We respond to claims by Dong et al. that human lifespan is limited below 125 years. Using the log-linear increase in mortality rates with age to predict the upper limits of human survival we find, in contrast to Dong et al., that the limit to human lifespan is historically flexible and increasing. This discrepancy can be explained by Dong et al.’s use of data with variable sample sizes, age-biased rounding errors, and log(0) instead of log(1) values in linear regressions. Addressing these issues eliminates the proposed 125-year upper limit to human lifespan.
Main text
Recent findings by Dong et al.1 suggested fixed upper limits to the human life span. Using the same data, we replicated their analysis to obtain an entirely different result: the upper limit of human life is rapidly increasing.
Mortality rates double with age in human populations (Fig. 1a-b). Log-linear models fit to this rate-increase closely approximate the observed age-specific probability of death2. These models also provide a simple method of predicting upper limits to human life span that is independent of population size.
Here, we fit log-linear models to age-specific mortality rates from the Human Mortality Database3 (HMD) data used by Dong et al.1 and predict the age at which the probability of death intercepts one. This maximum survivable age (MSA) provides a simple, conservative estimate of the upper limit of human life (Fig. 1c).
Log-linear models closely approximate the observed probability of death in HMD populations for both period and cohort life tables (median R2 = 0.99; 4501 population-years). These models predict an MSA exceeding 125 years within observed historic periods (Fig. 2b-c; SI).
Furthermore, period data indicate that MSA is steadily increasing from a historic low c.1956 (Fig. 2b-c) and that the maximum reported age at death (MRAD) is expected to rise over the next century. This result is supported by trends in global mortality data from the United Nations4 sampled across 194 nations (Fig. 1b).
This analysis provides an estimate of human lifespan limits that is conservatively low. Log-linear mortality models assume no late-life deceleration in mortality rates5, which, if present, would increase the upper limits of human lifespan6. In addition, these models are fit to population rates and cannot provide an estimate of individual variation in the rate of mortality acceleration.
These proposed limits and are discrepant with Dong et al.1. Dong et al. conclude that the MRAD is limited to 125 years in humans1 and that lifespan increases above age 110 are highly unlikely, due to the reduced rate of increase in life expectancy at advanced ages.
To resolve this discrepancy we replicated Dong et al.’s1 analysis using identical data (SI). Replicating these findings requires the inclusion of rounding errors, treating zero-rounded values as log(1) and the incorrect pooling of populations.
The HMD data provide both the age-specific probability of survival (qx) and the survival rates of a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 individuals (lx). However, lx survival rates are rounded off to the nearest integer value.
The magnitude and frequency of lx rounding errors increases as the probability of survival approaches 1 in 100,000. These rounding errors mask variation in survival rates at advanced ages: over half of lx survival data are rounded to zero above age 90 (Fig. 2b).
Dong et al. appear to have used these rounded-off survival data in their models1 and incorrectly treated log(0) values as log(1) in log-linear regressions (Fig. 2a-d; SI).
These errors have considerable impact. Re-calculating cohort survival from raw data or excluding zero-rounded figures eliminates the proposed decline in old-age survival gains (Fig. 2d; SI).
Likewise, recalculating these data removed their proposed limits to the age of greatest survival gain (SI), which in 15% of cases were the result of the artificial 110-year age limit placed on HMD data7.
We also found that variation in the probability of death was masked by date censoring1. Major non-linear shifts in old-age survival occur outside the 1900-1990 period used by Dong et al. (Fig. 2c). Why these data were excluded from this regression, but included elsewhere, is unclear.
Evidence based on observed survival above age 110 appears to support a late-life deceleration in survival gains1. For the period 1960-2005, Dong et al. present data1 from 4 of the 15 countries in the International Database on Longevity8 (IDL). In their pooled sample of these countries, there is a non-significant (p=0.3) reduction in MRAD between 1995 and 2006 (Fig. 3a).
The declining MRAD reported by Dong et al.1 arise from the use of falling sample sizes. Of the validated9 supercentenarians alive in 2007, 62% lived in France and the USA. However, these countries are not surveyed8 by the IDL after 2003 (Fig. 3a). The proposed post-1995 decline in MRAD results from this dramatic fall in sample size.
Viewed individually, all four countries have an upward trend in the mean reported age at death (RAD; Fig. 3b) of supercentenarians (SI) and the top 5 ranked RADs (Fig. 3c). All four countries achieved record lifespans since 1995, as did 80% of the countries in the IDL. Without the pooling of IDL data used by Dong et al. there is no evidence for a plateau in late-life survival gains.
We attempted to reproduce Dong et al.’s supporting analysis of Gerontology Research Group9 (GRG) records. The text and figure S6 do not match annual MRAD records from 1972 as stated1. However, they do match deaths of world’s oldest person titleholders from 1955 (GRG table C, revision 9) with all deaths in May and June removed (SI).
Actual MRAD data from the GRG support a significant decline in the top-ranked age at death since 1995 (r = −0.47; p = 0.03, MSE = 3.2). However, this trend is not significant if only Jeanne Clement is removed (p = 0.9). Linear models fit to lower-ranked RADs have an order of magnitude better fit, and all indicate an increase in maximum lifespan since 1995 (N= 64; SI).
Collectively these data indicate an ongoing rebound of upper lifespan limits since 1950, with a progressive increase in the theoretical and observed upper limit of human life. Given historical flexibility in lifespan limits and the possibility of late-life mortality deceleration in humans10, these models should, however, be treated with caution.
A claim might be made for a general, higher 130-year bound to the human lifespan. However, an even higher limit is possible and should not be ruled out simply because it exceeds observed historical limits.
Author contributions
S.J.N. wrote the analysis and code, and reproduced Dong et al.’s analysis. S.J.N. and S.E. developed the analysis, methods and statistical design, and co-wrote the manuscript.
Competing financial interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Corresponding Author
S.E.: simon.easteal{at}anu.edu.au
Life table data were downloaded from the United Nations4 (UN) and the Human Mortality Database11 (HMD) and lifespan records from the International Database on Longevity12 (IDL) and the Gerontology Research Group9 (GRG).
Least squared linear models were fit to life table data on the log-transformed age-specific probability of death (qx), and projected to qx=1 to predict the maximum survivable age in each population (Fig. 1b-c; SI). Maximum lifespan within GRG and IDL data was annually aggregated and fit by locally weighted smoothed splines13 (Fig. 3b,c).
We reproduced the analysis of Dong et al. in R version14 3.2.1 (SI).
Data Availability
The authors declare that all data are available within the paper and its supplementary files.
Code availability
All code is freely available from the authors on request.