Motivation Unsupervised clustering of single-cell transcriptomics is a powerful method for identifying cell populations. Static visualization techniques for single-cell clustering only display results for a single resolution parameter. Analysts will often evaluate more than one resolution parameter, but then only report one.
Results We developed Cell Layers, an interactive Sankey tool for the quantitative investigation of gene expression, coexpression, biological processes, and cluster integrity across clustering resolutions. Cell Layers enhances the interpretability of single-cell clustering by linking molecular data and cluster evaluation metrics, to provide novel insight into cell populations.
Availability and implementation Upon request
Competing Interest Statement
A.P.B is a consultant of Genentech, a member of Roche. B.G.B. is a co-founder and shareholder of Tenaya Therapeutics. K.S.P. is a shareholder of Tenaya Therapeutics. None of the work presented here is related to the interests of Genentech or Tenaya Therapeutics.
↵* Contact: andrew.blair{at}gladstone.ucsf.edu and irfan.kathiriya{at}ucsf.edu