Genomic surveillance of SARS-COV-2 has revealed that in addition to many variants of interests, this virus has yielded four variants of concern, α, β, γ and δ, as designated by the World Health Organization. δ variant has recently become the predominant pandemic driver around the world and yielded four different subvariants (δ1, δ2, δ3 and δ4). Among them, δ1 has emerged as the key subvariant that drives the pandemic in India, Europe and the USA. A relevant question is whether δ1 subvariant continues to evolve and acquires additional mutations. Related to this, this subvariant has acquired spike V1176F, a signature substitution of γ variant, and yielded a new sublineage, δ1F. The substitution alters heptad repeat 2 of spike protein and is expected to improve interaction with heptad repeat 1 and enhance virus entry. Moreover, there are δ1F sublineages encoding spike N501Y, A783, Q836E and V1264L. While N501Y is a signature substitution shared by α, β and γ variants, V1264L is a key substitution in a δ1 sublineage that is a major pandemic driver in Southeast Asia. The Q836E-encoding lineage carries an average of 50 mutations per genome, making it the most mutated variant identified so far. Similar to δ1 subvariant, δ2 subvariant has also acquired spike V1176F and yielded new sublineages. Together, these results suggest that V1176F is a recurrent spike substitution that is frequently acquired by SARS-COV-2 variants to improve viral fitness. It is thus important to track the evolutionary trajectory of related variants for considering and instituting the most effective public health measures.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused the pandemic, led to tragic loss of life, overloaded health care systems and crippled the economy around the world. Just as this pandemic is unprecedented in the recent human history, global genomic surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) is also unparalleled. As of October 16, 2021, almost 4.4 million SARS-COV-2 genomes have been sequenced and deposited into the GISAID (global initiative on sharing avian influenza data) genome sequence database [1]. This invaluable resource provides invaluable information and golden opportunities to track the evolutionary trajectory of the virus. Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 has firmly established that its evolution is the driving force of this pandemic. In addition to many variants of interests, the virus has yielded four variants of concern as designated by the WHO: α (B.1.1.7) [2], β (B.1.351) [3], γ (P.1) [4] and δ (B.1.617.2) [5]. One important question is what we can learn from known variants about the evolutionary trajectory of SARS-COV-2. Answers to this question will provide valuable scientific evidence for making informed decisions on the most effective public health measures, and help us identify potential future variants of concern.
To address this important question, I have tracked genomes in the GISAID database very closely. I have very recently found that δ variant has evolved further and yielded four subvariants (δ1, δ2, δ3 and δ4) in India [6]. Among them, δ1 has emerged as the major pandemic driver and δ2 plays a much less important role, whereas δ3 and δ4 have gradually faded away [6]. δ1 subvariant is also the major pandemic driver in Europe [6] and the USA [7]. These new findings raise a relevant question about whether δ1 subvariant continues to evolve and acquires additional mutations. Related to this question, I tried to determine whether SARS-COV-2 mutations show any conceptual analogy with germline mutations identified in genetic diseases and somatic mutations associated with cancer, because I have been working on these two types of mutations [8-10].
As a result, I realized and postulated that very similar to cancer mutations, SARS-COV-2 mutations are grouped into three large categories: driver, facilitator and passenger mutations. Different from passenger mutations, driver and facilitator mutations are recurrent. Recurrent frequency can sometimes help us distinguish between facilitator and passenger mutations. Notably, driver or facilitator mutations during SARS-COV-2 evolution are not so dominant as those identified in cancer. Still, some SARS-COV-2 mutations clearly act as drivers. One such example is D614G, a key substitution that has changed the entire course of the pandemic [11-13]. This substitution alters conformational state of the spike protein [14]. Another example is spike N501Y, shared by α [2], β [3] and γ [4] variants. This substitution enhances interaction with the cell-try receptor ACE2 [15]. A third example is spike P681R encoded by δ and κ variants [5]. It improves the furin cleavage site and confers evolutionary advantage [16]. With this hypothesis as a guide, I mapped the evolutionary trajectory of SARS-COV-2 evolution.
Among the four variants of concern, only γ variant encodes V1176F [4]. This substitution is located within heptad repeat 2 (HR2) of the S2 domain of spike protein and expected to improve interaction with HR1, which may facilitate virus entry to target cells by enhancing cell fusion potential [17]. This raises the question whether α [2], β [3] and δ [5] variants acquire V1176F during evolution. Here I describe that δ1 and δ2 subvariants have acquired spike V1176F and formed the new sublineages δ1F and δ2F, respectively (where the letter F denotes F1176). Moreover, δ1F has evolved further and acquired additional mutations, including spike N501Y, A783S, Q836E and V1264L. Alarmingly, the Q836E-encoding lineage, referred to as carries δ1F1, carries an average of 50 mutations per genome, thereby making it the most mutated SARS-COV-2 variant identified so far. Therefore, V1176F is recurrent and belongs to the facilitator or driver mutation category.
Spike V1176F is a recurrent substitution that may improve HR2 function
As shown in Fig. 1A, spike protein is a multidomain protein composed of an N-terminal domain, a receptor-binding domain, a fusion peptide, a fusion peptide proximal region, heptad-repeat regions 1 and 2, a transmembrane motif and a C-terminal cytoplasmic tail. A recent study showed that the fusion peptide C-terminal proximal region is important for spike protein function (Fig. 1A) [18]. V1176 is located within HR2 (Fig. 1A). HR2 is composed four heptad repeats and V1176 occupies a key position of repeat 1 (Fig. 1B). At the 3D structural level, V1176 is part of an unstructured loop. As four heptad repeats utilize key hydrophobic residues, such as V1176, for interaction with HR2 [17]. Because phenylalanine is much more hydrophobic than alanine, V1176F is expected to facilitate such interaction. This is also consistent that V1176F is a signature substitution in γ variant and its related variants, P.2 and P.3 [4,19]. As shown in Fig. 1B, phenylalanine is also present at the equivalent position in the spike proteins from HKU1 and OC43. By contrast, a hydrophilic residue is present at the equivalent position in the spike proteins from NL63 and 229E, which is expected to make HR2 of these two coronaviruses less optimal. Thus, HR2 function is one potential avenue, on which SARS-COV-2 and related coronaviruses improves viral fitness.
Hundreds of V1176F-encoding δ genomes form distinct groups
Among the four variants of concern, only γ variant encodes V1176F [4]. In light of the potential importance of this substitution in improving viral fitness, I asked whether δ variant has also acquired this substitution. As a result, it was used it as a search criterion to identify δ genomes in the GISAID database. Indeed, this searched uncovered hundreds of δ genomes that encode V1176F as an extra substitution. Then I utilized Coronapp, an efficient web-based SARS-COV-2 mutation profiling application [20,21], to produce reports on mutations in 817 such V1176F-encoding δ genomes that were identified and sequenced in different countries around the world. The profiling results revealed that these genomes are mainly derivatives of δ1 and δ2 subvariants (with the corresponding sublineages referred to δ1F and δ2F, respectively, where the letter F denotes F1176; Fig. 2), indicating that V1176F has been independently acquired. Intriguingly, a subset of genomes encode spike V1264L (Fig. 2B), located at the cytoplasmic tail (Fig. 1A). This substitution is recurrent and may make δ1 and δ2 sublineages more virulent [22]. Another subset encodes spike Q836E (Fig. 2B), located at the fusion peptide proximal region (Fig. 1A). Consistent with this heterogeneity, the distribution mutation load curve forms two distinct peaks, with the major peak carrying an average of 41 mutations per genome and the smaller peak centering at an average of 49-50 mutations per genome (Fig. 3A). The mutation load from the major peak is expected from typical δ genomes identified in August and September 2021 [6,7,22], but the mutation load of the small peak is totally unexpected.
This raises an intriguing possibility that the small peak corresponds to V1264L- or Q836E-encoding δ genomes. Thus, these two types of genomes were identified and analyzed via Coronapp [20,21]. As shown in Fig. 3B-C, V1264L-encoding δ genomes possess 42 mutations per genome, whereas Q836E-encoding δ genomes carry 50 mutations per genome. Thus, the small peak in Fig. 3A is due to Q836E-encoding δ genomes. Manual inspection of the mutations revealed that these Q836E-encoding δ genomes are derivatives of δ1F subvariant, so the resulting sublineage is designated as δ1F1. Its mutation load at the average of ∼50 mutations per genome makes δ1F1 the most mutated SARS-COV-2 lineage identified so far. In comparison, the mutation load is an average of 47 mutations per genome for C.1.2 variant, which has been reported to be the most mutated variant [23,24]. There are several δ1 sublineages carrying 46-49 mutations per genome [6,22].
Manual inspection of the mutations from V1264L-encoding δ genomes revealed that they are δ2F derivatives, supporting that V1176F has been acquired by two different δ subvariants. In agreement with this, phylogenetic analysis V1176F-encoding genomes identified two large groups corresponding to δ1F and δ2F (Figs 3D & S1). δ3 and δ4 subvariants have also acquired V1176F even though in terms of population size, the resulting sublineages are minor compared to those from δ1 and δ2 subvariants (Figs 3D & S1). Further phylogenetic analysis of V1264L-encoding δ genomes identified a major group encoding an extra spike substitution, P809S (Figs 3E & S2). These genomes were mainly identified in the USA (Fig. S1). Therefore, V1176F is recurrent and has been acquired by different δ subvariants.
Mutational analysis of δ1F1 as the most mutated SARS-COV-2 variant identified so far
Q836E-encoding δ-genomes were mainly identified in Europe (Figs 3D & S1). Mutational analysis of these genomes uncovered four silent mutations, F1107F of NSP3, S477S and Y707Y of spike protein, and S318S of nucleocapsid protein. Over 50% of the genomes also encode a fifth silent mutation, spike V991V. These five silent mutations contribute to the high mutation load of δ1F1 genomes and may have been subject to positive selection. Alternatively, they are just passenger mutations. However, silent mutations have been found to improve fitness of HIV-1 variants [25,26], so further investigation of the potential impact of these five silent mutations is warranted. In addition to the five silent mutations, spike A783S is encoded in over 20% of the genomes (Fig. 4B). This substitution and V991V are mutually exclusive, so there are at least two subgroups within the group of Q836E-encoding δ-genomes. In support of this, phylogenetic analysis identified three subgroups, with two corresponding to the A783S- and V991V-encoding ones (Fig. 5). Troublingly, inspection of the third subgroup identified one genome that encodes spike N501Y (Figs 5 & S3). This signature substitution is shared by α [2], β [3] and γ [4] variants of concern, and known to improve ACE2 interaction [15]. Thus, δ1F1 has evolved further and acquired additional substitutions, including spike N501Y and A783S.
Mechanistic impact of different spike substitutions and a hypothetical model
As shown in Fig. 1, V1176F is located within HR2 of spike protein and expected to improve interaction with HR1, which may in turn facilitate virus entry by enhancing cell fusion potential [17]. As illustrated in Fig. 1 & 6A, P809 is only 6 residues away from the S2’ cleavage site. Structurally, this proline may hinder the cleavage (Fig. 6B), so P809S may improve cleavage at this site. At the 3D structural level, A783 and Q836 are not far away from the cleavage site (Fig. 6B-C). The side chain of Q836 is 3.5 Å away from D839 and may thus form a hydrogen bond (Fig. 6B). A873 is in proximity to K786 (∼5.1 Å), and both residues are on the same surface as the S2’ cleavage loop (Fig. 6B). so A783S and Q836E may modulate the cleavage. Moreover, Q836 is located within a fusion peptide proximal region, which was recently found to be very important for spike protein function [18]. Thus, the S2’ cleavage site (Figs 1A & 6A-B) is a hot spot for SARS-COV-2 mutations to improve its viral fitness.
Four δ subvariants (δ1, δ2, δ3 and δ4) were initially identified in India [6] and then spread to the rest of the world [6,7,22]. Through convergent evolution, they have then acquired V1176F and yielded four sublineages (δ1F, δ2F, δ3F and δ4F; Figs 3D & 6D). Among them, δ1F is the fastest evolving and has acquired additional mutations. As for δ1F1 (Fig. 5), its mutation load at the average of ∼50 mutations per genome makes it the most mutated SARS-COV-2 variant identified so far. Alarmingly, one δ1F genome identified in September 2021 encodes N501Y (Figs 5 & S3), a key spike substitution shared by α, β and γ variants of concern. Compared to δ1F, δ2F carries fewer mutations, but one subgroup encodes P809S (Figs 3E & 5), which is close to the S2’ cleavage site and may improve its cleavage efficiency. Thus, it will be important to track evolution of δ1F and δ2F in the coming few months. In summary, different δ subvariants have acquired spike V1176F and formed the new sublineages. Its importance and recurrent nature call for the need to annotate other substitutions located at the HR1 and HR2 regions of spike protein (Fig. 1A).
The author declares no competing interests.
SARS-COV-2 genome sequences, mutational profiling and phylogenetic analysis
The genomes were downloaded the GISAID database on the dates specified in the figure legends. CoVsurver (https://www.gisaid.org/epiflu-applications/covsurver-mutations-app/) was used to analyze mutations on representative SARS-COV-2 genomes. Fasta files containing specific groups of genomes were downloaded from the GISAID database. During downloading, each empty space in the Fasta file headers was replaced by an underscore because such a space makes the files incompatible for subsequent mutational profiling, sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, as described with details in two other studies [6,24]. The Fasta headers were shortened and modified further as described [6,24]. The cleaned Fasta file was used for mutational profiling via Coronapp (http://giorgilab.unibo.it/coronannotator/), a web-based mutation annotation application [20,21]. The cleaned Fasta file was also uploaded onto SnapGene (version 5.3.2) for multisequence alignment via the MAFFT tool. RAxML-NG version 0.9.0 [27] was used for phylogenetic as described [6].
Defining different variant genomes using various markers
α, β,γ, δ and other variant genomes were downloaded from the GISAID database as defined by the server. δ subvariant genomes were defined as described [6]. Briefly, nucleocapsid substitutions G215C and R385K (Table 1) were used as markers for δ1 or δ3 genomes, respectively. Spike substitutions A222V and K77T were used as markers for δ2 or δ4 genomes, respectively. In Europe, there are many δ1V genomes that also encode spike A222V, so the NSP3 substitution P822L was used together with spike A222V to identify δ2 genomes. As discussed previously [6], there are several limitations with these markers. But they should not affect the overall conclusions.
PyMol structural modeling
The PyMol molecular graphics system (version 2.4.2, https://pymol.org/2/) from Schrödinger, Inc. was used for downloading structure files from the PDB database for further analysis and image generation. Structural images were cropped via Adobe Photoshop for further presentation through Illustrator.
This section includes three supplementary figures with detailed information on three phylogenetic trees and one acknowledgement table for the GISAID genomes used in this work.
I gratefully acknowledge the GISAID for diligent and tireless maintenance SARS-COV-2 genomes and numerous investigators for the valuable genome sequences used in this work (see the supplementary section for details). I am also grateful to Professor Federico M. Giorgi at University of Bologna, Italy, for developing Coronapp and generously allowing me timely access to the Coronapp server. This work was supported by funds from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Compute Canada (to X.J.Y.).