Studying protein-protein interactions in vivo can reveal key molecular mechanisms of biological processes. Co-Immunoprecipitation followed by Mass Spectrometry (CoIP-MS) allows detection of protein-protein interactions in high-throughput. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) is a powerful genetic model organism for in vivo studies. Yet, its rigid cuticle and complex tissues require optimization for protein biochemistry applications to ensure robustness and reproducibility of experimental outcomes. Therefore, we optimized CoIP-MS application to C. elegans protein lysates by combining a native CoIP procedure with an efficient sample preparation method called single-pot, solid-phase-enhanced, sample preparation method (SP3). Our results based on the subunits of the conserved chromatin remodeler FACT demonstrate that our SP3-integrated CoIP-MS procedure for C. elegans samples is highly accurate and robust. Moreover, in a previous study (Baytek et al. 2021), we extended our technique to studying the chromodomain factor MRG-1 (MRG15 in human), which resulted in unprecedented findings.
Method Summary Combination of cryo-fracture with single-pot, solid-phase-enhanced, sample preparation (SP3) to perform Co-Immuno-Precipitation followed by Mass Spectrometry (CoIP-MS) provides robust assessments of protein-protein interaction using C. elegans whole animals.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.