Objective Large-scale microscopy-based experiments often result in images with rich but sparse information content. An experienced microscopist can visually identify regions of interest (ROIs), but this becomes a cumbersome task with large datasets. Here we present SimSearch, a framework for quick and easy user-guided training of a deep neural model aimed at fast detection of ROIs in large-scale microscopy experiments.
Methods The user manually selects a small number of patches representing different classes of ROIs. This is followed by feature extraction using a pre-trained deep-learning model, and interactive patch selection pruning, resulting in a smaller set of clean (user approved) and larger set of noisy (unapproved) training patches of ROIs and background. The pre-trained deep-learning model is thereafter first trained on the large set of noisy patches, followed by refined training using the clean patches.
Results The framework is evaluated on fluorescence microscopy images from a large-scale drug screening experiment, brightfield images of immunohistochemistry-stained patient tissue samples, and malaria-infected human blood smears, as well as transmission electron microscopy images of cell sections. Compared to state-of-the-art and manual/visual assessment, the results show similar performance with maximal flexibility and minimal a priori information and user interaction.
Conclusions SimSearch quickly adapts to different data sets, which demonstrates the potential to speed up many microscopy-based experiments based on a small amount of user interaction.
Significance SimSearch can help biologists quickly extract informative regions and perform analyses on large datasets helping increase the throughput in a microscopy experiment.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.