Chromosome spatial organization controls functional interactions between genes and regulators, yet the molecular and physical mechanisms underlying folding at the single DNA molecule level remain to be understood. Here we employ models of polymer physics to investigate the conformations of two 2Mb-wide DNA loci in human HCT116 and IMR90 wild-type and cohesin depleted cells. Model predictions on the 3D structure of single-molecules are consistently validated against super-resolution single-cell imaging data, providing evidence that the architecture of the studied loci is controlled by a thermodynamics mechanism of polymer phase separation whereby chromatin self-assembles in segregated globules. The process is driven by interactions between distinct types of cognate binding sites, correlating each with a different combination of chromatin factors, including CTCF, cohesin and histone marks. The intrinsic thermodynamics degeneracy of conformations results in a broad structural and time variability of single-molecules, reflected in their varying TAD-like contact patterns. Globules breathe in time, inducing stochastic unspecific interactions, yet they produce stable, compact environments where specific contacts become highly favored between regions enriched for cognate binding sites, albeit characterized by weak biochemical affinities. Cohesin depletion tends to reverse globule phase separation into a coil, randomly folded state, resulting in much more variable contacts across single-molecules, hence erasing population-averaged patterns. Overall, globule phase separation appears to be a robust, reversible mechanism of chromatin organization, where stochasticity and specificity coexist.
In the cell nucleus, chromosomes are folded into a complex 3-dimensional (3D) architecture1–5 including a hierarchy of interactions, from loops6 and TADs7,8 to, above the megabase scale, metaTADs9 and A/B compartments10 as revealed by population-averaged contact maps6,10–12. Such an organization serves important functional purposes as genes and enhancers have to form specific physical contacts to regulate transcription. TADs, for instance, are thought to act as insulating structures, spatially confining the activity of enhancers to their proper targets2,3,5.
Different molecular factors and mechanisms have been involved in the 3D organization of chromatin. CTCF binding sites and cohesin have been proposed to shape loops and TADs6, for example via the cohesin/CTCF based loop-extrusion model13–15. However, while acute depletion of CTCF or cohesin leads to loop loss in bulk Hi-C data, signals persist at the compartment level and finer contact patterns remain within former loops or TADs16–18. Compartments A and B are known to correlate to different transcriptional states10, and homotypic interactions between active and poised gene promoters, linked respectively to Pol-II-S2p and PRC2, have been observed at the Mb scale and traced back to phase separation mechanisms19–21. Indeed, phase separation has emerged as a paradigm of cell organization22 and of transcriptional control23, as combinations of Pol-II with transcription factors and coactivators, such as Mediator, appear to form condensates24–26, or more fleeting interactions27, linked to gene regulation23,28–30. Yet, it remains unclear how those mechanisms act and combine to shape chromatin architecture.
Single-cell Hi-C experiments, for example, have highlighted the stochastic nature of TADs and the strong variability of their contacts31–34. Recent super-resolution imaging approaches have shown that TAD-like structures are present in single-cells with chromatin folded in globular 3D conformations, but they broadly vary from cell to cell35–39. In particular, TAD boundaries were discovered to occur with nonzero probability at all genomic positions and to have enrichments associated to only a subset of the CTCF sites in the considered regions37. In addition, cohesin depletion was found to leave contact patterns at the TAD-scale intact in single cells, albeit domain boundaries become equally likely to locate at any genomic position, hence abolishing TADs at the population-average level. That hinted that chromatin contacts can arise from mechanisms distinct from the loop-extrusion37.
Those diverse results raise questions on the nature and origin of contact patterns in single DNA molecules. Are there other folding mechanisms beyond loop-extrusion? How does phase separation act? If interactions are stochastic, how is specificity controlled? What is the origin of structural variability across cells and in time? To attack those questions, here we use a chromatin model from polymer physics to derive predictions about DNA single-molecule 3D structures that we compare with super-resolution imaging data in single-cells37. In particular, we investigate two 2Mb wide DNA regions in human HCT116 and IMR90 cells, where bulk Hi-C6,16 and single-cell imaging37 data are available. To reconstruct chromatin 3D conformations different computational methods40–43 and polymer models have been developed13,14,15,19,20,44-52. In this work, we focus on the textbook scenario where contacts between distal DNA binding sites are established by diffusing cognate binding factors, as described by the Strings&Binders (SBS) polymer physics model of chromatin19,20,47 (Fig. 1a). By machine learning from only Hi-C data6,16, we infer the genomic location of the putative binding sites of the SBS polymer model of the loci of interest, which are shown to correlate with specific combinations of known chromatin organizing factors. Next, by Molecular Dynamics simulations we derive a thermodynamics ensemble of single-molecule 3D structures of those loci.
As dictated by polymer physics53, we find that the model 3D conformations fall in two main folding classes corresponding to its thermodynamics phases, the coil, i.e., randomly folded, and the globule state, where distinct globules self-assemble along the chain by the interactions of cognate binding sites. According to the concentration or affinity of binders, the system switches from one to the other state via a phase transition mechanism of polymer phase separation. We show that those 3D structures recapitulate bulk Hi-C data and we validate model predictions on single-molecule 3D conformations against independent imaging single-cell data in both wild-type and cohesin depleted cells37. The consistent agreement provides evidence that, in the studied loci, chromatin folding is explained at the single-molecule level by such a thermodynamics mechanism, different from loop-extrusion. In particular, in the model of wild-type cells we find that the loci fold mostly in globule conformations, whose inherent thermodynamics degeneracy manifests in the broad variability of TAD-like domains across single-molecules. We also explore the time dynamics of chromatin structure at the single molecule level. Globule formation produces dynamic, yet stable local compact environments highly favoring close contacts between sites enriched for cognate binding sites, within and, less frequently, across globules. That exemplifies how stochasticity of DNA interactions can coexist with contact specificity. Acute cohesin depletion reverses phase separation into the coil state in the majority of cells, producing much more variable and transient contact patterns.
Model phase transition to the globule phase separated state
We focused, first, on modelling a 2.5Mb DNA region (chr21:34.6Mb-37.1Mb) in human HCT116 cells. The SBS is a simplified, coarse-grained model where a chromatin filament is represented as a self-avoiding chain of beads and along the chain are located specific binding sites for cognate, diffusing molecular binders19,20,47 (Fig. 1a), as well as unspecific binding sites (Methods). To check that our general conclusions are robust, as expected from Statistical Mechanics53, in our study we explored a spectrum of specific and unspecific affinities between binders and binding sites in the weak biochemical energy range, respectively from 3.1KBT to 8.0KBT (for simplicity equal across the different types) and from 0KBT to 2.7KBT (Methods).
To infer the genomic location and the types of the putative binding sites of the SBS polymer model of the locus, we developed a machine learning procedure (Methods and Supplementary Fig. 1) based on the PRISMR approach50, which employs as input only bulk Hi-C data16, with no use of epigenetic tracks to avoid biases towards a subset of factors. The procedure returns four distinct types of specific binding sites (visually represented by different colours, Fig. 1b), each defining a binding domain. After setting the affinities, the system is investigated at different binder concentrations (equal for all types), from 0 to 0.5μmole/litre, by Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations to derive, for each different concentration, a thermodynamic ensemble of single-molecule 3D conformations of the model of the locus.
Upon increasing the binder concentration, we find that at a characteristic threshold (Fig. 1c) the polymer undergoes a thermodynamics phase transition from a coil to a globule phase separated state53, corresponding to a sharp conformational rearrangement. In our HCT116 main case study, the threshold concentration is about 50nmole/litre (Fig. 1c) and, more generally, for the explored weak biochemical affinities it falls in the fractions of μmole/litre range47, values compatible with transcription factor concentrations (Methods). As known in block-copolymers20,54,55, in the coil state entropic forces keep the polymer in randomly folded conformations, while in the phase separated state attractive forces thermodynamically prevail and the different binding domains self-assemble by action of (and along with) their cognate binders in more compact and partially separated globules, as signalled respectively by a sharp drop in the gyration radius and separation score, the order parameters of the system (as well as in its binding energy, Supplementary Fig. 2, and Methods). Differently from usual linear block-copolymers, though, the separation of the globules is only partial because of the overlapping genomic distribution of the underlying binding sites that increases the degeneracy of the system microstates, which can fold in a multiplicity of 3D conformations (Fig. 1d, Methods). The self-assembly of globules is guided by the nontrivial genomic arrangement of the four binding domains of the model that are enriched each in a distinct, successive genomic region and hence form the polymer core globules, which result into the main TAD-like structures of the median distance map of the model (Fig. 2a, Methods).
To gain insights into the molecular nature of the inferred model binding sites, which are responsible of folding, we correlated their genomic positions with available epigenetic data in the same cell type16 (Supplementary Fig. 3). Interestingly, we find that each single binding type (colour) has statistically significant Pearson correlations (Methods) with a specific combination of known architecture organizing factors. The first putative binding domain (green, in Fig. 1b) correlates mainly with the CTCF/Smc1 (Cohesin) system, the second one (red) with active marks (e.g., H3K27ac and transcription factors) and less with Smc1, the third (brown) with repressive marks (e.g., H3K27me3), whereas the fourth (blue) with H4K16ac and specific transcription factors.
Summarising, our polymer model undergoes a phase transition from a coil to a phase separated globular state as the number of binders (or affinity strength) grows above a threshold point. For a given binder concentration, the system can fold in a variety of 3D conformations, not just in a unique, naïve structure. As dictated by polymer physics53, however, the system 3D conformations fall in two main folding classes corresponding to its thermodynamics phases, the coil and the globule separated states. Folding is controlled by the system binding sites and cognate binders, each type correlated with a different combination of chromatin architecture factors.
Model validation against independent imaging distance data
To check that the model derived 3D structures recapitulate the Hi-C data used to infer its putative binding sites, we computed the average contact matrix in the two thermodynamic phases. While in the coil state the contact matrix is structureless, in the globular state it exhibits a pattern of TADs and sub-TADs similar those in Hi-C data (Supplementary Fig. 4a), as highlighted by the high Pearson, r=0.88, and genomic distance corrected Pearson correlation coefficient, r’=0.68, between model and Hi-C contact data (Methods).
In a first validation of our model and of its Hi-C inferred putative binding sites, we also compared its predictions about the locus median distance matrix in the globular state against independent super-resolution imaging data37 (Fig. 2a) and found that they have a Pearson, r=0.95, and distance-corrected correlation, r’=0.84, even higher than correlations with Hi-C data. Hence, the basic physics ingredients of our polymer model and its inferred binding sites are sufficient to recapitulate bulk Hi-C and independent imaging data.
Next, to demonstrate that our model provides a bona-fide representation of chromatin conformations in single-cells, we performed an all-against-all comparison between its predicted single-molecule 3D structures and single-cell 3D structures from imaging data37 (Fig. 2b). By use of a method33 that finds the optimal rotation between two centered 3D structures to minimize the mean squared deviation (RMSD) of their coordinates (Supplementary Fig. 5a), each experimental 3D structure was univocally associated to a corresponding model 3D structure by searching for the least RMSD (Supplementary Fig. 6a and Methods). Consistent with the results on average contact and distance matrices, in the HCT116 case we find that all experimental structures map onto model conformations in the thermodynamics globule state (Supplementary Fig. 5b). To test the significance of the association, we compared the RMSD distribution of the experiment-model optimal matches to the RMSD distribution of pairwise comparisons between experimental structures (null model): the two distributions are statistically different (Mann-Whitney test p-value=0) with only 2% of entries of the former falling above the first quartile of the latter (Supplementary Fig. 6b). Additionally, we find that each model globule conformation is significantly associated to at least one experimental structure, showing that the model well represents the experimental ensemble (Methods).
Degeneracy in phase separation explains variability of single-molecule conformations
To further validate our model, we compared the architectural features of its predicted single-molecule 3D conformations against single-cell 3D structures from imaging37 (Fig. 2b). In single cell experiments, the locus folds in spatially segregated globules, as highlighted by the separation score as a function of the genomic coordinate (Fig. 2a), which produce the TAD and sub-TAD-like domains of the distance matrix. However, the 3D structures are broadly varying across single-cells, and TAD boundaries are found to be spread along the entire locus (see the boundary probability in Fig. 2a). We aimed to test whether the model ensemble of single-molecule conformations has features similar to those found in single-cell experiments and whether it has a similar variability (Fig. 2b).
First, we found that: i) the model derived TAD-like boundary probability and, ii), separation score along the locus are very similar to the experimental ones (respectively r=0.79 and r=0.85, Fig. 2a and Methods); iii), the average boundary strengths are similar (Fig. 2d); iv) the average boundary probabilities and, v), the boundary strength distributions are similar too (Supplementary Fig.s 7a, b), albeit there are no free parameters in all those comparisons. Additionally, the gyration radius distributions of the model and experiment are also found to be statistically not distinguishable from each other (Mann Whitney p-value=0.40, Fig. 2e). Conversely, a control block-copolymer model with four non-intertwining binding domains designed specifically to reproduce the main TAD-like structures visible in bulk Hi-C data, which has also a coil-to-globule transition, was found to poorly reflect the complexity of the observed contact patterns (Supplementary Figure 8 and Methods).
Second, to quantify the variability of experimental single-cell 3D structures, we measured the distance-corrected correlation, r’, between pairs of single-cell distance matrices, and found that it has a broad distribution with an average correlation r’=0.27 (Fig. 2c and Methods, similar results are found for the Pearson correlation, r). We found that the model-model r’ distance correlation has a similar distribution and, additionally, the distribution of correlations between model and experimental single-molecule distance matrices (average r’=0.22) is not statistically distinguishable from the one between experiments (Fig. 2c, Mann Whitney p-value=0.19, Methods).
Those results show that the features of the 3D structures predicted by our model are similar to those observed in single-cell experiments, to the point that single-molecules from the model are statistically indistinguishable from experimental single-cell structures. Finally, we implemented our modelling and all the above analyses in another 2Mb locus (chr21:28Mb-30Mb) investigated in human IMR90 cells by super-resolution imaging experiments37 and found analogous results (Supplementary Fig.s 3, 4, 7, 9, 10 and Methods).
The overall agreement between single-cell imaging data and the independently derived model conformations supports the view whereby, in the studied HCT116 and IMR90 loci, chromatin folding is explained at the single-cell level by a thermodynamics mechanism of globule phase separation, driven by the interactions of a few different types of binding sites, non-trivially arranged along the genome and each associated to specific combinations of chromatin organizing factors, including, but not limited to CTCF (Fig. 2a). Within that framework, the broad variability of single-molecule 3D globular structures, reflected in the varying locations of TAD-like domain boundaries, naturally results from the inherent folding degeneracy of the phase separated conformations, enhanced by the overlapping genomic organization of the different binding domains. Whereas CTCF sites are distributed over the entire locus, the boundary preferential positions correspond to the location of the edges between binding domains (Fig. 2a) as they are prone to fold in separated globules.
Cohesin depletion reverses phase separation
To investigate how acute cohesin depletion impacts single-molecule chromatin conformations, we considered the same locus in HCT116 Auxin treated cells (HCT116+Auxin)37. We inferred the new SBS polymer binding sites, as before, from Hi-C data in HCT116+Auxin cells16 and derived by MD the model 3D conformations to be compared with imaging data in the new cells37. Interestingly, in this case our approach finds only three types of specific binding sites in the locus (Fig. 3a). The domain strongly correlated with cohesin in wild-type (WT) HCT116 cells (green, Fig. 2a) disappears, whereas the other WT domains are overall maintained at their genomic locations, although weakened and shrunk, and their epigenetic signatures partially preserved (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 3b). We find that the new polymer model also undergoes a phase transition from a coil to a globule phase separated state, yet at around 400nmole/litre if the same affinities of the HCT116 case study model are used (Supplementary Fig. 2 and Methods).
The Hi-C map of the cohesin depleted locus lacks the wild-type TAD-like structures and retains only a faint pattern of interactions16. The model recapitulates well those data too (r=0.93, r’=0.33, Supplementary Fig. 4b), but we find that a mixture of 3D structures is required, composed 80% of single-molecule 3D conformations in the coil and 20% in the globule phase separated thermodynamics state. Consistently, in the HCT116+Auxin case by the least RMSD method we find that 80% experimental structures from independent imaging data37 (Fig. 3b) map onto model conformations in the coil and 20% in the globule state (Supplementary Fig. 5c) in a statistically significant association (Supplementary Fig. 11). Again, the comparison of our mixture model prediction on the median distance matrix against the independent imaging data37 gives high correlations (r=0.96, r’=0.57, Fig. 3a).
Upon cohesin depletion, although the population-averaged distance map is as featureless as the Hi-C map, in single-cell imaging data contact patterns persist, including TAD-like structures in some instances (Fig. 3b). The domain boundary strength and the average number of boundaries are similar to WT37. However, the imaged single-cell 3D conformations have a higher variability than WT ones: the average distance-corrected correlation, r’, between pairs of distance matrices is r’=0.0 and its distribution is broader (Fig. 3c). The model single-molecule conformations have also a high variability and resemble the experimental structures (Fig. 3b). Again, they have an r’ correlation distribution with imaged distance matrices (and with each other, average respectively r’=0.0 and r’=0.0) statistically similar to the one between experiment pairs (Mann Whitney p-value=0.48, Fig. 3c). The 3D conformations of the model mixture include globular states as in wild-type (Fig. 3b right), but 80% of single-molecules are in the coil state (Fig. 3b left) whose contact patterns reflect transient, random chromatin collisions rather than more stably folded contacts as in wild-type (see time dynamics section below). Consistent with such a picture, the average separation score is flat along the locus in both model and experiment (Fig. 3a). The model domain boundary probability along the locus is also as flat as the experimental one (Fig. 3a) with a similar average boundary strength (Fig. 3d); and similar are the average boundary probability and the boundary strength distribution (Supplementary Fig.s 7c, d), as much as the gyration radius distribution (Mann Whitney p-value=0.10 Fig. 3e), whose average value is 23% larger than in the wild-type case (540nm v.s. 440nm) showing that the locus is more open.
The overall agreement between model and independent microscopy data in the HCT116+Auxin case depicts a scenario where, consistent with the known role of cohesin as a key architecture organizing factor, cohesin depletion reverses chromatin globule phase separation to the coil thermodynamics state in single-cells, whose diverse contact patterns originate mainly from random chromatin collisions rather than from phase separated domains.
Single-molecule time dynamics
Next, we investigated how the spatial conformations of single DNA molecules change in time and how specific patterns of contact or insulation are established, which can be uniquely achieved within our model. In the steady-state, the 3D structure of a single-molecule varies and breathes under thermal fluctuations in both the coil and phase separated states, but important differences mark the two phases (Fig. 4).
In the coil state, the contacts visible in the distance matrix of a single molecule have a highly transient nature and their pattern fully changes in time (Fig. 4a, HCT116+Auxin model), as signaled by the average value of the r’ correlation between different time points that approaches zero for large time separations (Supplementary Fig. 12a), consistent with the zero average correlation between different replicates discussed before. In the phase separated state, the 3D structure also varies in time, but the long-time average r’ correlation remains well above zero (in the HCT116 model r’ plateaus to 0.39, Supplementary Fig. 12b), showing that the folded globules change, but persist in time (Fig. 4b), again consistent with the average non-zero correlation between replicates. The conformation average decay time (i.e., the time for correlations to plateau) is almost one order of magnitude larger in the globule state than in the coil state; its scale can be roughly guessed by using estimates of the viscosity of the nuclear medium reported in the literature45,56: for example, it results to be 9sec and 60sec respectively in the coil state of the HCT116+Auxin and in the phase separated state of the HCT116 model (Supplementary Fig. 12 and Methods).
Finally, we explored how domain boundaries and specific contact loops are established at the single-molecule level, in the face of a varying environment, by the formation of globules. To that aim, we investigated the relative distances of a particular set of sites: i) a pair of sites (orange, Fig. 4) having in HCT116 cells a strong point-wise (loop) interaction in bulk Hi-C data, albeit located 1.2Mb apart from each other in different subTADs; ii) a pair of 0.6Mb distant sites (green) with a strong TAD boundary in between; iii) a control pair of sites (brown), almost 0.6Mb apart, enclosed within a subTAD.
In the HCT116+Auxin model, where molecules are mostly in the coil state, the average physical distances of the green and brown pair are comparable to each other (around 620nm, Supplementary Table I) and the orange pair is more open (660nm) for its larger genomic separation. The distance distributions are comparatively broad and similar across the three pairs (Fig. 4c, d and Supplementary Fig. 13a). The situation drastically changes in the globule phase separated state of the model of HCT116 cells as the average distance of the orange and of the brown pairs is reduced of factor 2.5 down to around 280nm. That occurs because the orange (and brown) genomic regions are enriched with cognate binding sites, which in their globule compact environment are highly likely to be bridged hence resulting in a loop visible in Hi-C bulk data. Conversely, the green sites tend to become trapped each in a different globule, remaining at roughly their coil-state distance. In this way, globules form an insulating “boundary” between them. The distance distribution of the orange (and brown) pair is much narrower in the HCT116 than in HCT116+Auxin case, whereas the distribution of the green pair is similar in both (Fig. 4c, d and Supplementary Fig. 13a).
We performed an initial validation of the model time behavior by comparing the predicted distance distributions of the mentioned site pairs with single-cell imaging data, although a full test would need experiments following in real time the entire chromatin locus. Interestingly, considering the basic character of the model, its predicted distributions are comparatively close to the experimental ones, albeit there are no free parameters available in the comparison (Fig. 4e, f and Supplementary Fig. 13b). That is consistent with the above interpretation that chromatin folds in different thermodynamics states in wild-type and cohesin depleted cells. Finally, the time tracks (Fig. 4a, b) also clarify that the distances of all site pairs change in time subject to thermal fluctuations and, in particular, the strong point-wise loop interaction of the orange pair visible in the median distance matrix in HCT116 cells does not reflect a fixed-length permanent contact. Again, analogous results are found for the locus in IMR90 cells (Methods).
Overall, the analysis of the steady-state time dynamics shows that, while in the coil state contacts within a single molecule are fleeting and variable, in the phase separated state globules breathe and rearrange, but persist in time, as discussed in polymer physics53. Hence, globules can create spatially compact environments, visible as TADs and sub-TADs in Hi-C data, where specific contacts (e.g., the loops of the brown and orange pairs) are enhanced between regions sharing abundant cognate binding sites, albeit based on weak biochemical interactions. Globule boundaries also change in time, but they can efficiently separate neighboring regions along the sequence (see, e.g., the green pair), although specific contacts across proximal globules can also form (e.g., the loop of the orange pair).
DNA loop-extrusion has recently emerged as an important mechanism of chromatin organization13–15. It envisages that a cohesin complex acts as an active motor extruding loops between CTCF anchor points, in a non-equilibrium process requiring energy influx to work, e.g., ATP molecule consumption. The key role of CTCF/cohesin in chromatin architecture has been confirmed, for example, by bulk Hi-C data in systems depleted for those factors16–18. However, in the 2Mb-wide loci in human HCT116 and IMR90 cells considered here, super-resolution single-cell imaging experiments questioned the loop-extrusion scenario, hinting that DNA interactions can arise from a distinct molecular process37. Here, we discussed a mechanism of chromatin folding, different from the loop-extrusion, that is based on the thermodynamics of polymer phase separation and is consistent with both Hi-C and single-cell imaging data.
Specifically, we considered a schematic polymer model of chromatin, the Strings&Binders model19,20, where contacts between distal binding sites are mediated by diffusing cognate bridging molecules (but our results also hold if DNA sites have direct physical interactions rather than mediated by binders, Methods). The genomic arrangements of the model putative binding sites are learned from Hi-C bulk data6,16 of the loci of interest, and the thermodynamics 3D conformations of the system derived from physics. Upon increasing the binder concentration, or affinity, the model undergoes a phase transition from a coil to a globule phase separated state where compact globules self-assemble by the interactions with their cognate binders. Importantly, as dictated by polymer physics53, the model 3D structures spontaneously fall in the conformational class corresponding to its thermodynamics phase, i.e., the coil or globule state (Fig. 5a). The consistent agreement between the predicted structures and independent single-cell super-resolution microscopy data37 provides evidence that, in the studied loci, chromatin folding is driven at the single-molecule level by such a mechanism of polymer phase separation.
The emerging scenario shows that in WT cells the loci fold mostly in the globule phase separated state, whose intrinsic thermodynamics degeneracy is manifested in the varying genomic positions of TAD-like patterns across single-molecules and in time (Fig. 5b). Population-averaged contact maps, such as Hi-C bulk data, capture ensemble averages and their TADs match the location of the globules that more frequently form. The analysis of the time dynamics of single molecules illustrates the diverse modes of action of globules in shaping spatial interactions or insulation between distal sites. While segregating neighbouring regions, they create stable, compact local environments enhancing specific contacts between sites enriched for cognate binding sites, within and less frequently across sub-TADs and TADs. That explains how the observed stochasticity of DNA interactions, typical of weak biochemical affinities, can coexist with specificity, providing a quantitative picture on how contacts, e.g., between genes and distal regulators can be controlled at the molecular level. Finally, our results are consistent with a scenario where acute cohesin depletion tends to reverse globule phase separation into the coil state in most cells, resulting in much more variable and transient contact patterns in single molecules (Fig. 5c), hence abolishing population-averaged TAD-like domains. We find that the model inferred binding site types have significant correlations each with a specific combination of chromatin architecture factors, rather than a single one, including CTCF, Smc1, H3K27ac or H3K27me3. That strengthens the view that the combinatorial action of different molecules, modulating each other activity, shapes the 3D architecture of the genome.
We explored a minimal model of strings and binders, but a huge diversity of microphase and phase separated structures, well beyond TAD or pled-like patterns, can be achieved by adding molecular parameters to the system54,55, although whether true equilibrium self-assembly can be reached in such complex systems remains to be clarified. Nevertheless, an organizational mechanism based on phase transitions has the advantage to be a robust and reversible procedure to trigger conformational changes: the system only needs, e.g., to establish an above threshold concentration of binders (or affinity), with no need of fine tuning their number (or strength)19. And phase transitions occur spontaneously sustained by the thermal bath. That could explain how simple cell strategies of up-regulation of genes associated to transcription factors or epigenetic modifications can reliably shape the self-assembly of chromatin architectures in the nucleus.
M.N. designed the research project. M.C., L.F., S.B., A.M.C., A.E. developed modelling, run simulations and performed data analyses. M.N., M.C. and S.B. wrote the manuscript.
M.N. acknowledges support from the NIH grant ID 1U54DK107977-01, the EU H2020 Marie Curie ITN n.813282, CINECA ISCRA ID HP10CYFPS5 and HP10CRTY8P, Einstein BIH Fellowship Award (EVF-BIH-2016-282), Regione Campania SATIN Project 2018-2020, and computer resources from INFN, CINECA, ENEA CRESCO/ENEAGRID (Ponti et al., 2014) and Scope/ReCAS at the University of Naples.
↵* Lead contact: mario.nicodemi{at}na.infn.it