Objective Escherichia coli ST410 with blaNDM-5 has been increasingly detected as multidrug resistance pathogens globally, even though there are very few reports of infections caused by blaNDM-5 producing E. coli in Singapore[1]. And significantly limit sequencing information of blaNDM-5 carried E. coli strain from Singapore. In 2018, our group obtained a carbapenem resistance E. coli ST410 strain SrichA-1 isolated from reservoir water in Singapore, determined to harbor the NDM-5 gene. (BioSample Accession: SAMN18579051).
Methods The susceptibility test to antimicrobials was performed with microdilution minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test and interpreted according to the Clinical And Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) -M100 standards. The genomic DNA of this strain was extracted and send for Whole-genome sequencing(WGS) with the Illumina platform. The WGS analysis was processed with the Center for Genomic Epidemiology (CGE, DTU) server.
Results During the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test, SrichA-1 has shown strong resistance to all the beta-lactams, including cephalosporin and carbapenem, which can not be inhibited by the clavulanic acid. Further whole genome sequencing analysis has shown that the strain harboring five beta-lactamase genes covers all class A to D, including the carbapenemase genes as blaNDM-5.
Conclusion Here, we reported the complete chromosome sequence of this isolate as well as the sequence of a cycler plasmid. The pSGNDM-5 plasmid was furtherly identified to carry four beta-lactamase genes, including blaNDM-5, blaCTX-M-15, blaTEM-1B, blaOXA-1, while a blaCMY-2 was detected to be located on the chromosome.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.