Real world search behaviour often involves limb movements, either during search or following search. Here we investigated whether movement-related costs influence search behaviour in two kinds of search tasks. In our visual search tasks, participants made saccades to find a target object among distractors and then moved a cursor, controlled by the handle of a robotic manipulandum, to the target. In our manual search tasks, participants moved the cursor to perform the search, placing it onto objects to reveal their identity as either a target or a distractor. Across experiments, we manipulated either the effort or time costs associated with movement such that these costs varied across the search space. We varied effort by applying different resistive forces to the handle and we varied time costs by altering the speed of the cursor. Our analysis of cursor and eye movements during manual and visual search, respectively, showed that effort influenced manual search but did not influence visual search. In contrast, time costs influenced both visual and manual search. Our results demonstrate that, in addition to perceptual and cognitive factors, movement-related costs can also influence search behaviour.
Public Significance Statement Many of the tasks we perform on a daily basis involve searching for targets. Numerous studies have investigated perceptual and cognitive factors that influence decisions about where to search. However, few studies have examined how search is influenced by movement-related costs associated with manual search (e.g., opening drawers to find a corkscrew) or acting on an object once it has been located (e.g., reaching for a particular bottle of wine once it has been spied in a rack). We show that movement effort and time costs associated with manual search, and time costs associated with moving after visual search, can influence decision-making about where to search over time.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.