Biological cells are contained by a fluid lipid bilayer (plasma membrane, PM) that allows for large deformations, often exceeding 50% of the initial (or projected) PM area. Biochemically isolated lipids self-organize into membranes, but the extraordinary deformability of the plasma membrane is lost. Pure lipid bilayers are prone to rupture at small (<2-4%) area strains and this limits progress for synthetic reconstitution of cellular features such as migration, phagocytosis and division. Here, we show that by preserving PM structure and composition during isolation from cells, vesicles with cell-like elasticity are obtained. We found that these plasma membrane vesicles store significant area in the form of nanotubes in their lumen. These are recruited by mechanical tension applied to the outer vesicle membrane showing an apparent elastic response. This “super-elastic” response emerges from the interplay of lipid liquid-liquid phase separation and membrane asymmetry. This finding allows for bottom-up engineering of synthetic vesicles that appear over one magnitude softer and with three fold larger deformability than conventional lipid vesicles.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.