The Nanos RNA-binding protein has been implicated in the specification of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in metazoans, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We have profiled the transcriptome of PGCs lacking the nanos homologues nos-1 and nos-2 iC. elegans. nos-1nos-2 PGCs fail to silence hundreds of genes normally expressed in oocytes and somatic cells, a phenotype reminiscent of PGCs lacking the repressive PRC2 complex. The nos-1nos-2 phenotype depends on LIN-15B, a broadly expressed synMuvB class transcription factor known to antagonize PRC2 activity in somatic cells. LIN-15B is maternally-inherited by all embryonic cells and is down-regulated specifically in PGCs in a nos-1nos-2-dependent manner. Consistent with LIN-15B being a critical target of Nanos regulation, inactivation of maternal LIN-15B restores fertility to nos-1nos-2 mutants. These studies demonstrate a central role for Nanos in reprogramming the transcriptome of PGCs away from an oocyte/somatic fate by down-regulating an antagonist of PRC2 activity.