Sensorimotor cortex controls movement in part through direct projections to the spinal cord. Here we show that these corticospinal neurons (CSNs) possess axon collaterals that innervate many supraspinal brain regions critical for motor control, most prominently the main input to the basal ganglia, the striatum. Corticospinal neurons that innervate the striatum form more synapses on D1-than D2-striatal projection neurons (SPNs). This biased innervation strategy corresponds to functionally distinct patterns of termination in spinal cord. CSNs are strongly driven during a striatum-dependent sequential forelimb behavior, and often represent high level movement features that are not linearly related to kinematic output. Copies of these activity patterns are relayed in a balanced fashion to both D1 and D2 projection pathways. These results reveal a circuit logic by which motor cortex corticospinal neurons relay both kinematic-related and unrelated signals to distinct striatal and spinal cord pathways, where postsynaptic connectivity ultimately dictates motor specificity.
Corticospinal neurons send axon collaterals most abundantly to the striatum
Biases in striatal innervation correspond to biases in spinal innervation
CSNs represent complex movement sequence information
Corollary motor sequence signals are relayed to both striatal projection pathways
eTOC Blurb Nelson, A. et al. detail the organization of corticospinal neurons and their coordinated cell type-specific targets in the dorsolateral striatum and spinal cord. Corticospinal neurons encode both kinematic-related and unrelated signals during motor sequences, and relay this information in a balanced fashion to dichotomous striatal pathways.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
↵3 Lead Author: rc3031{at} (R.M.C)