There is growing evidence that mechanical factors affect brain functioning. However, brain components responsible for regulating the physiological mechanical environment and causing mechanical alterations during maturation are not completely understood. To determine the relationship between structure and stiffness of the brain tissue, we performed high resolution viscoelastic mapping by dynamic indentation of hippocampus and cerebellum of juvenile brain, and quantified relative area covered by immunohistochemical staining of NeuN (neurons), GFAP (astrocytes), Hoechst (nuclei), MBP (myelin), NN18 (axons) of juvenile and adult mouse brain slices. When compared the mechanical properties of juvenile mouse brain slices with previously obtained data on adult slices, the latter was ~ 20-150% stiffer, which correlates with an increase in the relative area covered by astrocytes. Heterogeneity within the slice, in terms of storage modulus, correlates negatively with the relative area of nuclei and neurons, as well as myelin and axons, while the relative area of astrocytes correlates positively. Several linear regression models are suggested to predict the mechanical properties of the brain tissue based on immunohistochemical stainings.
Competing Interest Statement
D.I. is co-founder and shareholder of Optics11.