Mammalian olfactory receptors (ORs) are a diverse family of genes encoding proteins that directly interact with environmental chemical cues. ORs evolve via gene duplication in a birth-death fashion, neofunctionalizing and pseudogenizing over time. Olfaction is a primary sense used for food detection in plant-visiting bats, but the relationship between dietary specialization and OR repertoires is unclear. Within neotropical Leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae), many lineages are plant specialists, and some have a distinct OR repertoire compared to insectivorous species. Yet, whether specialization on particular plant genera is associated with the evolution of more specialized OR repertoires has never been tested. Using targeted sequence capture, we sequenced the OR repertoires of three sympatric species of short-tailed leaf-nosed bats (Carollia), which vary in their degree of specialization on the fruits of Piper plants. We characterized orthologous versus duplicated receptors among Carollia species, and identified orthologous receptors and associated paralogs to explore the diversity and redundancy of the receptor gene repertoire. The most dedicated Piper specialist, Carollia castanea, had lower OR diversity compared to the two more generalist species (sowelli, perspicillata), but we discovered a few unique sets of ORs within C. castanea with exceptional redundancy of similar gene duplicates. These unique receptors potentially enable C. castanea to detect Piper fruit odorants to an extent that the other species cannot. C. perspicillata, the species with the most generalist diet, had a larger diversity of functional receptors, suggesting the ability to detect a wider range of odorant molecules. The variation among ORs may be a factor in the coexistence of these sympatric species, facilitating the exploitation of different plant resources. Our study sheds light on how gene duplication plays a role in dietary adaptations and underlies patterns of ecological interactions between bats and plants.
Impact Statement—though it asks for 3-4 sentences The sense of smell is essential to how many animals detect food, yet few studies have demonstrated how dietary evolution has shaped olfactory receptor genes, which encode proteins that bind to environmental scent cues, including food odorants. We compared the evolutionary history of olfactory receptor repertoires in three co-occurring neotropical bat species along a spectrum of dietary specialization on the fruits of Piper plants. We found the more generalist species possessed a more diverse olfactory receptor profile, potentially reflecting an ability to detect more diverse arrays of fruit scent compounds, while the specialist had a narrower profile that demonstrated more redundancy. By introducing creative approaches to measure diversity in large gene families and connecting diet specialization and molecular diversity, this study makes an unprecedented contribution to evolutionary biology.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
E-mail Addresses: LRY: laurel.yohe{at}yale.edu
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SES: ssantana{at}uw.edu
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