Proper timing of rhythmic locomotor behavior is the consequence of integrating environmental conditions and internal time within the circadian clock. The 150 clock neurons in the Drosophila melanogaster brain are organized in various clusters, controlling different aspects of the daily activity rhythms. For example, during regular 12 hr light : 12 hr dark cycles at constant temperature (LD), so called Morning (M) neurons control the activity peak in the morning, while Evening (E-) neurons regulate the activity increase at the end of the day. During the remaining times of day and night, flies are inactive, giving rise to the crepuscular behavior observed in LD. Here, we investigate if the same neuronal groups also control behavioral activity under very different environmental conditions of constant light and temperature cycles (LLTC). While the morning activity is completely absent in LLTC, a single pronounced activity peak occurs at the end of the thermophase. We show that the same E-neurons operating in LD, also regulate the evening peak in LLTC. Interestingly, neuronal activity of E-neurons is inversely correlated with behavioral activity, suggesting an inhibitory action on locomotion. Surprisingly, the E-cells responsible for synchronization to temperature cycles belong to the clock neurons containing the circadian photoreceptor Cryptochrome, previously suggested to be more important for synchronization to LD. Our results therefore support a more deterministic function of the different clock neuronal subgroups, independent of specific environmental conditions.
Significance statement Master circadian clocks in the brains of mammals and fruit fly are composed of neurons expressing varying types of neuropeptides and transmitters. This diversity along with anatomical differences indicate diverse functions of different clock neurons. In Drosophila, so-called Morning (M) and Evening (E) neurons control locomotor activity at the respective time of day during normal day/night (LD) cycles. Recent reports point to a certain degree of plasticity with regard to circadian clock neuron function, depending on specific environmental conditions. Here we show that one neuronal group, the E-neurons, instead behave as if hard-wired to their output targets. Surprisingly they direct activity to occur during the evening both under LD conditions, as well as during temperature cycles in constant light.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.