Article Information
- March 2, 2021.
Article Versions
- Version 1 (March 1, 2021 - 10:25).
- You are viewing Version 2, the most recent version of this article.
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Author Information
- Yang Zhanga,
- Yoji Yoshimib,*,
- Osamu Funatsuc,
- Ryuto Hayashid,
- Shinsuke Komagawad,
- Shinichi Saitod,
- Yukitoshi Nagaharae and
- Masahiko Ikekitab
- aDepartment of Applied Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Technology Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan
- bDepartment of Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sanyo-Onoda City University, Yamaguchi, Japan
- cJEM Utilization Center, Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Ibaraki, Japan
- dDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
- eDepartment of Biotechnology, College of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Hatoyama, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan
- ↵*Corresponding author, Name; Yoji Yoshimi, Mailing address; Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sanyo-Onoda City University, 1-1-1 Daigaku-Dori, Sanyo Onoda, Yamaguchi, Japan, E-mail address; yoshimiy{at}, Tel; +81-8-3688-3500, Fax; +81-8-3688-3400