Inferring and characterizing gene co-expression networks has led to important insights on the molecular mechanisms of complex diseases. Most co-expression analyses to date have been performed on gene expression data collected from bulk tissues with different cell type compositions across samples. As a result, the co-expression estimates only offer an aggregate view of the underlying gene regulations and can be confounded by heterogeneity in cell type compositions, failing to reveal gene coordination that may be distinct across different cell types. In this paper, we describe a flexible framework for estimating cell-type-specific gene co-expression networks from bulk sample data, without making specific assumptions on the distributions of gene expression profiles in different cell types. We develop a novel sparse least squares estimator, referred to as CSNet, that is efficient to implement and has good theoretical properties. Using CSNet, we analyzed the bulk gene expression data from a cohort study on Alzheimer’s disease and identified previously unknown cell-type-specific co-expressions among Alzheimer’s disease risk genes, suggesting cell-type-specific disease pathology for Alzheimer’s disease.
1 Introduction
Gene co-expression networks characterize correlations of gene expression levels across biological samples and co-expressed genes may be regulated by the same transcription factors, functionally related, or involved in the same pathways (Gaiteri et al., 2014). In the past decades, gene co-expression networks have been extensively used to identify functional modules of genes and pathways, which were further associated with disease phenotypes (Wang et al., 2016; Mostafavi et al., 2018; Meng and Mei, 2019; Wang et al., 2021b). For example, a gene co-expression analysis in Zhang et al. (2013) identified TYROBP as a key regulator in an immune related module upregulated in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, which was recapitulated in vivo in mice and is now a new therapeutic target for the disease.
While the literature on gene co-expression networks is readily growing, most co-expression analyses to date have been performed on data collected from bulk tissue samples that aggregate the expression profiles from different cell types. As a result, the estimated co-expression networks only offer an aggregated view of the underlying gene regulations, while gene regulations may differ considerably in different cell types (Heintzman et al., 2009), and the co-expression estimates can be dominated by signals from the more abundant cell types. Moreover, as different bulk samples may have different cell type compositions, the observed co-expressions may be confounded with cell type proportions. For example, consider two genes that are both highly expressed in one cell type but are not co-expressed at the cell type level. Bulk sample data may show that these two genes co-expressed as their expression levels co-vary with the proportion of this specific cell type in the bulk sample. To avoid such confounded results and to gain a more accurate and comprehensive view of the underlying biological processes, a better approach is to estimate cell-type-specific co-expression networks.
Cell-type-specific co-expressions can possibly be estimated from single cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data (Hwang et al., 2018) that measure expression profiles in single cells. However, these data are much more limited in the number of biological samples analyzed (Stower, 2019), have high noises due to low coverage and biological noises (Kiselev et al., 2019), and may be biased due to cell isolation and sequencing protocols (Denisenko et al., 2020). Real data results in Section 4 show that cell-type-specific co-expressions estimated from single cell RNA-seq data are noisy and co-expressions are often only seen in the highly abundant cell types.
Instead of resorting to single cell data for cell-type-specific co-expression analysis, we consider the use of bulk sample data for such analysis in this paper. With the readily available rich collections of bulk gene expression data, there is a great need to develop methods for estimating cell-type-specific co-expressions from bulk samples. There is a recent literature on decomposing bulk gene expression profiles into cell-type-specific profiles (Cobos et al., 2020). Using the bulk data, various methods are available to infer mean expression levels in each cell type (Newman et al., 2019), or to infer cell type proportions (Abbas et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2019; Newman et al., 2019; Tang et al., 2020; Jew et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2021). More recently, methods have been proposed to infer cell-type-specific expressions in each sample, such as CIBERSORTx (Newman et al., 2019) and bMIND (Wang et al., 2021a). For each cell type, these methods offer an indirect way to estimate the co-expressions, by calculating the correlations of estimated expression profiles across samples. However, we show in Sections 3 and 4 that these methods rely on either restrictive assumptions, or high-quality external information that is not readily available in practice.
In our work, we consider a different statistical approach and propose a flexible method to estimate Cell-type-Specific gene co-expression Networks using bulk gene expression data, and call this method CSNet. Specifically, we formulate the problem as estimating the means and covariances of unknown densities from different cell types using data (i.e., bulk samples) generated from a convolution of these densities with varying compositions. Our method CSNet does not make specific assumptions on the distributions of expression levels from different cell types, and it overcomes the computational challenge in estimating the covariances in a convolution of densities, especially when the number of genes is large, through a novel least squares approach that is efficient to implement and has good theoretical properties. We further propose a sparse estimator with SCAD penalty in the high dimension regime where the number of genes p can far exceed the sample size n.
Our real data application focuses on the Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that causes progressive and irreversible loss of neurons in the brain (Winblad et al., 2016). It is estimated to affect 5.8 million people in the United States and has become the fifth leading cause of death among Americans over 64 years old (Alzheimer’s Association, 2019). Genetic factors are known to play an important role in Alzheimer’s disease, with an estimated heritability of 58–79% for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, and large scale genome wide association studies (GWAS) have implicated dozens of regions of the human genome for their relevance for Alzheimer’s disease (Sims et al., 2020). To understand the mechanisms of these disease associated risk genes and the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease, gene co-expression networks have been widely employed (Zhang et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2016; Mostafavi et al., 2018; Meng and Mei, 2019; Wan et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021b). However, most co-expression analyses focus on correlations between bulk samples, that may be confounded with cell type compositions and only offer an aggregated view of the biological processes in different cell types. Recently, more evidence suggests cell-type-specific pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. For example, neuroinflammation represents a key causal pathway in Alzheimer’s disease and involves primarily glial cells in the brain including microglia and astrocytes (Heneka et al., 2015); myelination is also implicated in the disease, which is mainly contributed by oligodendrocytes (Cai and Xiao, 2016). While such evidence is rapidly increasing, there have been very few cell-type-specific co-expression analyses for Alzheimer’s disease. In our analysis, we focused on the bulk RNA-seq data from the Religious Orders Study and Rush Memory and Aging Project (ROSMAP; Bennett et al., 2018), a clinical-pathologic cohort study of Alzheimer’s disease. Using CSNet, we estimated gene co-expression networks for four major cell types in the brain, including excitatory neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and microglia, on genes with known genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease, where modules of risk genes that uniquely co-express in astrocytes and microglia were uncovered. Both astrocytes and microglia are cell types that are less abundant (less than 20%), and the co-expressions estimated from single cell RNA-seq data showed no co-expressions in these two cell types [see Figure S6(b)]. We have also considered gene sets that function primarily in specific cell types to validate CSNet and added several sensitivity analyses to further validate our results.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the problem and discusses estimating cell-type-specific co-expressions from bulk samples using CSNet. Section 3 reports the simulation results, and Section 4 conducts an analysis of cell-type-specific gene co-expression networks on gene sets with known cell-type-specific functions and an Alzheimer’s disease risk gene set using bulk RNA-seq data from the ROSMAP study. Section 5 investigates theoretical properties of the proposed estimator. Section 6 concludes the paper with a brief discussion.
2 Model and Estimation
2.1 Problem formulation
Suppose we have expression data x1, …, xn ∈ ℝp collected from n bulk RNA-seq samples across p genes. We assume that there are K cell types, and the observed bulk level expression is the sum of these K cell types written as where πik and represent the proportion and expression profile of the kth cell type in the ith sample, respectively. Let be independent from a multivariate distribution with mean μ(k) ∈ ℝp and covariance Σ(k) ∈ ℝp×p, where μ(k) and Σ(k) characterize, respectively, the cell-type-specific mean gene expression and co-expression across samples. As the gene regulation mechanisms in functionally distinct cell types are different (Heintzman et al., 2009), we further assume that are independent (see discussions in Section 6). Correspondingly, we can write As Σ(k) does not relate directly to the strength of gene co-expressions, due to heterogeneity in variances, we further consider correlation matrices in our analysis denoted as , where Dk is a p × p diagonal matrix with the same diagonal as Σ(k).
Denote [m] = {1, 2, …, m} for a positive integer m. We shall assume the cell-type proportions πik’s in (2) are given in the ensuing development, and later demonstrate in experiments that our method is not sensitive to uncertainties in πik’s; see discussions in Section 6. To infer πik’s from bulk samples, many methods have been developed that utilize cell type marker genes (i.e., genes that are only highly expressed in one cell type of interest) with expressions profiles gathered from pure cell types (Newman et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016) or single cell RNA-seq data (Wang et al., 2019; Newman et al., 2019; Jew et al., 2020; Dong et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2021). In these methods, the proportions πik’s are estimated by, for example, nonnegative least squares (Wang et al., 2019) or support vector regression (Newman et al., 2019). Given the bulk samples {xi}i∈ [n] and cell-type proportions {πik}i∈[n],k∈ [K], our goal is to estimate the cell-type-specific correlations {R(k)}k∈[K].
2.2 Estimating R(k) with large p
It is easily seen from (1) and (2) that each bulk sample xi is from a convolution of K distributions. In this case, estimating {Σ(k)}k∈ [K] from {xi}i∈ [n] is very challenging. For example, even in the simple Gaussian case, the loglikelihood function is, up to a constant, where tr(·) denotes the trace of a matrix and zi = xi−𝔼(xi). This loglikelihood is not convex or biconvex with respect to {Σ(k)}k∈[K], and cannot be directly optimized using existing iterative algorithmic solutions such as EM and coordinate descent. To our knowledge, there are no existing methods that can effectively estimate the covariances in a convolution of densities, especially when p>n as in our problem.
To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel moment-based approach that is efficient to implement and flexible, in that it does not assume the distributions from the K cell types to be known or of the same type. The proposed approach, named CSNet, first estimates R(k) efficiently in an element-wise fashion and then applies a thresholding step, in the case of a large p, to give a sparse estimator. Next, we introduce the CSNet estimator.
Letting and , (1) and (2) together imply where 𝔼(zij) = 0 and 𝔼(ϵijj′) = 0. This formulation facilitates an efficient least squares estimation procedure to be detailed in the next paragraph. Note that (3)-(4) hold generally without parametric assumptions on the distributions from the K cell types.
Denote yj = (x1j, …, xnj) and D = (πik)n×K. Equation (3) entails estimation of the cell-type-specific mean μ(k) via where [x]k is the kth entry in x ∈ ℝK. Let and . Denoting , equation (4) entails estimation of the cell-type-specific covariance via where ° denotes element-wise product. Then, the cell-type-specific correlation is estimated as In Section A3.2, we show that element-wisely is consistent with a -convergence rate under certain regularity conditions.
Though each entry in the correlation matrix estimated in (7) has a -convergence rate, the accumulated errors across O(p2) entries in can be excessive, especially as the number of genes p often far exceeds the sample size n in co-expression network analysis, which can negatively impact downstream analyses such as ranking, principal component analysis or clustering. This same challenge also arises in estimating large sample covariance (Bickel and Levina, 2008a,b; Rothman et al., 2008, 2009) and correlation matrices (El Karoui, 2008; Jiang, 2013). To facilitate estimability and interpretability, we assume that Σ(k) (or equivalently R(k)) is approximately sparse for all k; see the definition of approximate sparsity in Assumption 2. Sparsity is plausible in our data problem, as gene co-expressions are expected to be sparse when p is large (Zhang and Horvath, 2005).
Based on , the proposed CSNet estimator computes sparse cell-type-specific correlation estimates via thresholding. Specifically, CSNet applies an element-wise SCAD (Fan and Li, 2001) thresholding operator to , written as , with the (j, j′)th thresholded entry calculated as where λk is a tuning parameter and we discuss its selection in Section 2.3. As has been well established in the sparse covariance estimation literature (e.g. Bickel and Levina, 2008a,b; Rothman et al., 2008, 2009), the thresholding procedure is easy to implement and enjoys good theoretical properties. Moreover, the SCAD thresholding has been found to give better numerical performances when compared to soft or hard thresholding (Rothman et al., 2009). We set a = 3.7 in our experiments as recommended by Fan and Li (2001). The thresholds λk’s may differ across different cell types to accommodate varying sparsity among different cell types. However, the λk’s can be selected separately (without a joint tuning) in our tuning procedure (see Section 2.3), which is an attractive computational property of our procedure. In Section 5, we show the convergence rates of CSNet, i.e., , in spectral and Frobenius norms, and establish its selection consistency.
As with all thresholding approaches, is not guaranteed to be positive definite, though it is asymptotically positive definite as ensured by Theorems 5.1-5.2; see more discussions in Section 6 on considerations for positive definiteness. To ensure the finite sample validity of correlation estimates, we threshold the correlation estimates to be within [-1,1] in our experiments.
2.3 Time complexity and parameter tuning
We first discuss the time complexity of solving (6) for all entries in covariance matrices. Though (6) is computed element-wisely, the matrix (HTH)− 1 HT ∈ ℝK×n is common and only needs to be calculated once. Hence, entries in Σ1, …, ΣK can be estimated efficiently via (HTH)− 1 HTY, where Y is an n × p2 matrix with the jj′th column set to . Correspondingly, the time complexity of estimating Σ1, …, ΣK is O(Kn2p2), while that of a naive sample covariance estimation is O(np2). As the number of cell types K is usually small, the proposed element-wise estimation is computationally feasible when n, the number of bulk RNA-seq samples, is moderate.
Next, we discuss parameter tuning. In our procedure, the tuning parameters λk’s are selected using cross validation or, if available, an independent validation data set. Here, we introduce the cross validation procedure and note that selection with a validation data set can be carried out similarly. We randomly split the data into two equal-sized pieces and estimate for each piece, the cell-type-specific correlation matrices as in (7). We denote the estimated correlation matrices from these two data splits as and , respectively. For each k, the tuning parameter λk is selected by minimizing among a set of working values, where ‖ ·‖F denotes Frobenius norm. We consider two equal sized data splits as sufficient samples are needed to estimate and well. This procedure is similar to what was proposed in Bickel and Levina (2008a), where the theoretical justification was provided, and it is found to give a good performance in our numerical experiments. An attractive feature of our proposed tuning procedure is that λk’s are selected separately without the need of a joint tuning, further reducing the computational cost.
3 Simulation Studies
We first investigate the finite sample performance of CSNet and compare it with two existing methods, and then conduct a sensitive analysis to examine the performance of CSNet when provided cell type proportions are inaccurate. A notable contribution from our simulation studies is a new and efficient method for simulating from multivariate negative binomial distributions with large and structured covariances, presented in Algorithm 1 in the supplement, which can be of independent interest.
3.1 Comparing CSNet with other methods
In this section, we consider [1] the proposed CSNet estimator calculated as in (8), [2] the cell-type-specific estimator in (7) without sparsity, referred to as d-CSNet, [3] the sparse estimator with SCAD thresholding in Rothman et al. (2009) for bulk samples (i.e., not cell-type-specific), referred to as Bulk, and [4] the estimator computed from the sample level cell-type-specific expressions estimated by bMIND (Wang et al., 2021a). The method bMIND considers a Bayesian mixed effects model that constructs priors using single cell data and estimates cell-type-specific expressions in each sample with posterior means. In our experiments, bMIND is evaluated with non-informative priors to be comparable with the other methods, which do not depend on prior knowledge. We also consider informative priors for bMIND in Tables S1 and S3 in the supplement and the results remain similar. We chose to not compare with CIBERSORTx high-resolution expression purification (Newman et al., 2019) as it is applicable only when there are both case and control samples in the data. Both CSNet and d-CSNet are computed using the procedure in Section 2.2 with nonnegative least squares to estimate the unknown μ(k)’s.
We simulate n bulk samples of dimension p following in (1) with K = 2 cell types and πi1’s i.i.d from Beta(2, 1). Correspondingly, cell type 1 (m = 2/3) is on average twice as abundant as cell type 2 (m = 1/3), where m denotes the average cell type proportions. We simulate from multivariate negative binomial distributions, resembling read counts from bulk RNA-seq data (Love et al., 2014), with mean μ(k)’s and covariance matrices Σ(k)’s specified as follows. The p genes are divided into three equal-sized sets, denoted as V1, V2 and V3; genes in V1 and V2 are set to co-express in cell types 1 and 2, respectively, while all other correlations are set to zero (see the left panel in Figure 1). For the co-expressed genes in V1 or V2, two types of structures are considered, including an MA(1) structure with ρjj′ = 0.39×1|j−j′|=1 and an AR(1)-type structure with ρjj′ = 0.70×0.9|j− j′ − 1|, for j ≠ j′ ∈ V1 or V2. We set log for all j, log for j ∈ V1, V2 and log for j ∈ V3 with sequencing depth set to S = 6×107 in Algorithm 1 to mimic highly-expressed protein-coding genes in real sequencing data. The mean μ(k) is set to be a function of Σ(k) (see details in Algorithm1), consistent with the observation in real data that higher expression levels are often associated with larger variances. The tuning parameters for CSNet and Bulk are selected following Section 2.3 and the suggested procedure in Rothman et al. (2009), respectively, both using a validation data set with 150 independent samples. We consider network sizes p = 100, 200 and sample sizes n = 150, 600.
To evaluate the estimation accuracy, we report the estimation errors in Frobenius norm and operator norm , where , with a slight overuse of notation, denotes the estimate of R(k) obtained by various methods. Also reported are the true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR), which evaluate the selection accuracy of nonzero entries in R(k)’s. The TPR and FPR are only reported for sparse estimators Bulk and CSNet. Table 1 reports the average criteria under the MA(1) model for four methods, with standard deviations in the parentheses, over 200 data replications. The results for AR(1)-type are similar and relegated to Table S2 in the supplement due to space limitation. It shows that CSNet achieves the best performance in terms of both estimation accuracy and selection accuracy. In the supplement, we demonstrate in Tables S1 and S3 that even with informative priors derived from simulated cell-type-specific data, CSNet still performs better than bMIND.
To better visualize the estimates, Figure 1 plots heat maps of the true cell-type-specific co-expression matrices and estimates from Bulk, CSNet and bMIND. The estimates from d-CSNet show similar patterns as CSNet plus some additional noises, and are omitted due to space limitation. From Figure 1, it is clearly seen that both Bulk and bMIND give a less accurate view of the true co-expressions. Specifically, Bulk estimates high co-expressions in V3 while genes in V3 are not co-coexpressed in either cell type. True co-expression patterns in V2 from cell type 2 are also notably attenuated in Bulk. Moreover, bMIND does not perform well for cell type 2, the less abundent cell type. It is seen that the true co-expressions in V2 are not identified while co-expressions specific to cell type 1 are incorrectly inferred. In comparison, CSNet was able to identify the true co-expression patterns in both cell types.
Finally, to evaluate the threshold selection procedure in Section 2.3, we plot the ROC curves that plot the TPR against the FPR across a fine grid of thresholding parameters for Bulk, CSNet and bMIND. Though bMIND is not sparse, we applied the SCAD thresholding operator to the bMIND estimates to examine its performance. The thresholds selected by our proposed procedure in Section 2.3 are marked on the curves for CSNet. The ROC curves in Figures 2 show that CSNet achieves the best performance and the selected thresholds generally strike a reasonable balance between TPR and FPR. As shown in Table 1 and Figures 1-2, the improvement of CSNet over others is the most notable for the less abundant cell type, and this demonstrates the efficacy of our proposed method for cell types whose signals are attenuated in bulk samples.
3.2 Sensitivity analysis of CSNet
In this section, we conduct a sensitivity analysis to examine the performance of our method when the cell type proportions πik’s used in CSNet are inaccurate. We consider the same simulation setting as in Table 1 with n = 150, p = 100 and K = 2. For i ∈ [n], let (constrained to be within [0, 1]), where ei’s are independent from k × N (0, 0.04) and k is set to {0, 0.25, 0.5, 1}. When k = 0, and the cell type proportions are accurate with no errors. The estimation is then carried out following the procedure in Section 2.2 with inaccurate cell type proportions .
Table 2 reports the evaluation criteria for estimating cell-type-specific correlation matrices R(k)’s with CSNet under various noise levels. It is seen that under this inaccurate cell type proportion setting, our method still performs reasonably well.
4 Cell-type-specific Co-expressions of Different Gene Sets for an Alzheimer’s disease Cohort
We focus on estimating cell-type-specific co-expressions using bulk RNA-seq data from the Religious Orders Study and Rush Memory and Aging Project (ROSMAP) (Bennett et al., 2018), a clinical-pathologic cohort study of Alzheimer’s disease. In the ROSMAP study, post-mortem brain samples from n = 541 subjects were collected from the grey matter of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), a brain region heavily implicated in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Expression unit FPKM (Trapnell et al., 2010) was used to quantify gene expressions, and no notable batch effects were observed from these samples (see Figure S3). The cell type proportions for K = 8 cell types were estimated using CIBERSORTx (Newman et al., 2019) with the signature matrix built from the single-nucleus RNA-seq data (Mathys et al., 2019) collected on the same brain region in a subset of 48 samples.
In the ensuing analysis, we focus on four most abundant cell types: excitatory neurons (Ex), oligodendrocytes (Oli), astrocytes (Ast) and microglia (Mic). The average proportions for these four cell types are 0.48, 0.21, 0.18 and 0.08, respectively. We applied CSNet as defined in (8), with the tuning parameter selected using the cross validation procedure discussed in Section 2.3. Additionally, we compared CSNet to two alternative approaches, one through bMIND, the best performing alternative in Section 3, and one using single cell data (Mathys et al., 2019), respectively. For bMIND estimates, we followed Wang et al. (2021a) to infer priors from single cell data and supplied these priors to estimate cell-type-specific expressions in each sample; see details in Section A4; correlation estimates were then computed using the estimated cell-type-specific expressions across different samples. To estimate cell-type-specific co-expressions from single cell data, we first calculated cell-type-specific expressions in each sample. Specifically, the expression profile of gene j in cell type k for sample i was calculated by first summing over the UMI counts of gene j from all cells of cell type k in sample i, and then normalized by the total number of UMI counts in cell type k from sample i. These cell-type-specific expressions calculated for different samples were then used to estimate the co-expression (i.e., correlation matrix) in each cell type, and the correlation matrices were further thresholded following the procedure in Rothman et al. (2009) with the SCAD penalty. For all methods, we visualized the estimated co-expressions using heat maps, with genes ordered into clusters (or modules) identified by WGCNA (Langfelder and Horvath, 2008), a gene clustering method, applied to bulk samples.
4.1 Gene sets with known cell-type-specific functions
The gene co-expressions estimated from different methods were compared on a few sets of genes. We first considered three sets of genes obtained from Gene Ontology (GO) (Ashburner et al., 2000; Consortium, 2021) including the excitatory synapse genes (GO:0060076, p = 46), myelin sheath genes (GO:0043209, p = 42) and astrocyte differentiation genes (GO:0048708, p = 72), primarily functioning in excitatory neurons, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, respectively. Specifically, the excitatory synapse gene set contains genes whose products function mainly in excitatory synapses, and the myelin sheath gene set has genes related to myelin sheath, which is supplied by oligodendrocytes to the central nervous system; the astrocyte differentiation gene set contains genes involved in the differentiation process of an astrocyte. These gene sets, according to their GO definitions, are expected to express and/or co-express primarily in the cell types that are relevant to their functions. In our analysis of these three gene sets, we focused on genes expressed in more than 25% of the ROSMAP bulk samples, resulting in sets of sizes p = 45, 41 and 68, respectively.
Figure 3 shows the co-expression estimates from Bulk, CSNet and bMIND for the excitatory synapse gene set. It is seen that CSNet identified co-expressions specific to excitatory neurons, while bMIND suggested similar co-expression patterns in all four cell types. We also estimated cell-type-specific co-expressions for the myelin sheath and astrocyte differentiation gene sets, shown in Figures S4 and S5, respectively. These plots show that CSNet identified co-expressions specific to oligodendrocyte and astrocyte, respectively, while bMIND again estimated similar co-expressions across four cell types. Finally, Figure 4 shows that the estimates based on single cell data are noisy and do not show any cell-type-specific co-expression patterns. Also in Figure 4, for all three gene sets, the strongest co-expressions are always observed in excitatory neurons, likely driven by the fact that it is the most abundant cell type (Mathys et al., 2019).
4.2 Alzheimer’s disease risk gene set
Next, we focused on Alzheimer’s disease risk genes from GWAS (see gene names in Table 3), which capture around 50% of the heritability in late-onset AD (Sims et al., 2020). Our analysis focused on 61 genes with a FPKM greater than 0.1 in at least 50 ROSMAP samples. There is a growing literature on the molecular mechanisms and related cell types for these risk genes. Besides the well studied pathways of amyloid-β and tau processing, several other pathways have also been implicated (Pimenova et al., 2018; Sims et al., 2020), among which neuroinflammation was recently highlighted as one of the most important causal pathways in Alzheimer’s disease (Heneka et al., 2015). Both microglia and astrocyte are the key cell types involved in such immune responses, and microglia, the innate immune cells in central nervous system, were prioritized as the cell type most enriched for GWAS associations (Skene and Grant, 2016; Tansey et al., 2018). Our analysis aims to use CSNet to explore the celltype-specific co-expression patterns among these Alzheimer’s disease risk genes.
Figure 5 shows the estimates from Bulk, d-CSNet and CSNet, respectively. The bMIND estimates are again similar across cell types, and are relegated to Figure S6(a) in the supplement. In Figure 5, some within cluster co-expressions from bulk samples are no longer seen in the cell-type-specific estimates, likely due to the confounding effect of cell type proportions. The CSNet estimates in Figure 5(c) show that Cluster 4 (colored in black) were highly coexpressed in astrocytes. This gene cluster includes APOE, a major Alzheimer’s disease risk gene known to be highly expressed in astrocytes (Yamazaki et al., 2019). APOE protein is primarily produced in astrocytes, which then interacts with amyloid-β, which is involved in a central pathway of Alzheimer’s disease (Yamazaki et al., 2019). Besides, both APOE and ABCA7 contribute to lipid metabolism and phagocytosis (Pimenova et al., 2018), consistent with their high co-expressions found in Cluster 4. The CSNet estimates for Cluster 4 further highlight their connections with several other Alzheimer’s disease risk genes in astrocytes. Additionally, the d-CSNet estimates in Figure 5(b) suggest Cluster 2 (colored in red) were co-expressed in microglia, though the signals are relatively weak and the CSNet estimator for microglia is nearly diagonal. Nevertheless, the co-expression in Cluster 2 is likely microglia specific supported by several existing findings in Alzheimer’s disease. Firstly, 9 out of 15 genes in Cluster 2 are known to be involved in neuroinflammation and Alzheimer’s disease pathology via microglia. Among them, the coding variants in PLCG2, TREM2, ABI3 implicate innate immunity in Alzheimer’s disease as mediated by microglia (Sims et al., 2017); CD33 inhibits the uptake of amyloid-β in microglia (Griciuc et al., 2013); MS4A gene cluster is a key modulator of TREM2 in microglia (Deming et al., 2019) and SPI1 is a central regulator of microglia expression and Alzheimer’s disease risk (Kosoy et al., 2021). In addition, 9 genes are known to express uniquely in microglia, including HLA-DRB1, PLCG2, CD33, TREM2, ABI3 and the MS4A gene cluster (Sims et al., 2017; Pimenova et al., 2018). The d-CSNet estimates were able to identify cell-type-specific co-expression patterns of these genes, while single cell data based estimates could not [see Figure S6(b)], and possibly offer new insights into regulations of Alzheimer’s disease risk genes. The estimated co-expressions in gene Clusters 1 and 2 reveal previously unknown cell-type-specific co-expressions among Alzheimer’s disease risk genes, and may suggest cell-type-specific disease pathology for AD.
Finally, the sensitivity analysis in Section A2.1 shows that CSNet remains robust as a reasonable amount of noise is added to the cell type proportions. We have also added a negative control experiment where cell type proportion vectors for different samples were randomly permuted. Figure S8 shows that the resulting estimates in excitatory neurons, the most abundent cell type, always resemble the bulk co-expression estimate, while the previously uncovered cell-type-specific co-expression patterns are no longer seen.
5 Theoretical Properties
In this section, we establish the non-asymptotic convergence rate of CSNet, the sparse celltype-specific correlation estimates, and also establish variable selection consistency, ensuring that we correctly identify edges in the cell-type-specific co-expression networks with probability tending to 1. Our theoretical analysis is challenging with a few unique aspects. First, we assume the expression profile from each cell type follows (marginally) a sub-exponential distribution to accommodate the commonly used negative binomial distributions in modeling read counts from RNA-seq data (Robinson et al., 2010). In this case, each element zijzij′ in the response vector in (8) is the product of two sub-exponential random variables, which requires a new concentration result (see Lemma A3.2 and its proof in Section A3.4). Second, our procedure considers correlation estimates, which are normalized with estimated variances. Thus, a more delicate analysis is needed to find the non-asymptotic convergence rate of to . Third, as μ(k)’s are unknown, the response in (8) inherits errors from estimating the mean parameter μ(k)’s. Next, we state a few regularity conditions.
Let follow a sub-exponential distribution, i ∈ [n], j ∈ [p], k ∈ [K] and for some positive constant γ0, where .
Assumption 1 imposes a marginal distribution assumption on , the expression profile from the kth cell type in sample i, in that each element follows a sub-exponential distribution with a bounded sub-exponential norm. The sub-exponential assumption is more relaxed than the Gaussian or sub-Gaussian assumption commonly imposed (Bickel and Levina, 2008a,b; Rothman et al., 2008, 2009) and includes distributions such as negative binomial, which is often used to model read counts from RNA-seq data (Robinson et al., 2010).
Let R(k) ∈ 𝒰 (q, sp) for 0 ≤ q< 1, where 𝒰 (q, sp) is a class of approximately sparse matrices with sparsity parameter sp (can be a function of p), defined as
This assumption stipulates that the cell-type-specific correlation matrices are approximately sparse. The definition of approximate sparsity in (9) is commonly employed in large covariance matrix estimation (e.g., Bickel and Levina, 2008a; Rothman et al., 2008). When q = 0, Assumption 2 imposes that the number of non-zero entries in each column of R(k) is less than sp, k ∈ [K]. In Assumption 2, the sparse parameters q and sp may vary across k, i.e., , though we dropped the superscript k to simplify notation, which can be viewed as taking q = maxk q(k) and .
Define two matrices ΨK×K and ΦK×K, where and , for k, l ∈ [K]. It then holds that ΨK×K = DTD/n and ΦK×K = HTH/n, where D and H are as defined in (5) and (6), respectively.
There exist constants such that the eigenvalues of ΨK×K are lower-bounded by , the eigenvalues of ΦK×K are lower-bounded by cp1 and mink Φkk ≥ ϕ2.
Assumption 3 places two regularity conditions on the cell type proportion matrices D, H ∈ ℝn×K, which can be viewed as the fixed design matrices in (3) and (4). The bounded eigenvalue conditions on ΨK×K and ΦK×K are not restrictive as the number of cell types K is treated as fixed. The condition minkΦkk ≥ ϕ2 stipulates that the average proportion for each cell type (over all bulk samples) should be bounded away from zero, which is a mild condition. In fact, if the cell type proportions are from an underlying multinomial or Dirichlet distribution with fixed parameters, all conditions in Assumption 3 are expected to hold; see proof in Section A3.6.
Let be the estimator as defined in (8). Under Assumptions 1-3, log p = o(n1/3) and for a sufficiently large constant M > 0, we have, for k ∈ [K], with probability at least 1 − C1 exp(− C2 log p), where C1 and C2 are some positive constants.
Theorem 5.1 implies that the number of genes p can far exceed the sample size n, as long as sp(log p/n)(1−q)/2 tends to zero. The condition log p = o(n1/3) is needed as are assumed to follow a sub-exponential distribution. When q = 0, the convergence rate in (10) further simplifies to , which is comparable with the convergence rate derived in estimating sparse covariance matrices (e.g., Rothman et al., 2008). Based on (10) and using a similar argument as in Bickel and Levina (2008a), it can be shown that the convergence rate in Frobenius norm is .
Denote the support of a matrix R by Ω(R) = {(j, j′) : Rjj′ ≠ 0}. We show that the support of R(k) is recovered with high probability assuming a minimal signal condition.
Suppose Assumptions 1 and 3 hold. Let be the estimator as defined in (8), for a sufficiently large constant M > 0. If for some ρmin > 0 such that , then we have for k ∈ [K]
Theorem 5.2 holds without the approximately sparse condition in Assumption 3, though it requires a minimal signal condition on the nonzero elements in R(k)’s. Such a condition is commonly considered in establishing selection consistency (e.g., El Karoui, 2008) and our result allows the minimal signal to tend to zero as n increases (e.g., ρmin = 2 λ). Theorem 5.2 also has an important implication in practice as it ensures that the selected set of edges after thresholding is the same as the true set of edges with probability tending to one.
6 Discussion
We conclude the article with a few remarks. First, the model (1) is designed for gene expression data measured by the RNA-seq protocol, where sequencing read counts capture the expression levels for all cells in a tissue sample. We caution that the same model may not be applicable to microarray data, where expression levels have been transformed for normalization (Zhong and Liu, 2012). In (1), are assumed independent, as we focus on cell types with distinct functions and gene expression profiles across different cell types are likely not highly correlated (see Figure S7.) When this assumption does not hold, we can expand the covariance expression in (2) to include the cross product terms Σ(k≠k′) πikπik′Σ(k,k′), where Σ(k,k′) ∈ ℝp×p is the cross-covariance . In this case, the estimation procedure can be carried out similarly, though the total number of parameters increase from O(Kp2) to O(K2p2).
Next, we have assumed that the cell-type proportions πik’s are given in our analysis. For example, they can be inferred using existing methods such as CIBERSORTx (Newman et al., 2019). Our empirical investigations showed that CSNet is not overly sensitive to errors in πik’s (see sensitive analysis in Section 3.2 and A2.1). It is possible to further extend our framework to accommodate noisy πik’s. In this case, we may further consider the to be estimated from , where . Hence, if the error is small, should still be well estimated. We leave the full investigation of this topic as future research. As the correlation matrices are estimated by element and then thresholded, the correlation matrix estimates are not guaranteed to be positive definite. However, as the true correlation matrices are positive definite, it follows from Theorems 5.1-5.2 that the estimated correlation matrices are asymptotically positive definite. For finite sample cases, it may be desirable to ensure the positive definiteness of the final estimator. One strategy is to solve a constrained optimization problem, subject to positive definiteness, to find the nearest correlation matrix in Frobenius norm. This can be carried out efficiently using existing solvers (e.g., Higham, 2002).
Finally, we have focused on using bulk samples for co-expression analysis. With an increasing number of studies collecting single cell data, we may obtain more accurate coexpression estimates through integrated analysis of bulk and single cell data. For example, Morabito et al. (2021) and bMIND have explored ways to extract information from single cell data to help with the estimation. However, platform differences and batch effects are prominent in integration, and have not been addressed well in these methods. We plan to explore along this direction in our future research.
Supplementary Materials
A1 Simulating from a multivariate negative binomial distribution with a large and structured covariance
Consider a negative binomial (NB) random variable distributed as such that Our procedure simulates a Poisson-Gamma mixture that follows (S1) by simulating
Gamma: θ ∼ Gamma(T, ϕ), where 𝔼[θ] = Tϕ and Var[θ] = Tϕ2;
Poisson: X|θ, S ∼ Poisson(Sθ).
This is a model commonly employed in differential expression analysis methods for bulk RNA-seq data (Robinson et al., 2010; Love et al., 2014), where θ models gene abundance, S denotes the total number of mRNA transcripts (i.e., sequencing depth) and X|θ models the procedure of sampling a transcript from the pool. The interpretation of parameter T will be explained in the following paragraph. In addition, we note that this model (S1) sets the variance to be a quadratic function of the mean, which is supported by observations on real bulk RNA-seq data (Chen et al., 2014).
Before we proceed, we first discuss a useful property of Gamma random variables which entails that if g1 and g2 are two independent samples from Gamma(T, ϕ), then g1 + g2 ∼ Gamma(2T, ϕ). This property facilitates an effective procedure for generating correlated Gamma random variables. For example, if g1, g2, and g3 are independent Gamma(T, ϕ) random variables, then Cor(g1 + g2, g2 + g3)=0.5, with g2 being the component that is being shared by two Gamma random variables g1+g2 and g2+g3. This idea of simulating correlated Gamma random variables has previously been explored by Ronning (1977).
Algorithm for simulating multivariate negative binomial random variables
Our proposed procedure that simulates correlated negative binomial random variables, detailed in Algorithm 1, is divided into the following three steps. Step 1 designs the sharing between Gamma random variables, Step 2 simulates correlated Gamma random variables and Step 3 samples from the Poisson-Gamma mixture to get desired negative binomial samples. Specifically, in Algorithm 1, Step 1 sets T to be a large constant, whose subsets will be shared across samples as specified in Step 2.2, Step 2 draws ‘building blocks’ of Exp(1) random variables (i.e., Gamma(1,1)) to be shared and then generates correlated Gamma random variables and Step 3 employs Poisson sampling to obtain negative binomial random variables. We note that the assumption of homogeneous variances across all genes can be relaxed by allowing ϕ to vary across samples.
The output of Algorithm 1 is a p-dimensional random vector (X1, …, Xp) with Var[Xj] = σ2 for j ∈ [p] and correlation matrix R × [1/(1 + 1/Sϕ)]. It is seen that the correlation is biased from the specified correlation matrix R by a multiplicative factor b = 1/(1 + 1/Sϕ). This factor is close to 1 when is large, as implied by (S2). Therefore, this bias is negligible for genes with large variances. Our own analysis of real bulk RNA-seq data found S = 6 × 107 to be a common sequencing depth, and σ 2 = exp(8) to be representative of gene variances for highly-expressed protein coding genes. Under this setting, the multiplicative bias b = 0.77. Correspondingly, in Section 3 we simulate MA(1) structure with ρ = 0.5 × b ≈ 0.39 and an AR(1)-type structure with ρjj ′ = 0.70 × 0.9|j − j ′ − 1| for j ≠ j′, where 0.70 ≈ 0.9 × b. Finally, as an example, Figure S9 demonstrates that Algorithm 1 simulates samples that are faithful to the prescribed AR(1)-type correlation structures in Figure 1.
A2 More Results from Data Analysis in Section 4
A2.1 Sensitivity analysis
For the four gene sets in Section 4, we conduct a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the robustness of the CSNet estimates against perturbations in the cell type proportions inferred using CIBERSORTx. For each sample i and given πi, the inferred cell type proportions using CIBERSORTx, the perturbed cell type proportions are independently simulated from Dirichlet(πi × k), where k is set to {10, 100, 1000}. A smaller k corresponds to a larger noise level, as illustrated in Figure S1. Furthermore, we evaluate the difference between the , CSNet estimated with πi, and , CSNet estimated with , by Frobenius norm measured as , TPR measured as and FPR measured as . Figure S2 shows that CSNet estimates are robust under a reasonable amount of noise.
A3 Proofs of Main Results
A3.1 Technical Lemmas
We first present a set of technical lemmas. The proofs for Lemmas A3.2 and A3.5 are presented in Sections A3.4 and A3.5, respectively.
[Theorem 2.8.11 in Vershynin (2018)] Let {X1, …, Xn} be independent mean zero sub-exponential random variables with for some constant γ1 > 0. Given a = (a1, ···, an) ∈ ℝn, for every t> 0, we have for some positive constant c1.
Let {X1, …, Xn} and {Y1, …, Yn} be two sets of independent sub-exponential random variables with and , respectively. Let a = (a1, …, an) ∈ ℝn and γ2 = γX γY. Then there exist some constants d1, d2, c2 > 0 such that for 0 <t < d1 × γ2 × ‖a‖ ∞, and for any t ≥ d2 × γ2 × ‖a‖∞,
[Theorem 1.4 Adamczak and Wolff (2015)] Let X = (X1, …, Xn) be a random vector with independent components, such that for all , where . Let 𝒫d denote the set of partitions of {1, …, d} into nonempty, pairwise disjoint sets and ‖·‖ 𝒥 denote a tensor norm whose definition is relegated to Section A3.4. Then for every polynomial f: ℝn → ℝ of degree D and any t> 0, where , 𝒟df denotes the d-th derivative of f and CD is some positive constant depending on D.
[Lemma 1 and Theorem 1 Rothman et al. (2009)] Consider the class of sparse covariance matrices 𝒰 (q, sp) as defined in Assumption 2. If R ∈ 𝒰 (q, sp), then the thresholding operator 𝒯 in (8) with threshold λ satisfies In addition, suppose we have an estimator such that for some λ > 0 and positive constants c3 and c4. Then, satisfies for some positive constants c5 and c6.
Let X = (X1, …, Xn) be a vector of sub-exponential random variables with . Let . Then, for t ≤ μ,
A3.2 Proof of Theorem 5.1
The proof is divided into three steps. In step 1, we establish an element-wise concentration inequality for the covariance estimates . In step 2, we get an element-wise concentration inequality for the correlation estimates . Step 3 puts together the previous steps and finds the appropriate thresholds that lead to the desired result.
Step 1. We first show that the element-wise covariance estimate satisfies for k ∈ [K], j, j′ ∈ [p] and some positive constants .
Denote . Based on (4) and (5), we have , where , and zj’s, are as defined in Section 2. We consider the least squares estimates of covariances in (6), i.e. , which satisfies Recall that ϵjj′ = zj ° zj′ −Hβjj′. Letting and , we have and . Then, (S11) gives that By Hölder’s inequality, we have In addition, under Assumption 3, it holds that Putting (S12)-(S14) together, we arrive at that Next, we bound terms (I) and (II) separately. First, we focus on term (I) and bound it with Lemma A3.2. By the union sum inequality, we have where .
We note that ϵijj′ = zijzij′ − 𝔼[zijzij′]. By Assumption 1, we have for some constant γ0 > 0, j ∈ [p], k ∈ [K]. It follows that . Therefore, there exists a constant K0 > 0 such that for j ∈ [p]. Then, let for i ∈ [n] and γX = γY = 2K0γ0 in Lemma A3.2, we have for k ∈ [K] and some positive constants , where the last inequality is implied by (Assumption 3) and γ= (2K0γ0)2. Note both cases in Lemma A3.2 are considered to give the result in (S17).
Next, we establish a bound for the second term (II) in (S15). Let for j ∈ [p]. Then, we have , and which can be bounded with the following two inequalities: Next, we bound the two terms ‖ηj‖2 and ‖zj‖2, respectively. For ‖ηj‖2, we have , where is as defined in (5). By Assumption 3 and using similar arguments as in (S12)-(S14), we have By Hölder’s inequality, we can further combine the equations in (S20) and get Next, we rewrite term (II) in (S15) as where and are some positive constants.
To bound , we note that zij’s are sub-exponential with ‖zij‖ ≤ 2K0γ0. Therefore, let ai = πik, Xi = zij for i ∈ [n] and γ = (2K0γ0)2, Lemma A3.1 implies for k ∈ [K] and some positive constants , where the last inequality is implied by
Assumption 3 (i.e., ). Then, we have By Lemma A3.5, we have the following result for : where and is a positive constant.
Putting (S17) for term (I) and (S23), (S24) for term (II) together, we have for some positive constants and . Finally, as and , setting and , we achieve the desired result in (S10).
Step 2. Recall . In this step, we show for k ∈ [K], j, j′ ∈ [p] and some positive constants and . The proof in this step is motivated by the techniques in Jiang (2013).
We first demonstrate that if for j, j′ ∈ [p], some positive constants , and some positive scalar that may depend on n. then the corresponding correlation estimate satisfies where . Note that the superscript (k) is dropped here and in the ensuing arguments in Step 2, while the derivation holds for all for k ∈ [K].
Let and . For 0 <t < 2, we have Assuming σ jj, σ j ′ j ′ > 0, we have For term (II) in (S27), consider and The term can again be bounded using (S28). Note that a < 1, the following holds for the second term Finally, by (S29) and the fact that t ∈ (0, 2), we have . Therefore, summarizing the above terms, we have where . These arguments, combined with the results from Step 1, can be used to establish (S26).
Step 3. By Steps 1 and 2, we can then bound the max norm of as where and are some positive constants. Suppose log p = o(n1/3) and set for some large constant M. Then, letting t = λ, we have min and (S32) can be written as holds with probability at least , where is a large positive constant. Combined with Lemma A3.4, we have with probability at least for some positive constants and .
A3.3 Proof of Theorem 5.2
As it holds that we have by (S32), log p = o(n1/3) and for some large constant M that for and as defined in Section A3.2.
Given and , we have Combined with (S32), we obtain As . Finally, as , we obtain .
A3.4 Proof of Lemma A3.2
The proof is divided into two steps. In step 1, we will establish the tail bound for the weighted sum of fourth degree polynomials of sub-Gaussian random variables. Next, in step 2, we will apply the established tail bound to product of sub-exponential random variables by representing centered products of sub-exponential random variables as a fourth degree polynomial of sub-Gaussian random variables.
Step 1: Following Adamczak and Wolff (2015), we define a norm for tensors that will be used in our concentration result. Let d ∈ ℕ + be a positive integer. We denote by 𝒫d the set of its partitions of [d] into non-empty and non-intersecting disjoint sets. Moreover, let be a tensor of order-d, whose entries are of the form Let 𝒥 = {J1, …, Jk} ∈ 𝒫 d be a fixed partition of [d], where Jj ⊆ [d] for each j ∈ [k]. Let | 𝒥 | denote the cardinality of the 𝒥, which is equal to k. We define a norm ‖·‖𝒥 by where we write iI = (ik)k∈I for any I ⊆ [d] and the supremum is taken over all possible k vectors {x(1), …, x(k)}.
Let f (u) = u4 and consider a polynomial of degree 4: Let Z = [Z1, …, Zn]T be a vector of independent components with , where γ′ is some positive constant. Plugging in F (Z), letting D = 4, Lemma A3.3 gives and Following Lemma 3 of Balasubramanian et al. (2018), we have Using (31) in Balasubramanian et al. (2018) and the fact that |f (d)(u)| ≤ 4!|u|4− d for d = 1, …, 4, we obtain By the definition of ψ2-norm, . In addition, recall that , then where for d = 1, …, 4. Then, Combining (S40) and (S41), we have If t< cmin × γ′ × ‖a‖ ∞ for , then where . Plugging it in Lemma A3.3, we obtain If t ≥ cmax × γ′ × ‖a‖ ∞, then Similarly, we obtain Step 2: Next, we show how a product of sub-exponential random variables can be represented as a fourth degree polynomial of Gaussian random variables, and then leverage the bound established in step 1 here.
Let . It follows that . Furthermore, define for i = 1, …, n, where are independent Rademacher random variables. Then, we have where the second inequality is given by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the third is given by the definition of 1-norm in Assumption 1. Then, by the definition of ψ2-norm, Therefore, for i = 1, …, n, Zi are sub-Gaussian random variables with Next, we start to apply the results obtained in step 1. First consider the case where . Then, plugging γ′ = γ2/4 and the tail cutoff t/2 into (S43), we obtain As , it follows that By symmetry, similar derivations give the same bound for as (S47). Then Finally, consider the case where . Following a similar argument, we get Then, setting gives the desired inequalities.
A3.5 Proof of Lemma A3.5
Given , by Lemma A3.2, we have for any positive constant δ and some positive constant . Equivalently, let , then As |z − 1| >u implies |z2 − 1| > max(u, u2) for any z ≥ 0. Then, if u ≤ 1, Setting t = uμ and gives (S9).
A3.6 Extended discussions on Assumptions 3
Recall First, suppose (πi1, …, πiK) ∼ Multinomial(1, θ), where θ = (θ1, …, θK) ∈ ℝK is a vector of positive parameters summed to 1. Though this assumption on cell type proportions implies that each tissue sample can have cells from only one of the K cell types, it nevertheless provides some insight into (S51) and (S52). Specifically, the smallest eigenvalue of is min{θk}, a positive constant that does not depend on n.
Next, consider a less simplified model with (πi1, …, πiK) ∼ Dirichlet(α, where α = (α1, …, αK) ∈ ℝK is a vector of postive parameters. Let α0 = Σ k αk. Then, where γ = (α + 1) ° α ∈ ℝK, Δ= α ° (α + 1) ° (4α+ 6) ∈ ℝK. The smallest eigenvalue of 𝔼(Ψ) and 𝔼(Φ) are lower bounded by positive constants, and , respectively.
The above derivation demonstrates that under reasonable probabilistic models, the eigen-value conditions in Assumption 3 are satisfied at the population level. This bounded norm condition in Assumption 3 requires the sum of the squared proportions to grow linearly with the size of the population. This is plausible when considering any common cell types: a cell type is defined as “common” if 𝔼[πik] > Ck for some constant Ck > 0, which also implies .
A4 More Results from Simulation studies in Section 3
In Section 4, we followed the bMIND tutorial at https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/randel/MIND/blob/master/bMIND_tutorial.html to estimate cell-type-specific expression levels in each sample using bMIND. There are two steps provided by the bMIND implementation: first, use single cell data to infer priors for each gene; second, fit the Bayesian mixed effects model to infer posterior means in each sample. However, due to the high dropout rates in single cell data and/or the low expression levels, some genes may have zero UMI counts detected, which is infeasible to infer priors. Therefore, only a subset of genes would have valid priors inferred by bMIND. For those genes, we supplied the valid priors as informative priors to bMIND for posterior inference, as recommended by the tutorial. For the other genes, we used the default non-informative priors in bMIND.
We thank the ROSMAP project for their permission, requested at https://www.radc.rush.edu, to access the bulk RNA-seq and single nueclues RNA-seq data in the project. The ROSMAP project is supported by the following grants: P30AG72975, P30AG010161 (ADCC), R01AG015819 (RISK), R01AG017917 (MAP), U01AG46152 (AMP-AD Pipeline I) and U01AG61356 (AMP-AD Pipeline II).