Based on the structural and biochemical characterization of endoribonuclease Nsp15 in crystal structure PDB code 5YVD, I am providing plausible inhibitors of this enzyme. In this report I intent to signal that is possible to inhibit this enzyme by the use of natural occurring compounds and their boronic acid derivatives, compounds with borono B(OH)2 groups. Boronic acids are atracted to serine side chains in the active site of serine proteases, in this case an endoribonuclease. Actual lab tests need to be conducted, nevertheless I venture here to propose four compounds: p-coumaric acid, Curcumin and their boronic acid derivatives with the use of computer modeling, in silico experiments. I also compared the above mentioned compounds to Hydroxychloroquine and its boronic acid derivative. I used AutoDock Vina, UCSF Chimera 1.12, DeepView / Swiss-Pdb Viewer 4 1.0, Sulp 3.0, PubChem, MDL Isis Draw 2.5, OpenBabelGUI 2.2.3, and Microsoft WordPad. As hardware I used a VAIO loptop with Intel Core i5 with Microsoft Windows 8.0, and a Dell loptop Inspiron E 1405 with an Intel Core Duo with Microsoft Windows Xp (off line).
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.