Large-scale studies such as the Arabidopsis thaliana 1001 Genomes Project aim to understand genetic variation in populations and link it to phenotypic variation. Such studies require routine genotyping of stocks to avoid sample contamination and mix-ups. To genotype samples efficiently and economically, sequencing must be inexpensive and data processing simple. Here we present SNPmatch, a tool which identifies the most likely strain (inbred line, or “accession”) from a SNP database. We tested the tool by performing low-coverage sequencing of over 2000 strains. SNPmatch could readily genotype samples correctly from 1-fold coverage sequencing data, and could also identify the parents of F1 or F2 individuals. SNPmatch can be run either on the command line or through AraGeno (https://arageno.gmi.oeaw.ac.at), a web interface that permits sample genotyping from a user-uploaded VCF or BED file.
Availability and implementation: https://github.com/Gregor-Mendel-Institute/SNPmatch.git