeny, concluding its expected position (Fig 3). Our results demonstrate that with suitable post-acquisition processing, long reads alone can be used to produce accurate assemblies, although these need to be improved (Fig 5). ONT's MinION technology appears to offer a number of potential advantages to provide rapid, affordable NGS capacity for de novo sequencing projects. These include: very low capital outlay for equipment, low input DNA requirements and simple, rapid library preparation. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of the de novo assembly of a eukaryotic genome using MinION reads alone. Thus, nanopore sequencing technology and the assembly pipelines developing around this technology have allowed us to close a major gap between our ability to sequence DNA from unknown organisms and to informatically interpret these results. The low DNA sample requirements, and costs of obtaining sequence add to the attractiveness of this technology.
Alignment of the heme oxygenase gene of 107.79 from MinION and Illumina reads.