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A shielded irradiation assay to investigate mechanisms of in vivo stem cell migration in planarians
Prasad Abnave, Ellen Aboukhatwa, Nobuyoshi Kosaka, James Thompson, Mark A. Hill, A. Aziz Aboobaker
Prasad Abnave
1Department of Zoology, Tinbergen Building, South Parks Road, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom
Ellen Aboukhatwa
1Department of Zoology, Tinbergen Building, South Parks Road, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom
Nobuyoshi Kosaka
1Department of Zoology, Tinbergen Building, South Parks Road, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom
James Thompson
2CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology, ORCRB Roosevelt Drive, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7DQ, United Kingdom
Mark A. Hill
2CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology, ORCRB Roosevelt Drive, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7DQ, United Kingdom
A. Aziz Aboobaker
1Department of Zoology, Tinbergen Building, South Parks Road, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom

Article usage
Posted October 14, 2016.
A shielded irradiation assay to investigate mechanisms of in vivo stem cell migration in planarians
Prasad Abnave, Ellen Aboukhatwa, Nobuyoshi Kosaka, James Thompson, Mark A. Hill, A. Aziz Aboobaker
bioRxiv 080853; doi:
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