Singular regions of the globe harbour a disproportionally large fraction of extant biodiversity. Spatial biodiversity gradients are frequently associated to extant ecological conditions using statistical models, but more rarely to paleo-environmental conditions, especially beyond the Quaternary. On one hand the role of plate tectonics in shaping the extant diversity of lineages is supported by numerous phylogenetic and fossil evidences, and on the other hand the spatial variation of biodiversity across the globe is rarely associated to geodynamic variables. In this study, we propose that plate tectonics explain the current location of hotspots of endemic richness across the globe. As an illustration, we used paleogeographies in a model, which quantifies through time and for each cell the potential dispersal across disconnected habitat patches. Rare events of dispersal across dynamic straits of unsuitable habitats allows species colonisation and that a subsequent absence of gene flow could lead to in-situ speciation. We evaluated whether this process could pinpoint the locations of hotspots of endemic richness computed from the ranges of 181,603 species across 14 taxonomic groups. The significant congruence between the regions highlighted by the model and the endemic richness provides evidences of the contribution of plate tectonics in shaping global biodiversity gradients. Places with high tectonic complexity, predominantly located at the confluence of major lithospheric plates such as the Mediterranean basin, Central America, Madagascar and South East Asia likely provided favourable circumstances for allopatric speciation and the emergence of new species across straits. While our illustration supports the role of plate tectonics, accounting for deep time geological events in spatial models of extant biodiversity is not straightforward. Future research should develop quantitative spatial models of biodiversity including the dynamic of ancient habitats.