Visual knowledge obtained from our lifelong experience of the world plays a critical role in our ability to build short-term memories. We propose a mechanistic explanation of how working memories are built from the latent representations of visual knowledge and can then be reconstructed. The proposed model, Memory for Latent Representations (MLR), features a variational autoencoder with an architecture that corresponds broadly to the human visual system and an activation-based binding pool of neurons that binds items’ attributes to tokenized representations. The simulation results revealed that the shapes of familiar items can be encoded and retrieved efficiently from latents in higher levels of the visual hierarchy. On the other hand, novel patterns that are completely outside the training set can be stored from a single exposure using only latents from early layers of the visual system. Moreover, a given stimulus in working memory can have multiple codes, representing specific visual features such as shape or color, in addition to categorical information. Finally, we validated our model by testing a series of predictions against behavioral results obtained from WM tasks. The model provides a compelling demonstration of how visual knowledge yields compact visual representation for efficient memory encoding.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
** This paper is published in Nature Human Behvaiour: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-021-01264-9
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