Same-different visual reasoning is a basic skill central to abstract combinatorial thought. This fact has lead neural networks researchers to test same-different classification on deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs), which has resulted in a controversy regarding whether this skill is within the capacity of these models. However, most tests of same-different classification rely on testing on images that come from the same pixel-level distribution as the testing images, yielding the results inconclusive. In this study we tested relational same-different reasoning DCNNs. In a series of simulations we show that DCNNs are capable of visual same-different classification, but only when the test images are similar to the training images at the pixel-level. In contrast, even when there are only subtle differences between the testing and training images, the performance of DCNNs drops to chance levels. This is true even when DCNNs’ training regime is augmented with images from new versions of the same-different task or through multi-task learning on the test images.
Relational reasoning is core to human intelligence (Penn, Holyoak, & Povinelli, 2008), and has proven to be a challenge for an earlier generation of connectionist models (e.g., O’Reilly & Busby, 2002; Rogers & McClelland, 2004; St. John, 1992) and more recent deep networks as well (Ricci, Cadène, & Serre, 2021; Vankov & Bowers, 2020; Puebla, Martin, & Doumas, 2021). Perhaps the simplest form of relation reasoning is the same-different task that simply requires the reasoner to determine whether two inputs are the same or different by some criterion. In the domain of vision, the simplest version of this is to classify images as visually identical or not. This skill is essential to abstract combinatorial thought and seems to be much more developed humans and chimpanzees than in other species (Gentner, Shao, Simms, & Hespos, 2021).
Recently there has been mixed evidence regarding whether standard DCNNs can support same-different matching of images. Fleuret et al. (2011) developed a Synthetic Visual Reasoning Test (SVRT) that included a set of 23 classification problems involving images of randomly generated shapes (for example images see Fig. 1 “Original” column). They reported that standard machine learning techniques at the time did poorly on same-different tasks. Similarly, Stabinger, Rodríguez-Sánchez, and Piater (2016) showed that state-of-the-art DCNNs (at the time) LeNet and GoogLeNet performed poorly on the same SVRT same-different tasks, and more recently, Kim et al. (2018) showed that vanilla DCNNs were poor at SVRT same-different tasks, and using a different dataset, showed that Santoro et al. (2017) relational network (RN) also failed to support same-different judgments.
Interestingly, Kim, Ricci, and Serre (2018) did find that a “Siamese network” that encoded the two images in two separate channels in order to simulate the effects of attentional selection and perceptual grouping learned to classify images as “same” or “different” easily, leading the authors to conclude that object individuation is a key step in solving the same-different task. At the same time, they also argue that a full solution to the same-different problem requires a network to encode dynamic representations of relations rather than statically storing visual-relation templates in synaptic weights. That is, in their view, symbolic processes need to be implemented to fully solve the same-different task.
On the other hand, there are recent reports that the current state-of-the-art DCNNs can solve the same-different task. If this is indeed the case, it would be a striking example of standard networks solving a fundamental relational reasoning task without implementing any symbolic machinery. Funke et al. (2020) noted that Kim et al. (2018) only tested relatively small CNNs (up to 6 layers), and when they replicated the same-different experiments on the SVRT using a ResNet-50 (He, Zhang, Ren, & Sun, 2016) model (a network of 50 layers) the models were able to perform the task successfully. Funke et al. (2020) noted that the success does not necessarily imply DCNNs can solve all visual reasoning tasks, but they do highlight that standard feedforward processing DC-NNs can solve the same-different task and that Kim et al.’s claim regarding the need for extra mechanisms for this task is unwarranted.
Similarly, Messina, Amato, Carrara, Gennaro, and Falchi (2021) have shown that a range of recent DCNNs, specifically ResNets, DenseNets, and CorNet-S, can solve the same-different SVRT tasks, whereas they confirm that this is difficult for older AlexNet and VGG networks. The authors conclude: “We think that the development of the abstract and relational abilities of neural networks is an important leap towards achieving some interesting new tasks…”.
However, there is a fundamental problem with using success on the same-different SVRT task as evidence that CNNs can support relational reasoning. A key feature of relational reasoning is that it is reasoning based on relations rather than any low-level visual details of the inputs. In the domain of visual same-different judgements, reasoning should extend to novel images. The SVRT task does test models on novel pairs of images, but the test images are generated in the same way (i.e., the train and test datasets come from the same pixel-level distribution), and accordingly, it does not test the hypothesis that models have acquired the capacity to support relational reasoning on the same-different task.
In the simulations below we test abstract same-different reasoning in DCNNs based on the ResNet-50 architecture. The basic tenet of our simulations is that a model that has learned the abstract same and different relations should be able to recognize examples of these relations beyond its training set.
Our training and test data are based on problem #1 of the SVRT (see Fig. 1 column “Original”). In problem #1 images of two randomly generated shapes are classified as “same” if they are the same up to translation and “different” otherwise. Furthermore, we created nine new datasets that followed the same abstract rule as problem #1. However, each new dataset was generated through a distinct stochastic generative process (i.e., a different pixel-level distribution). In the irregular dataset each shape was a (randomly generated) irregular polygon. In the regular dataset each shape was a regular polygon. In the open dataset each shape was an irregular polygon where the first and last vertices were not connected. The wider line dataset was the same as the irregular dataset except that the line width was set to two pixels instead of one. The scrambled dataset was the same as the regular dataset except that in the “different” examples one the of the objects (scrambled) was generated by dividing the other object into sections and displacing them randomly around the center. The random color dataset was the same as the irregular dataset except that for each image the line color was chosen randomly. The filled dataset was the same as the irregular dataset except that the shapes were filled with black. In the lines dataset each object corresponded to two unconnected vertical lines; in the “same” examples the distances between the lines of each object were exactly the same, whereas in the “different” examples these distances were different. Finally, in the arrows dataset the objects were arrows consisting of one or two triangular head(s) and a line; the head(s) and the line were connected; in the “same” examples the arrows were the same and in the “different” examples the orientation of each head was inverted. Note that among these nine different stimulus sets there are differences in the level of low-level similarity with the original SVRT data. In particular, the irregular, regular, and, to a lesser extent, the open datasets are more similar to the original data than the rest of the datasets.
Simulation 1
In Simulation 1 we trained 10 ResNet-50-based models on the same-different task. The models’ architecture (see Fig. 2) consisted of a ResNet-50 network pre-trained on ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009), followed by a global average pooling operation and a hidden layer of 1024 ReLU units. In Simulation 1 the output layer consisted of a single sigmoid unit. When the activation of this unit was above 0.5 the model’s answer was taken to be “same”, otherwise was taken to be “different”.
The models were fine-tuned with the Adam optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2014). In a first stage, the pre-trained ResNet-50 network was frozen while the rest of the network was trained with a learning rate of 0.0003. In a second stage, the complete model was trained with a learning rate of 0.0001. The training data consisted of the original data of the SVRT problem #1. In the first stage the model was trained on 14000 images for 10 epochs with a batch size of 128. In the second stage the model was trained on 28000 images for 10 epochs with the same batch size.
In Simulation 1 we performed the most basic and stringent test of abstract relational reasoning. The models were trained on problem #1, using the original dataset, and then presented with 5600 images from each of the 10 stimulus sets. That is, our testing conditions consisted on new images from the original training set (replicating Funke et al., 2020), and novel images from the other nine stimulus sets that were not seen during training. As noted above, a model that has learn the abstract same and different relations should generalize learning on the same-different task independently from the pixel-level similarity to original SVRT data.
Results and Discussion
As can be seen in Fig. 3, the models achieved almost perfect performance in the test set of the original SVRT data. Furthermore, the models showed above chance performance for the “same” and “different” categories in the irregular, regular and open conditions. As can be appreciated in Fig. 1, these conditions were the most featurally similar to the training data. On the other hand, the model showed a clear tendency to classify the images from the wider line, scrambled, random color, lines, and arrows conditions largely as “same”, even when they were, in fact, examples of the “different” category. Two especially notably cases are the wider line and random color conditions, since both were based on the same irregular polygons used in the irregular conditions, which showed the best generalization from the original data. Overall, these results show that the degree of generalization on the same-different task depends heavily on the pixel-level similarity between the training data and the test data. This pattern of results is inconsistent with the models learning the abstract same and different relations.
Simulation 2
A potential criticism to Simulation 1 is that the training data (line drawings of random shapes) wasn’t rich enough for the models to form a more complex representation of the “same” and “different” relations. Note, however, that Messina et al. (2021) do interpret their results with the same training data as our Simulation 1 as supporting abstract same-different reasoning in DCNNs. Nevertheless, we agree that the representations of the human visual system are based on rich stimuli and therefore is important to test what happens when the models have access to a richer training set. Therefore, in Simulations 2-4 we tested whether augmenting the training regime of the ResNet-50-based models would improve generalization on the same-different task to unseen stimuli. In Simulation 2, we did this by training the models on nine stimulus conditions consisting of images from the original SVRT data and all the new datasets except one. For each condition we trained 10 models with the same settings as in Simulation 1. We tested the models in the one stimulus set they were not trained on. For example, the models in the irregular stimulus condition were trained on the original data and all the new datasets except the irregular, in which they were tested on.
Results and Discussion
As can be seen in Fig. 4, the models performed well above chance in the irregular, regular and open conditions. This was expected as the models in Simulation 1 were already performing above chance by training only on the original data. Furthermore, the models in the wider line condition also performed well above chance (presumably in part because of the similarity between the wider line and filled versions). The scrambled and filled conditions also showed and improvement in comparison to Simulation 1, although that improvement consisted on moving towards chance levels in the response on the “different” category. In contrast, the random color, lines, and arrows conditions showed the same level of performance as in Simulation 1, as they were the most featurally unique among the different datasets. Overall, these results are similar to the ones of Simulation 1 in the sense that the networks’ degree of generalization on the same-different task depends primarily on the low-level similarity between the training data and the test data instead of the relational structure of the problem.
Simulation 3
In Simulation 2 we augmented the models’ experience of the different conditions by training on the same-different task directly. A potential problem with this strategy is that it does not give the models any experience with the specific condition they are tested on. In contrast, in Simulation 3 we augmented the models’ experience on all the datasets through multi-task learning. In deep learning research multi-task learning has long been used as technique to improve generalization (Ruder, 2017). In this simulation the models were trained on two tasks. The first was the same-different task as in the previous simulations. The second was a stimulus classification (e.g., classifying an image as coming from the “original”, “irregular”, “regular”, etc. condition). To do this we added a second output layer with softmax 10 units (see Fig. 2). Note that the processing path of this architecture only diverges at the last output layers. This kind of hard parameter sharing is known to reduce overfitting (Baxter, 1997), so if our previous results are just a matter of overfitting to the training data1, adding a second task should aid to generalize learning of the same-different task.
We trained 10 models with images from the “same” and “different” categories from all conditions. However, we only allowed the models to learn to classify images from the original SVRT data as “same” or “different”, whereas the models learned to classify all presented images into their corresponding problem versions. To accomplish this, during training we used the following composed loss function: were is the cross-entropy loss between the label y and the prediction , and wsd and wvc are the weights for the same-different loss and the version-classification loss, respectively. During training, wvc was set to 1 for all images. In contrast, when the model received images from the original SVRT data we set wsd to 1, otherwise it was set to 0. During testing, we presented the models with images of each problem version and recorded the models’ same-different and version-classification accuracies. All other training and testing parameters were the same as in Simulation 1 except that we trained the models for 12 epochs rather than 10.
Results and Discussion
As can be seen in Fig. 5, the models achieved almost perfect performance in the stimulus classification task. This is in sharp contrast with the the same-different task, where the models performed very well on the test data from the original condition, but defaulted to classify every image from the other conditions as “same” even when they were from the “different” category. These results show that, even when the models know what condition each image is from, they can’t generalize their learning on the same-different task to new images from this very same conditions. Furthermore, by comparing these results with those of Simulation 1 in Fig. 3, it is clear that adding the condition classification task hindered performance on the same-different task instead of improving it. More generally, the networks seem to be treating both task as completely independent, instead of using what they know about one task to improve performance on the other.
Simulation 4
In Simulation 4 we combined the approaches taken in Simulations 2 and 3 in order to provide the models with the maximum amount of information to generalize the same-different task to the unseen conditions. As in Simulation 3, we trained the models in both the same-different and the stimulus classification task. Furthermore, as in Simulation 2, for the same-different task we trained on all the stimulus conditions except one. For each of these 9 conditions we trained 10 models and tested them on the stimulus set that was not trained on. We trained the models with loss (1), this time setting wsd to 1 for all datasets except the one tested on. All other training parameters were the same as in Simulation 3.
Results and Discussion
As can be seen in Fig. 6, the models achieved almost perfect performance in stimulus classification, just as in Simulation 3. The models’ performance in the same-different task was somewhat better than in Simulation 3, with the irregular, regular and open conditions performing well above chance. Note, however, that the overall generalization of the same-different task was lower than in Simulation 2. In particular, the performance for the wider line, scrambles and filled conditions was appreciably lower. This supports our conclusion in Simulation 3 that adding the stimulus classification task hindered same-different generalization instead of helping it. More generally, these results show clearly that providing the models with the maximum possible amount of information, under our simulation set tings, did not allow them to generalize beyond what is to be expected through pixel-level similarity with the training data.
General Discussion
In four simulations we tested whether DCCNs were able to learn the abstract same and different relations that would support relational reasoning in the same-different task. Across simulations we found that, instead of forming an abstract representation of this task, DCCNs were unable to generalize to new test images that shared the same underlying relations as the training data but were not similar at the pixel level. This was the case even when we augmented DCCNs’ experience with new stimulus sets that instantiated the same-different task with several kinds of objects (Simulations 2 and 4), and when we used multi-task learning to give them experience with the very same conditions that they were tested on (Simulations 3 and 4).
These results shed new light into the discussion of whether is necessary to invoke extra, symbolic mechanism to solve the same-different task. If by “solving” the same-different task one means to be able to learn a mapping from images to “same” and “different” labels that generalizes to new images from the same pixel-level distribution (as Funke et al., 2020, assume and is implemented in the SVRT test) it is perfectly reasonable to say that DCNNs are able to solve this task. This, by itself, is an interesting problem from a machine learning point of view, because early machine learning models could not solve this kind of task. However, if by “solving” the same-different task one means to learn a representation of the same and different relations that support generalization beyond pixel-level similarity (as in humans and chimpanzees), our results suggest that DCCNs are just not up to the task.
In future work, we plan to extend the present analyses to relation networks (Santoro et al., 2017). Relation networks are an interesting test case because they are feed-forward neural networks that are specifically designed to perform relational reasoning. However, the way they have been benchmarked so far does not allow to test directly whether their performance is based on visual-relation templates or on more abstract representations. The current results suggest that dynamic representations of relations and objects might be necessary to achieve true visual relational reasoning.
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 741134).
↵1 Note, however, that the test data of the SVRT problem #1 consists of a different set of images from the training data.