Summary Single-cell sequencing is an increasingly used technology and has promising applications in basic research and clinical translations. However, genotyping methods developed for bulk sequencing data have not been well adapted for single-cell data, in terms of both computational parallelization and simplified user interface. Here we introduce a software, cellsnp-lite, implemented in C/C++ and based on well supported package htslib, for genotyping in single-cell sequencing data for both droplet and well based platforms. On various experimental data sets, it shows substantial improvement in computational speed and memory efficiency with retaining highly concordant results compared to existing methods. Cellsnp-lite therefore lightens the genetic analysis for increasingly large single-cell data.
Availability The source code is freely available at https://github.com/single-cell-genetics/cellsnp-lite.
Contact yuanhua{at}hku.hk
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.