Rapid and up-to-date drug susceptibility testing is urgently needed to address the threat of multidrug resistant tuberculosis. We developed a composite machine learning system to predict susceptibility from whole-genome sequences for 13 anti-tuberculosis drugs. We trained, validated and externally tested the system, and assessed its performance against a previously validated mutation catalogue, existing molecular assays, and World Health Organization Target Product Profiles. 174,492 phenotypes and 26,328 isolates from 15 countries were studied. The sensitivity of the model was greater than 90% for all drugs except ethionamide, clofazimine and linezolid. Specificity was greater than 95% for all drugs except ethambutol, ethionamide, and bedaquiline, delamanid and clofazimine. The machine learning system was more sensitive than the catalogue and assay (all p<0.01), and correctly predicted a pan-susceptible regimen with 98% accuracy in MDR-TB samples. The proposed system can help guide therapy and be updated automatically as new resistance emerges.
Competing Interest Statement
E.R. is employed by Public Health England and holds an honorary contract with Imperial College London. I.F.L. is Director of the Scottish Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory. S.N. receives funding from German Center for Infection Research, Excellenz Cluster Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation, Leibniz Science Campus Evolutionary Medicine of the LUNG (EvoLUNG)tion EXC 2167. P.S. is a consultant at Genoscreen. T.R. is funded by NIH and DoD and receives salary support from the non-profit organization FIND. T.R. is a co-founder, board member and shareholder of Verus Diagnostics Inc, a company that was founded with the intent of developing diagnostic assays. Verus Diagnostics was not involved in any way with data collection, analysis or publication of the results. T.R. has not received any financial support from Verus Diagnostics. UCSD Conflict of Interest office has reviewed and approved T.R. role in Verus Diagnostics Inc. T.R. is a co-inventor of a provisional patent for a TB diagnostic assay (provisional patent #: 63/048.989). T.R. is a co-inventor on a patent associated with the processing of TB sequencing data (European Patent Application No. 14840432.0 & USSN 14/912,918). T.R. has agreed to donate all present and future interest in and rights to royalties from this patent to UCSD to ensure that he does not receive any financial benefits from this patent. S.S. is working and holding ESOPs at HaystackAnalytics Pvt. Ltd. (Product: Using whole genome sequencing for drug susceptibility testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis). G.F.G. is listed as an inventor on patent applications for RBD-dimer-based CoV vaccines. The patents for RBD-dimers as protein subunit vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 have been licensed to Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical Co. Ltd, China.
↵* Members of the CRyPTIC consortium are listed at the end.