Dodders (Cuscuta spp.) are obligate parasitic plants that obtain water and nutrients from the stems of host plants via specialized feeding structures called haustoria. Dodder haustoria facilitate bi-directional movement of viruses, proteins, and mRNAs between host and parasite1, but the functional effects of these movements are not clear. Here we show that C. campestris haustoria accumulate high levels of many novel microRNAs (miRNAs) while parasitizing Arabidopsis thaliana hosts. Many of these miRNAs are 22 nts long, a usually rare size of plant miRNA associated with amplification of target silencing through secondary small interfering RNA (siRNA) production2. Several A. thaliana mRNAs are targeted by C. campestris 22 nt miRNAs during parasitism, resulting in mRNA cleavage, high levels of secondary siRNA production, and decreased mRNA accumulation levels. Hosts with a mutation in the target SIEVE ELEMENT OCCLUSION RELATED 1 (SEOR1) supported significantly higher growth of C. campestris. Homologs of target mRNAs from diverse plants also have predicted target sites to induced C. campestris miRNAs, and several of the same miRNAs are expressed when C. campestris parasitizes a second host, Nicotiana benthamiana. These data show that C. campestris miRNAs act as trans-species regulators of host gene expression, and suggest that they may act as virulence factors during parasitism.