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Antibiotics increase aggression behavior and aggression-related pheromones and receptors in Drosophila melanogaster
Michal Grinberg, Hadar Neuman, Oren Ziv, View ORCID ProfileSondra Turjeman, Rita Nosenko, View ORCID ProfileOmry Koren
Michal Grinberg
1Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Safed, Israel
Hadar Neuman
1Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Safed, Israel
2Zefat Academic College, Safed, Israel
Oren Ziv
1Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Safed, Israel
Sondra Turjeman
1Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Safed, Israel
Rita Nosenko
1Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Safed, Israel
Omry Koren
1Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Safed, Israel

Article usage
Posted September 22, 2020.
Antibiotics increase aggression behavior and aggression-related pheromones and receptors in Drosophila melanogaster
Michal Grinberg, Hadar Neuman, Oren Ziv, Sondra Turjeman, Rita Nosenko, Omry Koren
bioRxiv 2020.09.22.307777; doi:
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