1 Abstract
Patterns of habitat use are commonly studied in horizontal space, but this does not capture the four-dimensional nature of ocean habitats. There is strong seasonal variation in vertical ocean structuring, particularly at the poles, and deep-diving marine animals encounter a range of oceanographic conditions. We use hidden Markov models fitted to telemetry data from an air-breathing top predator to identify different diving behaviours and understand usage patterns of vertically distributed habitat. We show that preference for oceanographic conditions in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, varies by sex in Weddell seals, and present the first evidence that both sexes use high-density, continental shelf water masses. Males spend more time in the colder, unique high-salinity shelf water masses found at depth, while females also venture off the continental shelf and visit warmer, shallower pelagic water masses. Both sexes exhibit a diurnal pattern in diving behaviour that persists from austral autumn into winter. These findings provide insights into the Weddell Sea shelf and open ocean ecosystem from a top predator perspective. The differences in habitat use in a resident, sexually monomorphic Antarctic top predator suggest a different set of needs and constraints operating at the intraspecific level, which are not driven by body size.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
Added a reference and revised the text slightly.