Speech perception in noisy environments is enhanced by seeing facial movements of communication partners. However, the neural mechanisms by which audio and visual speech are combined are not fully understood. We explore MEG phase locking to auditory and visual signals in MEG recordings from 14 human participants (6 females, 8 males) that reported words from single spoken sentences. We manipulated the acoustic clarity and visual speech signals such that critical speech information is present in auditory, visual or both modalities. MEG coherence analysis revealed that both auditory and visual speech envelopes (auditory amplitude modulations and lip aperture changes) were phase-locked to 2-6Hz brain responses in auditory and visual cortex, consistent with entrainment to syllable-rate components. Partial coherence analysis was used to separate neural responses to correlated audio-visual signals and showed non-zero phase locking to auditory envelope in occipital cortex during audio-visual (AV) speech. Furthermore, phase-locking to auditory signals in visual cortex was enhanced for AV speech compared to audio-only (AO) speech that was matched for intelligibility. Conversely, auditory regions of the superior temporal gyrus (STG) did not show above-chance partial coherence with visual speech signals during AV conditions, but did show partial coherence in VO conditions. Hence, visual speech enabled stronger phase locking to auditory signals in visual areas, whereas phase-locking of visual speech in auditory regions only occurred during silent lip-reading. Differences in these cross-modal interactions between auditory and visual speech signals are interpreted in line with cross-modal predictive mechanisms during speech perception.
Significance Statement Verbal communication in noisy environments is challenging, especially for hearing-impaired individuals. Seeing facial movements of communication partners improves speech perception when auditory signals are degraded or absent. The neural mechanisms supporting lip-reading or audio-visual benefit are not fully understood. Using MEG recordings and partial coherence analysis we show that speech information is used differently in brain regions that respond to auditory and visual speech. While visual areas use visual speech to improve phase-locking to auditory speech signals, auditory areas do not show phase-locking to visual speech unless auditory speech is absent and visual speech is used to substitute for missing auditory signals. These findings highlight brain processes that combine visual and auditory signals to support speech understanding.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that no competing interests exist.
We discovered a numerical error in the behavioural results reported in Figure 2C and 2D. Specifically, due to a mislabelling error, the behavioural response accuracies for two conditions were swapped for two out of 14 participants. We corrected this error and repeated the statistical analyses on our behavioural data and the correlations between neural (partial coherence) and behavioural data. Although the updated results are slightly numerically different from those in the previous version, none of our statistical inferences changed, and hence all our previous conclusions remain unchanged. We have therefore updated the relevant results sections of the paper and made changes to Figure 2C and D in the manuscript.