Transcriptional regulation is tightly coupled with chromosomal positioning and three-dimensional chromatin architecture. However, it is unclear what proportion of transcriptional activity is reflecting such organisation, how much can be informed by RNA expression alone, and how this impacts disease. Here, we develop a transcriptional decomposition approach separating the proportion of expression associated with genome organisation from independent effects not directly related to genomic positioning.
We show that positionally attributable expression accounts for a considerable proportion of total levels and is highly informative of topological associating domain activities and organisation, revealing boundaries and chromatin compartments. Furthermore, expression data alone accurately predicts individual enhancer-promoter interactions, drawing features from expression strength, stabilities, insulation and distance. We further characterise commonalities and differences across predictions in 76 human cell types, observing extensive sharing of domains, yet highly cell-type specific enhancer-promoter interactions and strong enrichments in relevant trait-associated variants. Our work demonstrates a close relationship between transcription and chromatin architecture, presenting a novel strategy and an unprecedented resource for investigating regulatory organisations and interpretations of disease associated genetic variants across cell types.