Article Information
- March 25, 2021.
Article Versions
- Version 1 (May 13, 2020 - 00:01).
- Version 2 (September 4, 2020 - 03:34).
- You are currently viewing Version 3 of this article (March 25, 2021 - 19:07).
- View Version 4, the most recent version of this article.
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Author Information
- aDepartment of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
- bDepartment of Surgery, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA
- ↵*Corresponding author: Ginam Cho, Email
: gpcho{at}
↵1 Equal contribution
Author Contributions: Y.L. and G.C. designed research; Y.L., I.C., H.G.K., and G.C. performed experiments; Y.L., I.C., and G.C. analyzed data; Y.L. and G.C. wrote manuscript.