Ninety-nine independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function include genes associated with brain health and structure (N = 280,360)
General cognitive function is a prominent human trait associated with many important life outcomes1,2, including longevity3. The substantial heritability of general cognitive function is known to be polygenic, but it has had little explication in terms of the contributing genetic variants4,5,6. Here, we combined cognitive and genetic data from the CHARGE and COGENT consortia, and UK Biobank (total N=280,360; age range = 16 to 102). We found 9,714 genome-wide significant SNPs (P<5 x 10−8) in 99 independent loci. Most showed clear evidence of functional importance. Among many novel genes associated with general cognitive function were SGCZ, ATXN1, MAPT, AUTS2, and P2RY6. Within the novel genetic loci were variants associated with neurodegenerative disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, physical and psychiatric illnesses, brain structure, and BMI. Gene-based analyses found 536 genes significantly associated with general cognitive function; many were highly expressed in the brain, and associated with neurogenesis and dendrite gene sets. Genetic association results predicted up to 4% of general cognitive function variance in independent samples. There was significant genetic overlap between general cognitive function and information processing speed, as well as many health variables including longevity.
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