Whether regeneration is primarily accomplished by re-activating gene regulatory networks used previously during development or by activating novel regeneration-specific transcriptional programs remains a longstanding question. Currently, most genes implicated in regeneration also function during development. Using single-cell transcriptomics in regenerating Drosophila wing discs, we identified two regeneration-specific cell populations within the blastema. They are each composed of cells that upregulate multiple genes encoding secreted proteins that promote regeneration. In this regenerative secretory zone, the transcription factor Ets21C controls the expression of multiple regenerationpromoting genes. While eliminating Ets21C function has no discernible effect on development, it severely compromises regeneration. This Ets21C-dependent gene regulatory network is also activated in blastema-like cells in tumorous discs, suggesting that pro-regenerative mechanisms can be co-opted by tumors to promote aberrant growth.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.