Sequencing provides a window into microbial community structure and metabolic potential; however, linking these data to exogenous metabolites that microorganisms process and produce (the exometabolome) remains challenging. Previously, we observed strong exometabolite niche partitioning among bacterial isolates from biological soil crust (biocrust). Here we examine native biocrust to determine if these patterns are reproduced in the environment. Overall, most soil metabolites displayed the expected relationship (positive or negative correlation) with four dominant bacteria following a wetting event and across biocrust developmental stages. For metabolites that were previously found to be consumed by an isolate, 78% were negatively correlated with the abundance of in situ isolate phylotypes whereas for released metabolites, 73% were positively correlated. Our results demonstrate that metabolite profiling, sequencing and exometabolomics can be successfully integrated to functionally link metagenomes and microbial community structure with environmental chemistry.