Eukaryotic genomes must accomplish the tradeoff between compact packaging for genome stability and inheritance, and accessibility for gene expression. They do so using post-translational modifications of four ancient canonical histone proteins (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4), and by deploying histone variants with specialized chromatin functions. While some histone variants are highly conserved across eukaryotes, others carry out lineage-specific functions. Here, we characterize the evolution of male germline-specific “short H2A variants”, which wrap shorter DNA fragments than canonical H2A. In addition to three previously described H2A.B, H2A.L and H2A.P variants, we describe a novel, extremely short H2A histone variant: H2A.Q. We show that H2A.B, H2A.L, H2A.P and H2A.Q are most closely related to a novel, more canonical mmH2A variant found only in monotremes and marsupials. Using phylogenomics, we trace the origins and early diversification of short histone variants into four distinct clades to the ancestral X chromosome of placental mammals. We show that short H2A variants further diversified by repeated lineage-specific amplifications and losses, including pseudogenization of H2A.L in many primates. We also uncover evidence for concerted evolution of H2A.B and H2A.L genes by gene conversion in many species, involving loci separated by large distances. Finally, we find that short H2As evolve more rapidly than any other histone variant, with evidence that positive selection has acted upon H2A.P in primates. Based on their X chromosomal location and pattern of genetic innovation, we speculate that short H2A histone variants are engaged in a form of genetic conflict involving the mammalian sex chromosomes.