This is the first report on the molecular identification and phylogeny of Rousettus leschenaultii, Rhinolophus rouxii, Hipposideros speoris, Hipposideros lankadiva, Miniopterus fuliginosus bat species in Sri Lanka, inferred from mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene sequences. Wellawaya Wavulgalge cave in Sri Lanka is one of the largest sympatric colonies found on the island, occupied by five species of bats. Recent research has indicated that bats show enormous cryptic genetic diversity. Moreover, even in the same species, acoustic properties of echolocation calls and morphological features such as fur colour could vary in different populations. Therefore, we have used molecular techniques for the accurate identification of five bat species recorded in one of the largest cave populations in Sri Lanka. Bats were caught using a hand net and saliva samples were collected non-invasively from each bat using a sterile oral swab. Nucleic acids were extracted from oral swab samples and mitochondrial DNA was amplified using primers targeting the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene. This study identified the bat species recorded in the Wellawaya cave as Rousettus leschenaultii, Rhinolophus rouxii, Hipposideros speoris, Hipposideros lankadiva and Miniopterus fuliginosus. Our findings will contribute to future conservation and systematic studies of bats in Sri Lanka. This study will also provide the basis for a genetic database of Sri Lankan bats.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.