Despite the importance of face perception in human and computer vision, no quantitative model of perceived face dissimilarity exists. We designed an efficient behavioural task to collect dissimilarity and same/different identity judgements for 232 pairs of realistic faces that densely sampled geometric relationships in a face space derived from principal components of 3D shape and texture (Basel Face Model, BFM). In a comparison of 15 models, we found that representational distances in deep neural networks (DNNs) and Euclidean distances within BFM space predicted human judgements best. A face-trained DNN explained unique variance over simpler models and was statistically indistinguishable from the noise ceiling. Sigmoidal transformation of distances improved performance for all models. Identity judgements were better predicted by Euclidean than angular or radial distances in BFM space. DNNs provide the best available image-computable models of perceived face dissimilarity. The success of BFM space suggests that human face perception is attuned to the natural distribution of faces.
Recognizing people by their faces is crucial to human social behaviour. Despite much work on the neural and behavioural signatures of face perception (see e.g. (1–4)), there is currently no quantitative model to predict how alike two faces will look to human observers. Advances in deep learning have yielded powerful artificial systems for face and object recognition (5–7), and 3D modelling and rendering techniques make it possible to systematically explore the space of possible faces (8–10). Here we investigate perceived dissimilarity among large sets of realistic faces and test a wide range of models.
Since faces of different people are structurally highly similar and vary along continuous dimensions (nose length, jaw width, etc.), it is helpful to think of faces as forming a continuous “face space” (11–13). A face space is an abstract space in which each face occupies a unique position. The dimensions of the space represent the physiognomic features that vary between faces. The origin of the multidimensional space is defined as the average face: the central tendency of the population of all faces. For an individual, this reference point is thought to reflect the sample of faces encountered in natural experience (9). Each face can then be thought of as a vector of features.
We used the Basel Face Model (BFM) (8), a widely used model in both computer graphics and face perception research (e.g. (14, 15)). The BFM is a 3D generative graphics model that produces nearly photorealistic face images from latent vectors describing shape and texture of the surfaces of natural faces. The model is based on principal components analysis (PCA) of 3D photo scans of 200 adult faces (8).
We asked to what extent the latent description of the BFM model and a range of image-computable models can predict the dissimilarity of two faces as perceived by humans. In addition, we asked to what extent the models can capture whether two images will be judged by people as depicting the same person. A model predicting identity judgements would have to capture the fact that people are able to discount various variations in appearance of the same person’s face, such as the changes caused by ageing, weight fluctuations, and tanning.
Previous research has debated the relative contribution of shape vs textural information for face identification (16, 17). The BFM is defined in terms of two separate PCA spaces, one controlling the surface shape of the face via its 3D mesh, and the other controlling the texture and colouration of the face via its RGB texture map (Figure 1a). This enables us to ask whether human judgements are explained better by the coordinates within the shape or the texture subspaces in the BFM.
The distance in the BFM face space is not the only way to predict the perceived dissimilarity between two faces. We compare a range of representational models that enable us to measure the distance between the representations of any two particular face images. The models include raw pixel intensities, GIST features, 3D-mesh vertex coordinates used to render the faces, as well as computer-vision models such as HMAX and deep convolutional neural networks (DNNs). DNNs now rival human performance at visual face identification. Face-identification-trained DNNs have been shown to predict neural activity well in face-selective human brain regions recorded intracranially (18). Do these networks also capture subtle perceptual dissimilarity relationships? Is the ranking of face pairs in these networks similar to that in human judgements? Does the visual diet of these networks affect their ability to capture human dissimilarity judgements?
To gain more insight into how humans judge face dissimilarity and identity, we designed a novel task for efficiently obtaining high-fidelity dissimilarity and identity judgements. Previous studies used multi-arrangement task for individual images of objects (19) but not pairs of images. We selected stimulus pairs to systematically sample geometric relations in statistical face space, exhaustively creating all combinations from a large set of facial vector lengths and angles (Figure 1b and 2a), see Methods). This experimental design allowed us to carefully test how well the BFM’s statistical space captured human judgements, and what the geometric relationship was between distances in the BFM and distances in human perceptual space. During the task, participants arranged pairs of face images on a large touch-screen according to how similar they appeared, relative to anchoring face pairs at the top and bottom of the screen and relative to other adjusted pairs (Figure 1c). This task yielded a superior measure to standard dissimilarity ratings in three ways: 1) it produced a fine-grained continuous measure of face dissimilarity within each pair (the vertical position at which the pair was placed on the screen), 2) it was efficient (many pairs could be placed within a single trial) and 3) it was robust, since judgements are anchored relative to multiple visual references simultaneously (both the extreme anchor pairs provided above and below the sorting arena and the other adjustable pairs within each trial). Participants also placed a horizontal bar on each trial that indicated the separation between face pairs that appeared to depict different individuals, and pairs that appeared to depict different instances of “the same person”. We sought to model both the continuous aspects of human face perception (graded dissimilarity) and its categorical aspects (same/different identity).
Participants (N=26) were highly reliable in their dissimilarity judgements using the novel arrangement task (mean correlation between participants = 0.80, mean correlation for the same participant between sessions = 0.85, stimulus set A experiment), providing a high-quality dataset with which to adjudicate between candidate models. We repeated the same experiment with a subset of the same participants (N=15) six months later, with a new independently sampled face set fulfilling the same geometric relations as the original stimulus set (stimulus set B experiment, see Methods). Participants in the stimulus set B experiment were also highly reliable in their dissimilarity judgements (mean correlation between participants = 0.79). This level of replicability allowed us to evaluate to what extent dissimilarity judgements depend on idiosyncrasies of individual faces, and to what extent they can be predicted from geometric relations within a statistical face space.
Face dissimilarity judgements can be well predicted by distance in a statistical face space
We first asked how well human face dissimilarity judgements could be predicted by distances within the Basel Face Model (BFM), the principal-components face space from which our stimuli had been generated. Since we had selected face pairs to exhaustively sample different geometric relationships within the BFM, defined in terms of the angle between faces and the radial distance of each face from the origin, we were able to visualise human dissimilarity ratings in terms of these geometric features (Figure 2b). The human ratings bore a strong resemblance to the patterns of the Euclidean distances among our stimuli (Figure 2a). Given this, we plotted dissimilarity judgements for each face pair as a function of the Euclidean distance in the BFM. To test how well the BFM approximates face dissimilarity judgements we tested functions that best described the relationship between the behavioural dissimilarity judgements and the BFM. We plotted the predictions of each fitted model over the data and compared the models. If the BFM is a perfect approximator of face dissimilarity judgements a linear function would best describe the relationship between face dissimilarity judgements and the Euclidean distances in the BFM (Figure 2c). We do not find this assumption to be completely true as the sigmoidal function better describes the relationship between face dissimilarity judgements and the Euclidean distances in the BFM (Figure 2c). The sigmoidal relationship between the BFM and perceived distances suggests that observers have maximal sensitivity to differences between faces occupying moderately distant points in the statistical face space, at the expense of failing to differentiate between different levels of dissimilarity among very nearby or very far apart faces. This latter result may be related to the fact that faces with very large Euclidean distances in the BFM look slightly caricatured to humans. We observed similar results in the stimulus set B experiment (face dissimilarity judgements using different face pairs with the same geometrical properties as in the stimulus set A experiment, see Methods for details, Figure 2c). This result suggests that the sigmoidal relationship between the BFM and perceived distances is observed regardless of face pairs sampled. Overall, the BFM is a good, but not perfect, approximator of face dissimilarity judgements.
Face identity judgements can be well predicted from the Euclidean distance in BFM
We also asked humans to judge whether each pair of faces depicted the same or different identity, and examined human identity thresholds in relation to the Euclidean distance between faces in the BFM. We found that moderately dissimilar faces are often still perceived as having the same identity (Figure 3a, Figure 4). We observed similar results in the stimulus set B experiment (Figure 3c, Figure 4). The examples of face pairs judged as the same identity are shown in Figure 4. This result may be related to humans having a high tolerance to changes in a personal appearance due to age, weight fluctuations, or skin complexion depending on the season.
Face pairs in the BFM can be analyzed in terms of their geometric characteristics relative to the centre of the face space or as the Euclidean distance between them. Therefore, we tested alternative predictors of face identity judgements: geometry in the BFM (θ, absolute difference between r1 and r2) and the Euclidean distance. We could predict whether two faces will be classified as the same individual by each of the predictors, however, the Euclidean distance in the BFM predicted identity judgements better than the angular and radial geometry of face space.
Relative geometry within BFM is approximately but not exactly perceptually isotropic
As face pairs used in the stimulus set A and stimulus set B experiments had the same relative geometries but different face exemplars we could test whether the relative geometry within BFM is perceptually isotropic. To address that, we tested face dissimilarity judgements replicability by correlating average judgements across participants in stimulus sets A and B. Participants completed two sessions of the stimulus set A experiment and a subset of participants (15 out of 26) completed the third session of the stimulus set B experiment. If the relative geometry within BFM is isotropic then the correlation between stimulus set A and B experiments should be the same as the correlation between two sessions of the stimulus set A experiment. The correlation between two sessions of the stimulus set A experiment is 0.85, the correlation between stimulus set A session 1 and stimulus set B session 3 experiment is 0.76, and the correlation between stimulus set A session 2 and stimulus set B session 3 experiment is 0.77 (Figure 2d). These results suggest that the relative geometry within BFM is approximately, but not exactly, perceptually isotropic and we do not have strong evidence against isotropy. The stimulus set B experiment was performed 6 months after the stimulus set A experiment therefore the differences in correlations between session could be attributed to the longer time between sessions with different face exemplars.
Face dissimilarity judgements can be well predicted by a DNN trained on either faces or objects
We measured the dissimilarity of face representations within each pair in the activation space of 16-layer deep neural networks (DNNs) of the VGG-16 architecture (20), trained on either face identification (21) or on object categorisation (20). Both networks were implemented in the Matconvnet toolbox for Matlab and were pretrained on their respective tasks by the original authors.
To gain an intuitive understanding of the face pair arrangement performed by humans and DNNs, we visualised the mean ranking of face pairs from the face pairs perceived as maximally different to the ones that were perceived as the same (plotting every 20 face pairs for clarity, see Figure 4 for the stimulus set A and B experiments).
To determine how face dissimilarity judgements performed by humans related to the dissimilarity of face image features from one of the current best models of face perception (VGG-Face), we displayed the dissimilarity ratings in VGG-Face alongside human face dissimilarity judgements. Visual inspection suggests that VGG-Face arranged face pairs somewhat differently than humans do. To quantify this, we computed the Pearson correlation between ranks of each subject dissimilarity judgements and VGG-Face. We also computed the Pearson correlation between ranks of each subject dissimilarity judgements and the mean dissimilarity judgements. The mean correlation between VGG-Face rankings and each human face dissimilarity rankings was 0.40.(Figure 4). Is the correlation between face pair arrangement across participants and VGG arrangement lower or higher than the correlation of each subject dissimilarity judgements and the mean dissimilarity judgements? We found that the former is the case as the correlation between each subject dissimilarity judgements rank and the mean dissimilarity judgements was 0.63. We observed similar results in the stimulus set B experiment (Figure 4) with the mean correlation between VGG-Face rankings and each subject face dissimilarity rankings being 0.35 and the correlation between each subject dissimilarity judgements rank and mean dissimilarity judgements rank being 0.60 (Figure 4). This result suggests that the VGG approximates the ranks of face pairs to a certain extent, but not fully, considering the between-subject variability.
Configural information and high-level person characteristics poorly predict perceived face dissimilarity
After establishing that face dissimilarity judgements can be predicted from the Euclidean distance relatively well and that VGG-Face can approximate face dissimilarity ranks in humans to a similar level as another human face dissimilarity ratings, we wanted to test a wide range of models to examine whether there is one model that best explains face dissimilarity judgements or there are multiple models that can explain the data equally well.
All models tested are schematically presented in Figure 5a. Several models were based on the BFM: BFM shape dimensions, BFM texture dimensions, full BFM (texture and shape dimensions together), one-dimensional projections in BFM onto which height, weight, age and gender were loaded most strongly, and angle in BFM between two face vectors. Alternative models consisted of a 3D mesh model, RGB pixels, GIST, and face configurations (“0th order” configuration (location of 30 key points such as eyes, nose, mouth), “1st order” configuration (distances between key points), and “2nd order” configuration (ratios of distances between key points)). Finally, the last class of models consisted of DNNs (VGG-16 architecture) trained on either object recognition or face identity recognition.
We inferentially compared each model’s ability to predict face dissimilarity judgements, in both their raw state and after fitting a sigmoidal transform to model-predicted dissimilarities, using a procedure cross-validated over both participants and stimuli (see Methods). The highest-performing model was the VGG deep neural network trained on face identification, which was the only model to predict human responses as well as the responses from other participants (i.e. not significantly below the noise ceiling; Figure 5b). However, several other models had high performances that were not statistically different from that of VGG-Face: Euclidean distance in BFM shape subspace, GIST, an object-trained Alexnet DNN, full BFM space, and BFM texture subspace (Figure 5b, top). Therefore there is no one best model, but several different models are equally good at explaining face dissimilarity data. Performing the same analysis on the independent stimulus set B experiment revealed good reproducibility of the model rankings, even though the individual faces are different (Figure 5b, bottom). VGG-Face again achieved the highest performance, but was not significantly superior to several other models: VGG-Object, Alexnet, GIST, full BFM space, or the shape or texture subspaces of BFM. Most models reached the noise ceiling in this second dataset, but this is likely because there was greater overall measurement noise, due to a smaller sample size and one rather than two experimental sessions.
There are substantial computational differences between the several models that all predict human perceived face dissimilarity well. Do they explain shared or unique variance in human judgements? To address this question we performed a unique variance analysis on all models. Several models explained a significant amount of unique variance, with VGG-Face explaining the most unique variance in both stimulus set A and stimulus set B experiments (Figure 5c). If some models explain unique variance, perhaps combining them would explain more overall variance in face dissimilarity judgements? To address this question, we combined all models into one model via linear weighting, and asked whether this combined model explains more variance than each of the models alone. Model weights were assigned within the same procedure individual models were evaluated, cross-validating over both participants and stimuli. We found that in both datasets, the combined weighted model reached high performance, but did not exceed the performance of the best individual model (Figure 5b).
Models based on BFM or DNN feature spaces outperformed most others, including models based on the face perception literature (angle in ‘face space’, and configurations of facial features) and two ‘baseline’ models (based on pixels or 3D face meshes). The success of the V1-like GIST model is surprising and may be due not to its unique explanatory power, but its high shared variance with more complex models for the image set used, although it is consistent with previous work finding that Gabor-based models explain variance in face matching experiments (22) and explain almost all variance in the face- and other complex shape-matching experiments when stimuli are tightly controlled (23). A person-attributes model, consisting only of the four dimensions which capture the highest variance (among the scanned individuals) in height, weight, age, and gender, did not perform well. This finding may seem surprising given that an earlier systematic attempt to predict face dissimilarity judgements from image-computable features found that dissimilarity was best predicted by weighted combinations of features that approximated natural high-level dimensions of personal characteristics such as age and weight (24). However, it seems that people use other or more than socially relevant dimensions when judging face dissimilarity in the experiment presented here. Some may find it surprising that VGG trained on faces did not perform better than VGG trained on objects (as elaborated on in the discussion section). For both VGG trained on faces and VGG trained on objects late intermediate layers explained most variance in face dissimilarity ratings in the stimulus set A experiment and the stimulus set B experiment (Figure 6a). Our finding is consistent with a previous study that showed late and intermediate layers of object-trained VGG explaining more variance in object similarity judgements (25). Late intermediate layers were also the only layers that explained unique variance (up to 0.3% of total variance) in both the stimulus set A and stimulus set B experiments where we compared each model individually (Figure 6b). These results suggest that similar stages of processing are important for explaining both total and unique variance by VGG-Object and VGG-Face.
All models better predicted human responses after fitting a sigmoidal function to their raw predicted distances, and produced a greater relative improvement for more poorly-performing models, but did not substantially affect model rankings (Figure 5b).
We have shown that the Euclidean distance in the BFM is a good approximator of human dissimilarity judgements. To our knowledge, this is the first time the BFM has been validated as providing quantitative predictions of perceived face dissimilarity and identity. The BFM was previously shown to capture face impressions (27) and personality traits (28). The BFM’s statistical face model is derived from separate principal components analyses of 3D face structure and of facial texture and colouration. It is, therefore, a more sophisticated statistical model than earlier PCA-based face space models derived from 2D images, which only moderately well predict face dissimilarity (29). In our study, BFM has a dual role of being a good model and stimulus generator.
The success of the Euclidean distance alone to predict both dissimilarity and identity is striking, given that psychological face space accounts have assigned particular importance to the geometric relationships of faces relative to a meaningful origin of the space (2, 11, 12, 30, 31). For example, it has been reported that there are larger perceptual differences between faces that span the average face than not (32). Extensive behavioural and neuropsychological work has sought to relate the computational mechanisms underlying face perception to geometric relationships in neural or psychological face space. It has been proposed that face-selective neurons explicitly encode faces in terms of vectors of deviation from an average face, based on evidence from monkey electrophysiology (33, 34) and human psychophysical adaptation (2) although alternative interpretations of the latter have been made (35, 36). Our comprehensive sampling of face pairs with the full range of possible geometric relationships was tailored to reveal the precise manner in which distances from the origin, and angular distances between faces, affect perceived dissimilarity. Yet both dissimilarity and identity data were explained best by simply the Euclidean distance, with geometric relationships in face space accounting for no additional variance. The BFM angle model did explain unique variance, however, the amount of variance explained was not enough to explain additional variance when combined with the BFM Euclidean distance model. Our results do not contradict previous studies, but suggest that effects of relative geometry may be more subtle than previously thought, when probed with large sets of faces that vary along diverse dimensions, rather than stimulus sets constructed to densely sample single or few dimensions (e.g. (31, 32)). Lastly, distances within BFM appear approximately but not exactly perceptually isotropic, as face dissimilarity judgements with different face exemplars but the same Euclidean distances and relative geometries were highly correlated, but less so than dissimilarity judgements with the same exemplars. One confounding factor here is however that the stimulus set B experiment was performed 6 months after the stimulus set A experiment, therefore, the differences in correlations between sessions could be attributed to the longer time between sessions with different face exemplars.
Distance within the BFM is not a perfect predictor of perceived dissimilarity. Firstly, like all morphable models, the BFM describes only the physical structure of faces, and so cannot account for effects of viewing factors such as pose and illumination, nor of familiarity, which we know to be substantial (cf. (30)). Relatedly, we did not explore people’s ability to parse structural differences between faces from sources of accidental differences between face images that are important for face recognition (lighting (37, 38) and viewpoint(37, 39)). It is hard to predict how differences in lighting or viewpoint would affect the performance of the models but it may further differentiate image-based models (e.g. GIST) from BFM that is invariant and capture the distance between faces in principal-components space. DNNs lie on a continuum between image-dependent and invariant models as they learn partly invariant features during training. It is non-trivial that within the domain of highly controlled frontal well-lit viewing conditions tested here, the BFM better predicts perceived dissimilarity than other structure-only models, such as geometric mesh dissimilarity. Secondly, the BFM distance is imperfect as a dissimilarity predictor in that there remains unexplained variance that is reliable across individual observers but not captured by any BFM model. There are several possible reasons for this. The BFM has limitations as a morphable model, for example, it is based on the head scans of only 200 individuals, and this sample is biased in several ways, for example towards white, relatively young, faces. The sub-optimal performance could also be due to fundamental limitations shared by any physically-based model (30), such as its inability to capture perceptual inhomogeneities relating to psychologically relevant distinctions such as gender, ethnicity, or familiarity. It would be interesting to test in the future whether newer morphable face space models capture more of the remaining variance in human dissimilarity judgements (9). The task presented here provides an efficient way to test the perceptual validity of future face space models.
We found that humans often classify pairs of images as depicting the same identity even with relatively large distances in the BFM. Two faces may be perceptibly different from one another, while nevertheless appearing to be “the same person.” The ability of the visual system to generalise identity across some degree of structural difference may be analogous to invariance to position, size and pose in object recognition (40). Face images generated from a single identity form a complex manifold as they may vary in age, weight, expression, makeup, facial hair, skin tone colour, and more. Given that we need to robustly recognise identity despite changes in these factors, it may not be surprising that there is a high tolerance for facial features when we judge one’s identity. The stimulus set contained very dissimilar faces, which provided an anchor for people’s definition of “different” and may influence moderately-dissimilar faces to look quite alike, in comparison. Participants seemed to interpret person identity quite generously, possibly imagining whether this face could be the same person if they aged, got tanned, or lost weight. “The same person” may be a not precisely defined concept, however people seem to agree what that concept means as they were consistent in judging the same/different identity boundary. Interestingly, the “different identity” boundary was close to the saturation point of face dissimilarity psychometric function. This result could be related to people dismissing all “different individuals” as completely-different and focusing their fine gradations of dissimilarity only within the range of faces that could depict the same identity. In our current experiment, the identity and face dissimilarity judgements are entangled and future experiments are needed to dissociate them.
Our data show clearly that some models of face dissimilarity are worse than others. Simply taking the angle between faces in the BFM is a poor predictor, as is a set of higher-order ratios between facial features. Perhaps surprisingly, the model consisting only of the four dimensions which capture the highest variance in height, weight, age, and gender performed poorly. Age and gender were shown to explain variance in face MEG representations (41) and we show that they do explain variance in face dissimilarity judgements task, however to a lesser extent than better-performing models. It seems that people use other or more than socially relevant dimensions when judging face dissimilarity.
Among highly performing models, we found that several explain face dissimilarity judgements similarly well. One of the models that explains a surprisingly large amount of variance is GIST. It has been previously shown, that Gabour-based models explain face representations well (14, 22). The models compared contain quite different feature spaces. For example, object-trained and face-trained VGG models learn distinctly different feature detectors (6), yet explain a similar amount of variance in human face dissimilarity judgements. Both object-trained and face-trained VGG models also explain a similar amount of variance in human inferior temporal cortex (42), and object-trained VGG explains variance in early MEG responses (43). The “face space” within a face-trained DNN organises faces differently than they are arranged in the BFM’s principal components, for example, clustering low-quality images at the “origin” of the space, eliciting lower activity from all learned features (30). It is perhaps remarkable that distances within the BFM are approximately as good at capturing perceived face dissimilarities as image-computable DNNs. Distances within the BFM contain no information about either the specific individuals concerned, or the image-level differences between the two rendered exemplars. DNNs, on the other hand, are image-computable and thus capture differences between the visible features in the specific rendered images seen by participants. The high success of the relatively impoverished BFM representation may highlight the importance of statistical face distributions to human face perception. After all, the BFM simply describes the statistical dissimilarity between two faces, expressed in units of standard deviations within the sample of 200 head-scanned individuals. The power of this statistical description is consistent with previous evidence for the adaptability of face representations, coming from face aftereffects (2, 34), the “own-race effect” (44, 45), and inversion and prototype effects (46)
We expected that a 16-layer VGG deep neural network trained to discriminate faces would likely be a better model than the same architecture trained on objects. However, this was not the case. There are a couple of possible explanations for this surprising result. The first is that although there is no “human” category in the ILSVRC dataset on which the VGG-object network was trained (7), there are images with faces in them (e.g. the classes “T-shirt” and “bowtie”), some classes have more than 90% images with faces (e.g. the classes “volleyball” and “military uniform”), and as many as 17% of all images in the dataset have at least one face (47). Therefore, the network may still have learned facial features, even without being explicitly trained on face discrimination. Indeed, DNNs trained with a spatial correlation loss in addition to a classification objective, developed “face patches” when trained on the same ILSVRC dataset (48). Even when all faces were completely removed from the training set, a face-deprived DNN was still able to categorize and discriminate faces (49). However, the face-deprived training affected the degree of DNN’s face selectivity and DNN’s ability to replicate the face-inversion effect(49). Another possibility is that human face dissimilarity judgements are based on general-purpose descriptions of high-level image structure, which are not specific to faces. Consistent with our behavioural results, VGG trained on faces was not beneficial in explaining neural recordings of faces (50). These results are consistent with our finding that a general object recognition model seems to be sufficient to develop features that are diagnostic of face dissimilarity. Emerging classes of models, such as inverse graphics model based on DNNs (10), could be tested as additional model candidates in the future.
One of the reasons for the equally high performance of disparate models is that, for our stimulus set, several models made highly correlated predictions, making it difficult to discriminate between them based on the current data. Model dissociation was also found to be difficult when studying the representations of face dissimilarity in human fusiform face area, where Gabor filters model performed similarly to face space sigmoidal ramp-tuning model (14). Stimulus optimisation methods could be used in the future to identify sets of stimuli for which current well-performing candidate models make maximally dissimilar predictions (26, 51, 52).
We conclude that deep neural networks provide the best available models of perceived facial similarity, and indeed a face-trained DNN fully explains human judgements within two independent datasets. Meanwhile, the more moderate success of a principal-components face space emphasises the importance of the natural distribution of faces in human face perception.
Each face generated by the BFM corresponds to a unique point in the model’s 398-dimensional space (199 shape dimensions, and 199 texture dimensions), centred on the average face. The relative locations of any pair of faces can therefore be summarised by three values: the length of the vector from the origin to the first face r1, the length of the vector from the origin to the second face r2, and the angle between the two face vectors θ (see Figure 1b). To create a set of face pairs spanning a wide range of relative geometries in face space, we systematically sampled all pairs of 8 possible vector length values (29 unique combinations) combined with 8 possible angular values. Possible angular values were eight uniform steps between 0 and 180 degrees, and possible vector lengths were eight uniform steps between 0 and 80 units in the BFM. This yielded 232 unique relative geometries. For each relative geometry, we then sampled two random points in the full 398-dimensional BFM space that satisfied the given geometric constraints. We generated two separate sets of face pairs with the same relative geometries but different face exemplars, by sampling two independent sets of points satisfying the same geometric constraints. The two sets (stimulus set A and stimulus set B) were used as stimuli in separate experimental sessions (see “Psychophysical face pair-arrangement task”).
Human behavioural testing took place over three sessions. Twenty-six participants (13 female) took part in sessions 1 and 2, and a subset of 15 (6 female) took part in session 3. All testing was approved by the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Ethics Committee and was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Volunteers gave informed consent and were reimbursed for their time. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
Psychophysical face pair-arrangement task
The procedure in all sessions was identical, the only difference being that the same set of face pair stimuli was used in sessions 1 and 2, while session 3 used a second sampled set with identical geometric properties. Comparing the consistency between sessions 1, 2, and 3 allowed us to gauge how strongly human judgements were determined by geometric relationships in face space, irrespective of the individual face exemplars.
During an experimental session, participants were seated at a comfortable distance in front of a large touch-screen computer display (43” Panasonic TH-43LFE8-IR, resolution 1920×1080 pixels). On each trial, the participant saw a large white “arena”, with a randomly arranged pile of eight face pairs in a grey region to the right-hand side (see Figure 1c). The two faces within each pair were joined together by a thin bar placed behind the faces, and each pair could be dragged around the touch-screen display by touching. Each face image was rendered in colour with a transparent background and a height of 144 pixels (approximately 7.1cm on screen).
The bottom edge of the white arena was labelled “Identical” and the top edge was labelled “Maximum difference”. Two example face pairs were placed to the left and to the right of the “Identical” and “Maximum difference” labels to give participants reference points on what identical and maximally different faces look like. The maximally different example faces had the largest geometric distance possible within the experimentally sampled geometric relationships (i.e. the Euclidean distance in the BFM = 80) in contrast to identical faces (i.e. the Euclidean distance in the BFM = 0). The same example pairs were used for all trials and participants.
Participants were instructed to arrange the eight face pairs on each trial vertically, according to the dissimilarity of the two faces within the pair. For example, two identical faces should be placed at the very bottom of the screen. Two faces that look as different as faces can look from one another should be placed at the very top of the screen. Participants were instructed that only the vertical positioning of faces would be taken into account (horizontal space was provided so that face pairs could be more easily viewed, and so that face pairs perceived as being equally similar could be placed at the same vertical location). On each trial, once the participant had finished vertically arranging face pairs by dissimilarity, they were asked to drag an “identity line” (see Figure 1c) on the screen to indicate the point below which they considered image pairs to depict “the same person”. Once eight face pairs and the identity line were placed, participants pressed the “Done” button to move to the next trial. Each session consisted of 29 trials.
Representational similarity analysis
We used representational similarity analysis (RSA) to evaluate how well each of a set of candidate models predicted human facial (dis)similarity judgements (53). For every model, a model-predicted dissimilarity was obtained by computing the distance between the two faces in each stimulus pair, within the model’s feature space, using the model’s distance metric (see “Candidate models of face dissimilarity”). Model performance was defined as the Pearson correlation between human dissimilarity judgements and the dissimilarities predicted by the model. We evaluated the ability to predict human data both for each individual model and for a linearly weighted combination of all models. To provide an estimate of the upper bound of explainable variance in the dataset, we calculated how well human data could be predicted by data from other participants, providing a “noise ceiling”.
Noise ceilings, raw model performance, sigmoidally-transformed model performance, and reweighted combined model per-formance were all calculated within a single procedure, cross-validating over both participants and stimuli (54). On each of 20 cross-validation folds, 5 participants and 46 face pairs were randomly assigned as test data, and the remaining stimuli and participants were used as training data. On each fold, a sigmoidally-transformed version of each model was created, by fitting a logistic function to best predict dissimilarities for training stimuli, averaged over training participants, from raw model dis-tances. Also on each fold, a reweighted combined model was created using non-negative least-squares to assign one positive weight to each of the individual models, to best predict the dissimilarity ratings for training stimuli, averaged over training participants. We then calculated, for each raw model, each sigmoidally transformed model, and for the combined reweighted model, the Pearson correlation with the model’s predictions for test stimuli for each individual test subject’s ratings. The av-erage correlation over test participants constituted that model’s performance on this cross-validation fold. The upper bound of the noise ceiling was calculated within the same fold by correlating each test subject’s test-stimulus data with the average test-stimulus data of all test participants (including their own). The lower bound was calculated by correlating each test subject’s test-stimulus data with the average for all training subject’s test-stimulus data (54, 55). Means and confidence intervals were obtained by bootstrapping the entire cross-validation procedure 1,000 times over both participants and stimuli.
We first determined whether each model was significantly different from the lower bound of the noise ceiling, by assessing whether the 95% confidence interval of the bootstrap distribution of differences between model and noise ceiling contained zero (54, 55), Bonferroni corrected for the number of models. Models that are not significantly different from the lower bound of the noise ceiling can be considered as explaining all explainable variance, given the noise and individual differences in the data. We subsequently tested for differences between the performance of different models. We defined a significant pairwise model comparison likewise as one in which the 95% confidence interval of the bootstrapped difference distribution did not contain zero, Bonferroni corrected for the number of pairwise comparisons.
Unique variance analysis
We used a hierarchical general linear model (GLM) to evaluate unique variance explained by best performing models (56). For each model, the unique variance was computed by subtracting the total variance explained by the reduced GLM (excluding the model of interest) from the total variance explained by the full GLM. We performed this procedure for each participant and used non-negative least squares to find optimal weights. A constant term was included in the GLM model. We performed a one-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test to evaluate the significance of the unique variance contributed by each model across participants.
Candidate models of face dissimilarity
We considered a total of 15 models of face dissimilarity, each consisting of a set of features derived from the face image, the BFM coordinates, or 3D mesh, and a distance metric (see Table 1).
Basel Face Model
We considered four variant models based on the principal-component space provided by the BFM: (1) “BFM Euclidean” took the Euclidean distances between faces in the full 398-dimensional BFM space; (2) “BFM-shape” took the Euclidean distances only within the 199 components describing variations in the 3D shape of faces; (3) “BFM-texture” took the Euclidean distances only within the 199 separate components describing variations in the RGB texture maps that provided faces’ pigmentation and features; and (4) “BFM angle” which took the cosine distance between face vectors in the full 398-dimensional space. For face pairs where cosine distance was undefined, because one face lay at the origin of BFM space, the angle between the two faces was defined as zero for the purposes of model evaluation.
To more fully explore the relationship between apparent dissimilarity and placements of faces in the full BFM space, we also considered linear and sigmoidal functions as candidates for predicting the relationship between the Euclidean distance in the BFM and face dissimilarity judgements. We estimated each model’s predictive performance as the Pearson correlation between the fitted model’s predicted dissimilarities and the dissimilarities recorded by the subject. We tested for significant differences between linear and sigmoidal function fits using a two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test. For each subject, we fitted the model to half of the data (session 1) and measured the predictive accuracy of the model in the second half of the data (session 2). The predictive accuracies were averaged across participants.
Person attributes
The BFM provides the axes onto which the height, weight, age, and gender of the 3D scanned participants most strongly loads. By projecting new face points onto these axes, we can approximately measure the height, weight, age and gender of each generated face. The “Person attributes” model took the Euclidean distance between faces, after projecting faces onto these four dimensions.
Models based on 3D face structure
Face perception is widely thought to depend on spatial relationships among facial features (4, 17, 60, 61). We calculated the Euclidean distance between the 3D meshes that were used to render each face (“Mesh” model). We also used the geometric information within each face’s mesh description to calculate a first, second, and third-order configural model of facial feature arrangements, following suggestions by (60) and others (e.g. (17)) that face perception depends more strongly on distances or ratios of distances between facial features than raw feature locations. We selected 30 vertices on each face corresponding to key locations such as the centre and edges of each eye, the edges of the mouth, nose, jaw, chin, and hairline (see schematic in Figure 5a), using data provided in the BFM. The positions of these 30 vertices on each 3D face mesh formed the features for the “0th order” configural model. We then calculated 19 distances between horizontal and vertically aligned features (e.g. width of nose, length of nose, separation of eyes), which formed the “1st order” configural model. Finally, we calculated 19 ratios among these distances (e.g. ratio of eye separation to eye height; ratio of nose width to nose length), which formed the “2nd order” configural model.
Deep neural networks
We used a state-of-the-art 16-layer convolutional neural network (VGG-16), trained on millions of images to recognize either object classes (20) or facial identities (21). The dissimilarity predicted by DNN models was defined as the Euclidean distance between activation patterns elicited by each image in a face pair in a single layer. To input to DNN models, faces were rendered at the VGG network input size of 124×124 pixels, on a white background, and preprocessed to subtract the average pixel value of the network’s training image set.
Low-level image-computable models
As control models, we also considered the dissimilarity of two faces within in terms of several low-level image descriptors: (1) Euclidean distance in raw RGB pixel space; (2) Euclidean distance within a “GIST” descriptor, image structure at four spatial scales and eight orientations (https://people.csail.mit.edu/torralba/code/spatialenvelope/); and (3) HMAX, a simple four-layer neural network (http://cbcl.mit.edu/jmutch/hmin/). For comparability with the images seen by participants, all low-level image-computable models operated on faces rendered on a white background at 144×144 pixel resolution.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
JOK, KMJ and NK designed the experiments. KMJ collected the data. KMJ, JOK and KRS performed the analyses. KMJ and KRS wrote the paper. All authors edited the paper. NK supervised the work.
The datasets and code generated during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
This research was supported by the Wellcome Trust [grant number 206521/Z/17/Z] awarded to KMJ; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation postdoctoral fellowship awarded to KMJ; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation postdoctoral fellowship awarded to KRS; the Wellcome Trust and the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.