The analysis of neuronal structure and its relation to function has become a fundamental pillar in neuroscience since its earliest days, with the underlying premise that morphological properties can modulate neuronal computations. It is often the case that the rich three-dimensional structure of neurons is quantified by tools developed in other fields, such as graph theory and computational geometry; nevertheless, some of the more advanced tools developed in these fields have not yet been made accessible to the neuroscience community. Here we present Neural Collision Detection, a library providing high-level interfaces to collision-detection routines and alpha shape calculations, as well as statistical analysis and visualizations for 3D objects, with the aim to lower the entry gap for neuroscientists into these worlds. Our work here also demonstrates a variety of use cases for the library and exemplary analysis and visualizations that were carried out with it on real neuronal and vascular data.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
↵* pb{at}tauex.tau.ac.il