The intrinsic DNA sequence preferences and cell-type specific cooperative partners of transcription factors (TFs) are typically highly conserved. Hence, despite the rapid evolutionary turnover of individual TF binding sites, predictive sequence models of cell-type specific genomic occupancy of a TF in one species should generalize to closely matched cell types in a related species. To assess the viability of cross-species TF binding prediction, we train neural networks to discriminate ChIP-seq peak locations from genomic background and evaluate their performance within and across species. Cross-species predictive performance is consistently worse than within-species performance, which we show is caused in part by species-specific repeats. To account for this domain shift, we use an augmented network architecture to automatically discourage learning of training species-specific sequence features. This domain adaptation approach corrects for prediction errors on species-specific repeats and improves overall cross-species model performance. Our results demonstrate that cross-species TF binding prediction is feasible when models account for domain shifts driven by species-specific repeats.
Characterizing factors (TFs) bind to the genome, and which genes they regulate, is key to understanding the regulatory networks that estab-lish and maintain cell identity. A TF’s genomic occu-pancy depends not only on its intrinsic DNA sequence preferences, but also on several cell-specific factors, in-cluding local TF concentration, chromatin state, and co-operative binding schemes with other regulators (Siggers and Gordân 2014; Slattery et al. 2014; Srivastava and Mahony 2020). Experimental assays such as ChIP-seq can profile a TF’s genome-wide occupancy within a given cell type, but such experiments remain costly, rely on relatively large numbers of cells, and require either high-quality TF-specific antibodies or epitope tagging strategies (Park 2009; Savic et al. 2015). Accurate pre-dictive models of TF binding could circumvent the need to perform costly experiments across all cell types and all species of interest.
Cross-species TF binding prediction is complicated by the rapid evolutionary turnover of individual TF binding sites across mammalian genomes, even within cell types that have conserved phenotypes. For exam-ple, only 12-14% of binding sites for the key liver regu-lators CEBPα and HNF4α are shared across orthologous genomic locations in mouse and human livers (Schmidt et al. 2010). On the other hand, the general features of tissue-specific regulatory networks appear to be strongly conserved across mammalian species. The amino acid sequences of TF proteins, their DNA binding domains, and intrinsic DNA sequence preferences are typically highly conserved (e.g. both CEBPα and HNF4α have at least 93% whole protein sequence identity between human and mouse). Further, the same cohorts of orthologous TFs appear to drive regulatory activities in homologous tissues. Thus, while genome sequence conservation information is not sufficient to accurately predict TF binding sites across species, it may still be possible to develop predictive models that learn the sequence determinants of cell-type specific TF binding and generalize across species. Indeed, several recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of cross-species prediction of regulatory profiles using machine learning approaches (Chen et al. 2018; Kelley 2019; Schreiber et al. 2020b; Huh et al. 2018).
Here, we evaluate different training strategies on the generalizability of neural network models of cell-type specific TF occupancy across species. We train our model using genome-wide TF ChIP-seq data in a given cell type in one species, and then assess its performance in predicting genome-wide binding of the same TF in a closely matched cell type in a different species. Specifically, we focus on predicting binding of four TFs (CTCF, CEBPα, HNF4α, and RXRα) in liver due to the existence of high quality ChIP-seq data in both mouse and human. The models for all TFs showed higher predictive perfor-mance for training and test sets from the same species as compared to training and test sets from different species. We show that one source of this cross-species perfor-mance gap is a systematic misclassification of transposable elements that are specific to the target species (and which were thus unseen during model training).
We further demonstrate that integrating an unsupervised domain adaptation approach into model training partially addresses the cross-species performance gap. Our domain adaptation strategy involves a neural network architecture with two sub-networks that share an underlying convolutional layer. We train the two sub-networks in parallel on different tasks. One subnet-work is trained with standard backpropagation to optimize classification of TF bound and unbound sequences in one species (the source domain). The other subnet-work attempts to predict species labels from sequences drawn randomly from two species (the source and target domain), but training is subject to a gradient reversal layer (GRL) (Ganin et al. 2016). While backpropagation typically has the effect of giving higher weights to discriminative features, a GRL reverses this effect, and discriminative features are down-weighted. Thus, our network encourages features in the shared convolutional layer that discriminate between bound and unbound sites, while simultaneously discouraging features that are species-specific. Importantly, we neither need nor use TF binding labels from the target species at any stage in training. We show that domain adaptation techniques have the potential to improve cross-species TF binding prediction, particularly by preventing mispre-diction on species-specific repeats.
Conventionally trained neural network models of TF binding show reduced predictive performance across species
First, we set out to evaluate the ability of neural net-works to predict TF binding in a previously unseen species. We chose neural networks due to their ability to learn arbitrarily complex predictive sequence patterns (Avsec et al. 2020). In particular, hybrid convolutional and recurrent network architectures have successfully been applied to accurately predict TF binding in diverse applications (Quang and Xie 2019; Srivastava et al. 2020). The motivation behind these architectures is that convolutional filters can encode binding site mo-tifs and other contiguous sequence features, while the recurrent layers can model flexible, higher-order spatial organization of these features. Our baseline neural net-work is designed in line with these state-of-the-art hy-brid architectures (Figure 1).
Conventional network architecture. Convolu-tional filters scan the 500-bp input DNA sequence for TF binding features. The convolutional layer is followed by a recurrent layer (LSTM) and two fully connected layers. A final sigmoidactivated neuron predicts if a ChIP-seq peak falls within the input window.
Using this architecture, named the “conventional model,” we trained the network to predict whether a given input sequence contained a ChIP-seq peak or not, using training data from a single source species, and then assessed the model’s predictive performance on entire held-out chromosomes in both the source species and a target (previously unseen) species. We chose mouse and human as our species of interest due to the availability of high-quality TF ChIP-seq datasets in liver from both species and the high conservation of key regulator TFs present in both species. For four different TFs, we trained two sets of models: one with mouse as the source species, and the other with human as the source species. To monitor reproducibility, model training was repeated 5 times for each TF and source species.
As models trained for 15 epochs, we monitored source-species and target-species performance on heldout validation sets (Figure 2). Performance was measured using the area under the precision-recall curve (auPRC) which is sensitive to the extreme class imbalance of labels in our TF binding prediction task. We observed that over the course of model training, improvements in source-species auPRC did not always translate to improved auPRC in the target species. Overall, cross-species auPRC showed greater variability across epochs and model replicates compared to source-species auPRC. For two TFs, CEBPα and HNF4α, the mouse-trained models’ performance on the human valida-tion set appeared to split part way through training –based on cross-species auPRC, some model-replicates appeared to become trapped in a suboptimal state relative to other models (see divergence in orange lines in left column of Figure 2); meanwhile, the training-species auPRC did not show a similar trend. Evidently, validation set performance in the source species is not a reli-able surrogate for validation set performance in the target species.
Model performance over the course of training, evaluated on held-out validation data from mouse (blue) and human (orange) chromosome 1. Five models were independently trained for each TF and source species.
Nevertheless, the epochs where models had highest source-species auPRCs were often epochs where mod-els had near-best cross-species auPRC. Thus, we selected models saved at the point in training when source-species auPRC was maximized for downstream analysis. We next evaluated performance on held-out test datasets (distinct from the validation datasets) from each species (Figure 3).
Model performance evaluated on held-out test data: chromosome 2 from human (top) and mouse (bot-tom). Five models were independently trained for each TF and source species.
We observe across all TFs that for a given target species, the models trained in that species always outperformed or matched the performance of the models trained in the other species. We refer to this withinspecies vs. cross-species auPRC difference as a cross-species performance gap, while noting that models trained in either species were still relatively effective at cross-species prediction. Intriguingly, the cross-species gap was wider for mouse-trained models predicting in human than for human-trained models predicting in mouse. For this reason, subsequent analysis focuses on addressing the mouse-to-human gap.
The mouse-to-human cross-species gap originates from misprediction of both bound and unbound sites
Since the target-species model consistently outperforms the source-species model (on target-species validation), there must be some set of differentially predicted sites that the target-species model predicts correctly, but the source-species model does not. By comparing the dis-tribution of source-model and target-model predictions over all target-species genomic windows, we can po-tentially identify trends of systematic errors unique to the source-species model. Whether these differentially predicted sites are primarily false positives (unbound sites incorrectly predicted to be bound), false negatives (bound sites incorrectly predicted as unbound), or a combination of both can provide useful insight into the performance gap between the source and target models.
For each TF, we generated predictions over the ge-nomic windows in the human test dataset from both our mouse-trained and human-trained models. Then, we plotted all of the human-genome test sites using the average mouse model prediction (over 5 independent training runs) and the average human model prediction as the x- and y-axis, respectively (Figure 4). Bound and unbound sites are segregated into separate plots for clar-ity.
Both bound and unbound sites from human chromosome 2 show evidence of di erential binding predictions by human-trained (y-axis) vs. mouse-trained (x-axis) models. For visual clarity, only 25% of bound sites and 5% of unbound sites are shown (sampled systematically).
For all TFs, the unbound site plots show a large set of windows given low scores by the human model but midrange to high scores by the mouse model – these are false positives unique to cross-species prediction (Figure 4 right column, bottom/bottom-right region of each plot). These sites are distinct from false positives mis-takenly predicted highly by both models, as those com-mon false positives would not contribute significantly to the auPRC gap. Additionally, in the bound site plots of all TFs except CEBPα, we see some bound sites that are scored high by the human model but are given mid-range to low scores by the mouse model – these are cross-species-unique false negatives (Figure 4 left column, top left region of each plot). Hence, our cross-species models are committing prediction errors in both directions on separate sets of sites. The errors for the unbound sites appear more prevelant than the errors for the bound sites.
Motif-like sequence features discriminate between true-positive and false-negative mouse model predictions
Since the only input to our models is DNA sequence, sequence features must be responsible for di erential pre-diction of certain sites across source and target models. Other potential culprits, such as chromatin accessibil-ity changes or co-factor binding, may contribute to TF binding divergence across species without changes to se-quence; but without an association between those factors and sequence, the human-trained model would not be able to gain an advantage over the mouse-trained model by training on sequence input alone. Thus, we focused on genomic sequence to understand di erential site pre-diction.
To begin, we searched for sequence-based determi-nants of di erential prediction of bound sites from the human genome – specifically, we compared bound sequences that both the human-trained and mouse-trained models correctly predicted (true positives) to bound sequences the humantrained model correctly predicted but the mouse-trained model did not (mouse-specific false negatives). We used SeqUnwinder, a tool for decon-volving discriminative sequence features between sets of genomic sequences, to extract motifs that can discrimi-nate between the two groups of sequences and quantitatively assess how distinguishable the sequence groups are (Kakumanu et al. 2017). Seq Unwinder was able to distinguish mouse-specific false negatives from true positives and randomly selected background genomic sequences with area under the ROC curve (auROC) of 0.84, 0.74, 0.83, and 0.88 for CTCF, CEBPα, HNF4α, and RXRα, respectively. Supplemental Figure 1 shows the breakdown of sequence features that are able to distin-guish between mouse-specific false negatives and true positives for each TF. Thus, we were able to identify TF-specific motifs that were enriched (or depleted) at mouse-specific false negatives. However, we did not ob-serve systemic sequence features that unanimously con-tributed to the performance gap across all TFs studied, beyond a poly-A/poly-T motif.
Motif-like sequence features can discriminate between human-genome bound sites correctly predicted by mouse-trained and human-trained models (true positives or TP) and bound sites correctly predicted only by human-trained models (mouse-specific false negatives or FN) for each TF. See Methods for site categorization details.
Primate-unique SINEs are a dominant source of the mouse-to-human cross-species gap
One potential source of sequences that could confuse a cross-species model are repeat elements found in the genome of the target species but not the source species. Alu elements, a type of SINE, cover a large portion (10%) of the human genome and are found only in pri-mates (Batzer and Deininger 2002). Several other factors make Alus even more likely candidates for con-founding mouse-to-human TF binding predictions: they are enriched in gene-rich, GC-rich areas of the genome and contain 33% of the genome’s CpG dinucleotides (a marker for promoter regions); they may play a role in gene regulation; and in silico studies have previously found putative TF binding sites within Alu sequences (Batzer and Deininger 2002; Schmid 1998; Ferrari et al. 2019; Polak and Domany 2006).
Figure 5 shows only the unbound human-genome windows that overlap annotated Alu elements. Table 1 provides corresponding quantification of Alu enrich-ment. Note that while Alu elements are typically poorly mappable, and it is thus often difficult to assign them as bound or unbound in ChIP-seq experiments, we focus analyses here only on highly mappable Alu instances (see Methods). Across all four TFs, we see that Alus are substantially enriched in the unbound windows pre-dicted incorrectly only by the mouse model. On aver-age, 83% of these false positives unique to the mouse model overlap with an Alu element, compared to the average overlap rate of 21% for unbound sites overall, or 17% for unbound sites incorrectly predicted by both models. In contrast, Alus on average only overlap 7% of false negatives unique to the mouse model, which is less than the overlap fraction for bound sites overall (14%) and for false negatives common to both models (10%). We repeated this analysis using other repeat classes, in-cluding LINEs and LTRs, and confirmed that no other major repeat family shows an enrichment of comparable strength with either the false positives or false negatives unique to the mouse model (Supplementary Table 1).
Percent of windows overlapping various RepeatMasker-defined repeat elements, for different categories of genomic windows from the held-out test set. Only RepeatMasker repeat classes with at least 500 distinct annotations within the test set are shown. FPs: false positives. FNs: false negatives. Mouse Only: specific to mouse-trained models. See Methods for more details on site categorization.
Percent of windows overlapping an Alu element, for various categories of genomic windows from the heldout test set. Alu elements dominate the false positives unique to the mouse models. FPs: false positives. FNs: false negatives. See Methods for more details on site categorization.
Most unbound sites from the human genome mispredicted by mouse-trained models (x-axis), but not by human-trained (y-axis) models, contain Alu repeats. For visual clarity, only 5% of windows are shown.
Thus, the vast majority of the false positives from the human genome mispredicted only by mouse models can be directly attributed to one type of primate-unique repeat element. We did not observe any similar direct associations between primate-unique elements and the false negatives unique to the mouse model, besides the expected depletion of Alu elements.
Human models trained without SINE examples be-have like hybrid mouse-human models
To further characterize how Alu elements are influenc-ing cross-species model performance, we trained additional models on the human dataset after removing all windows from the training dataset that overlap with any SINEs (Figure 6). We filtered out all SINEs, including the primate-specific FLAM and FRAM repeats as well as Alus, to avoid keeping examples that shared any se-quence homology with Alus. The no-SINE models were evaluated on the same held-out chromosome test data used previously (which includes SINEs).
Performance of models that are mouse-trained (blue), human-trained with SINE examples (red), and human-trained without SINE examples (yellow), evalu-ated on the held-out human chromosome 2. Five mod-els were independently trained for each TF and training species.
Site-distribution plots show that, for unbound sites, no-SINE human-trained models tend to make similar prediction mistakes as mouse-trained models (Figure 7). For bound sites, on the other hand, no-SINE human-trained models make predictions that generally agree with predictions from standard human-trained models.
Di erential human chromosome 2 site pre-dictions between models trained on human data with or without any examples of SINE windows. Human-NS: models trained on human data with no SINE exam-ples. Similar to mouse-trained models, no-SINE human-trained models systematically mispredict some unbound sites.
This suggests that the Alu false positives unique to the mouse-trained model may simply be due to the fact that mouse models are not exposed to Alus during train-ing (i.e., Alu elements are “out of distribution”). In addi-tion, the reduction in model-unique false negatives observed when the no-SINE human-trained model is com-pared to the normal human-trained model suggests that those mispredictions are unrelated to Alus.
Domain-adaptive mouse models can improve cross-species performance
Having observed an apparent “domain shift” across species, partially attributable to species-unique repeats, our next step is to ask how we might bridge this gap and reduce the di erence in cross-species model perfor-mance. Our problem is analogous to one encountered in some image classification tasks, where the test data is di erently distributed from the training data to the extent that the model performs well on training data but much worse on test data (for example, the training im-ages were taken during the day but the test images were taken at sunset). In these situations, various techniques for explicitly forcing the model to adapt across di erent image “domains” have been shown to improve perfor-mance at test time (e.g. Long et al. 2015; Bousmalis et al. 2016; Sun et al. 2016).
One unsupervised domain adaptation method utilizes a gradient reversal layer to encourage the “feature generator” portion of a neural network to be domain-generic (Ganin et al. 2016). The gradient reversal layer’s e ect is to backpropagate a loss to the feature generator that prevents any domain-unique features from being learned. We chose to test the e ectiveness of this version of domain adaptation for our cross-species TF binding prediction problem because we have observed evidence that domain-unique features (species-unique repeat ele-ments) were a major component of the cross-species do-main shift.
We modified our existing model architecture to perform training-integrated domain adaptation across species (Figure 8). A gradient reversal layer (GRL) was added in parallel with the LSTM, taking in the re-sult of the max-pooling step (after the convolutional layer) as input. During standard feed-forward predic-tion, the GRL merely computes the identity of its in-put, but as the loss gradient backpropagates through the GRL, it is reversed. The output of the GRL then passes through two fully connected layers before reach-ing a new, secondary output neuron. This secondary output, a “species discriminator,” is tasked with predict-ing whether the model’s input genomic window is from the source or target species. The model training process is modified so that the model is exposed to sequences from both species, but only the binding labels of the source species (see Methods). Without the GRL, adding the species discrimination task to the model would en-courage the convolutional filters to learn sequence fea-tures that best di erentiate between the two species –features like species-unique repeats – but with the GRL included, the convolutional filters are instead discour-aged from learning these features. We hypothesize that this domain-adaptive model will outperform our ba-sic model architecture by reducing mispredictions on species-unique repeats.
Domain-adaptive network architecture. The top network output predicts TF binding, as before, while the bottom network output predicts the species of ori-gin of the input sequence window. The gradient reversal layer has the e ect of discouraging the convolutional fil-ters before it from learning sequence features relevant to the species prediction task.
We trained domain-adaptive models using the same binding training datasets as before and evaluated performance with the same held-out datasets. We ob-serve that the auPRC for our domain-adaptive models on cross-species test data is moderately higher than the auPRC for the basic mouse models, for all TFs except CTCF, where auPRCs are merely equal (Figure 9, top, blue vs. green boxplots). The domain-adaptive models’ auPRCs on mouse test data, meanwhile, is comparable to the auPRCs of basic models (Figure 9, bottom, blue vs. green). While the auPRC improvement is promising, it is also modest in comparison to the full cross-species gap; the domain-adaptive models still do not achieve a level of performance comparable to same-species models (Figure 9, top, green vs. red).
Performance of mouse-trained generic (blue), mouse-trained domain-adaptive (green), and human-trained (red) models, evaluated on human (left) and mouse (right) chromosome 2. Five models were independently trained and evaluated for each TF and train-ing species.
Domain-adaptive mouse models reduce over-prediction on Alu elements
Next, we repeated our site-distribution analysis to de-termine what constituted the domain-adaptive models’ improved performance. The unbound site plots in Figure 10 compare human genome predictions between domain-adaptive mouse models and the original human models. Alu elements are highlighted in Figure 11.
Differential predictions of human genome sites between human-trained and domain-adaptive mouse-trained models. Domain-adaptive mouse mod-els, unlike the original mouse models, do not show species-specific systematic misprediction of unbound sites.
Differential predictions of unbound sites con-taining Alu elements between domain-adaptive mouse-trained models and human-trained models. Unlike the original mouse models, domain-adaptive mouse models do not show systematic overprediction of Alu repeats.
Compared to Figure 4, the mouse-model-specific false positives have diminished for all TFs. This suggests that the domain-adaptive models are able to correct the problem of false positive predictions from Alus by scor-ing unbound sites overlapping Alus lower than the basic model did. This e ect is even present for CTCF, even though there was no noticeable auPRC di erence for CTCF between domain-adaptive and basic mouse mod-els – likely because the initial Alu enrichment in CTCF mouse-model false positives was lower than for other TFs.
In contrast, the site-distribution plots for bound sites demonstrate no noticeable di erence from the orig-inal plots for the basic model architecture. We applied the same SeqUnwinder analysis to look for sequence features that discriminate between mouse-model false negatives and true positives and discovered similar, but not identical, motif-like short sequence patterns as we did previously (Supplementary Figure 2). Thus, domain adaptation does not appear to have any major influence on bound site predictions.
False negative predictions unique to mouse-trained models trained with domain adaptation, compared to human-trained models, can be distinguished from true positive predictions through motif-like sequence features. See Methods for site categorization details.
Enabling effective cross-species TF binding imputation strategies would be transformative for studying mam-malian regulatory systems. For instance, TF binding in-formation could be transferred from model organisms in cell types and developmental stages that are difficult or unethical to assay in humans. Similarly, one could anno-tate regulatory sites in non-model species of agricultural or evolutionary interest by leveraging the substantial investment that has been made to profile TF binding sites in human, mouse, and other model organisms (ENCODE Project Consortium 2012; Yue et al. 2014; Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium et al. 2015).
Our results suggest that cross-species TF binding imputation is feasible, but we also find a pervasive per-formance gap between within-species and cross-species prediction tasks. One set of culprits for this cross-species performance gap are species-specific transpos-able elements. For example, models trained using mouse TF binding data have never seen an Alu SINE element during training, and often falsely predict that these ele-ments are bound by the relevant TF. Since Alu elements appear at high frequency in the human genome, their misprediction constitutes a large proportion of the cross-species false positive predictions, and thereby substan-tially a ect the genome-wide performance metrics of the model. It should be noted that Alus and other trans-posable elements can serve as true regulatory elements (Bourque et al. 2008; Sundaram et al. 2014), and thus we don’t assume that all transposable elements should be labeled as TF “unbound”. Indeed, we minimized the potential mislabeling of truly bound transposable elements as “unbound” by focusing all our analyses on regions of the genome that have a high degree of mappability (and are thereby less likely to be subject to mappability-related false negative labeling issues in the TF ChIP-seq data).
We demonstrated that a simple domain adaptation approach is sufficient to correct the systematic mispre-dictions of Alu elements as TF bound. Training a parallel task (discriminating between species) but with gradient reversal employed during backpropagation has the e ect of discouraging species-specific features being learned by the shared convolutional layers of the network. This approach is straightforward to implement and has the advantage that TF binding labels need only be known in the training species. Our approach accounts for domain shifts in the underlying genome sequence composition, assuming that the general features of TF binding sites are conserved within the same cell types across species.
We note that the underlying assumption of cross-species TF binding prediction-i.e., that the overall features of cell-specific TF binding sites are conserved-may not hold true in all cases. We observe that there are sequence features in bound sites that discriminate between correct and incorrect predictions specific to cross-species models. These discriminative sequence features suggest that cross-species false negative prediction er-rors could be the result of di erential TF activity across the two species. Such di erential activities could result from gain or loss of TF expression patterns, non-conserved cooperative binding capabilities, or evolved sequence preferences of the TF itself. We observe that these discriminative features are often preserved after we apply sequence composition domain adaptation, suggesting that our approach does not address the situation where TF binding logic is not fully conserved across species.
Other recent work has also demonstrated the feasibility of cross-species regulatory imputation. For example, Chen, et al. assessed the abilities of support vector machines (SVMs) and CNNs to predict potential enhancers (defined by combinations of histone marks) when trained and tested across species of varying evolutionary distances (Chen et al. 2018). Interestingly, they observed that while CNNs outperform SVMs in within-species enhancer prediction tasks, they are worse at generalizing across species. Our work suggests a possible reason for, and a solution to, this generalization gap. Two other recent manuscripts have applied more com-plex neural network architectures to impute TF binding and other regulatory signals across species (Kelley 2019; Schreiber et al. 2020b). Those studies focus on models that are trained jointly across thousands of mouse and human regulatory genomic datasets. They thus assume that substantial amounts of regulatory information has already been characterized in the target species, which may not be true in some desired cross-species imputation settings. In general, however, joint modeling approaches are also likely to benefit from domain adap-tation strategies that account for species-specific differences in sequence composition, and our results are thus complementary to these recent reports.
In summary, our work suggests that cross-species TF binding prediction approaches should beware of systematic di erences between the compositions of train-ing and test species genomes, including species-specific repetitive elements. Our contribution also suggests that domain adaptation is a promising strategy for address-ing such di erences and thereby making cross-species predictions more robust. Further work is needed to characterize additional sources of the cross-species performance gap and to generalize domain adaptation approaches to scenarios where training data is available from multiple species.
Data processing
Datasets were constructed by splitting the mouse (mm10) and human (hg38) genomes into 500 bp win-dows, o set by 50 bp. Any windows overlapping EN-CODE blacklist regions were removed (Amemiya et al. 2019). We then calculated the fraction of each window that was uniquely mappable by 36 bp sequencing reads and retained only the windows that were at least 80%uniquely mappable (Karimzadeh et al. 2018). Mappa-bility filtering was performed to remove potential peak-calling false negatives; otherwise, any genomic window too unmappable for confident peak-calling would be a potential false negative.
Liver ChIP-seq experiments were collected from ENCODE, GEO, and ArrayExpress. Accession IDs are as follows: GSE105829 for human CTCF, ENCSR000CBU for mouse CTCF, E-TABM-722 (PMID 20378774) for CEBPα and HNF4α (in both human and mouse), ENCSR098XMN for human RXRα, and GSM1299600 for mouse RXRα. Corresponding control experiments were utilized during peak calling when available.
ChIP-seq peaks were called using MultiGPS v0.74 with default parameters, excluding ENCODE blacklist regions (Mahony et al. 2014; Amemiya et al. 2019). Peak calls were converted to binary labels for each window in a genome: “bound” (1) if any peak center fell within the window, “unbound” (0) otherwise.
Dataset splits for training and testing
Chromosomes 1 and 2 of both species were held out from all training datasets. For computational efficiency, one million randomly selected windows from chromosome 1 were used as the validation set for each species (for hy-perparameter tuning). All windows from chromosome 2 were used as the test sets.
TF binding task training data was constructed iden-tically for all model architectures. Since binary classifier neural networks often perform best when the classes are balanced in the training data, the binding task training dataset consisted of all bound examples and an equal number of randomly sampled (without replacement) unbound examples, excluding examples from chromo-somes 1 and 2. To increase the diversity of examples seen by the network across training, in each epoch a dis-tinct random set of unbound examples was used, with no repeated unbound examples across epochs.
Domain-adaptive models also require an additional “species-background” training set from both species for the species discrimination task. Species-background data consisted of randomly selected (without replace-ment) examples from all chromosomes except 1 and 2. Binding labels were not used in the construction of these training sets. In each batch, the species-background examples were balanced, with 50% human and 50%mouse examples, and labeled according to their species of origin (not by binding). The total number of species-background examples in each batch was double the number of binding examples.
Basic model architecture
The network takes in a one-hot encoded 500 bp window of DNA sequence and passes it through a convolutional layer with 240 20-bp filters, followed by a ReLU activa-tion and max-pooling (pool window and stride of 15 bp). After the convolutional layer is an LSTM with 32 inter-nal nodes, followed by a 1024-neuron fully-connected layer with ReLU activation, followed by a 50% Dropout layer, followed by a 512-neuron fully-connected layer with sigmoid activation. The final layer is a single sigmoid-activated neuron.
Domain-adaptive model architecture
The domain-adaptive network builds upon the basic model described above by adding a new “species dis-criminator” task. The network splits into two output halves following max-pooling after the convolutional layer. The max-pooling output feeds into a gradient re-versal layer (GRL) – the GRL merely outputs the identity of its input during the feed-forward step of model train-ing, but during backpropagation, it multiplies the gra-dient of the loss by 1. The GRL is followed by a Flat-ten layer, a ReLU-activated fully connected layer with 1024 neurons, a sigmoid-activated fully connected layer of 512 neurons, and finally a single-neuron layer with sigmoid activation.
Model training
All models were trained with Keras v2.3.1 using the Adam optimizer with default parameters (Chollet 2015; Kingma and Ba 2014). Training ran for 15 epochs, with models saved after each epoch. After training, we se-lected models for downstream analysis by choosing the saved model with highest auPRC on the training-species validation set.
The basic models were trained by standard proce-dure with a batch size of 400 (see Section 2.1.2 for train-ing dataset construction). The domain-adaptive mod-els, on the other hand, required a more complex batch-ing setup. Because domain-adaptive models predict two tasks – binding and the species of origin of the in-put sequence – they require two stages of dataset input per batch. The first stage is identical to a basic model training batch, but with ⌊400/3⌋ = 133 binding examples from the source species. The second stage uses ⌈400 * 2/3⌉ = 267 examples each from the source species’ and target species’ “species-background” datasets.
Crucially, the stages di er in how task labels are masked. For each stage, only one of the two output halves of the network trains (the loss backpropagates from one output only). In the first stage, we mask the species discriminator task, so that only the binding task half of the model trains on binding examples from the training species. In the second stage, we mask the binding task, so only the species discriminator task half trains. Thus, the binding task only trains on examples from the source species, while the species discriminator task doesn’t see binding labels from either species.
Meanwhile, the weights of the shared convolu-tional layer are influenced by both tasks. Because these stages occur within a single batch and not in alternating batches, they concurrently influence the weights of the convolutional filters; there is no oscillating “back-and-forth” between the two tasks from batch to batch.
Differentially-predicted site categorization
To quantify site enrichment within discrete categories such as “false positives” and “false negatives”, it was necessary to define the boundaries for these labels. In particular, when comparing prediction distributions between models, we needed to define what constitutes, for instance, a “false positive unique to model A.” We con-structed the following rules for site categorization: 1) unbound sites must have predictions above 0.5 to be la-beled false positives, and bound sites must have predictions below 0.5 to be labeled false negatives; 2) a site is considered to be differentially predicted between two source species A and B if |PA - PB| > 0.5, where PA and PB are the predictions from models trained on data from species A and species B, respectively; 3) only sites meet-ing this di erential prediction threshold are labeled as a false positive or negative unique to one model. Thus, if we are comparing models from species A and B, and a site is labeled a false positive unique to model A, then PA > 0.5 and PB < 0.5. To reduce noise in these catego-rizations, rather than letting PA and PB equal the pre-dictions from single models, we trained 5 independent replicate models for each TF and source species, and then let PA be the average prediction across the 5 replicate models trained on data from species A for a given TF.
Bound site discriminatory motif discovery
SeqUnwinder (v. 0.1.3) (Kakumanu et al. 2017) was used to find motifs that discriminate between true pos-itive predictions and mouse-model-specific false nega-tive predictions using the following command-line set-tings: “--threads 10 --makerandregs --makerandregs --win 500 --mink 4 --maxk 5 --r 10 --x 3 --a 400 --hillsthresh 0.1 --memesearchwin 16”, and using MEME v. 5.1.0 (Machanick and Bailey 2011) internally.
Repeat analysis
All repeat analysis used the RepeatMasker track from the UCSC Genome Browser (Smit et al. 1996). Genome windows were labeled as containing an Alu element if there was any overlap (1 or more bp) with any Alu anno-tation. For Supplementary Table 1, repeat classes were excluded if fewer than 500 examples of that class were annotated in the test chromosome (before mappability filtering).
Open source code (MIT license) is available from: https://github.com/seqcode/cross-species-domain-adaptation
This work was supported by NIH NIGMS grant R01-GM121613 (to SM), NIH grant DP2GM123485 (to AK) and the Stanford Graduate Fellowship (to KC). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
The authors thank the members of the Center for Eu-karyotic Gene Regulation at Penn State for helpful feed-back and discussion.