The mutational profile of a cancer reflects the activity of the mutagenic processes which have been operative throughout the lineage of the cancer cell. These processes leave characteristic profiles of somatic mutations called mutational signatures. Mutational signatures, including single-based substitution (SBS) signatures, may reflect the effects of exogenous or endogenous exposures. Here, we used polygenic risk score (PRS) as proxies for exposures and examined the association between somatic mutational profiles and germline PRS in 12 cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas project. We found 17 statistically significant associations after Bonferroni correction (p < 3.15×10−5), including positive associations between germline inflammatory bowel disease PRS and number of somatic mutations of signature SBS1 in prostate cancer and APOBEC-related signatures in breast cancer. The age at menarche PRS was inversely associated with mutation counts of SBS1 in prostate cancer. Our analysis suggests that there are robust associations between tumor somatic mutational profiles and germline PRS. These may reflect mechanisms through hormone regulation and immunological responses that contribute to cancer etiology and drive cancer progression.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.