The trimeric betaine symporter BetP senses an osmotic upshift via its osmosensory C-terminal domain and responds rapidly with a steep increase in transport rate. Full activation requires both an elevated internal K+ concentration and a yet unknown membrane stimulus. Moreover, the molecular mechanisms of stress sensing and upregulation remain unclear. Here, we show that K+ binding to BetP in vivo is highly cooperative. Using X-ray crystallography, we identify four putative K+ interaction sites at the C-terminal domains of BetP. Single particle CryoEM on BetP reconstituted in amphipols (AMP-BetP), in the absence of K+, revealed that the three C-terminal domains are oriented symmetrically near the membrane surface, representing a new downregulated state. The presence of K+ resulted in asymmetric partial unfolding of the C-terminal domains, which was assigned as an intermediate between the downregulated state and the conformation observed in crystal structures. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy in 2D crystals of BetP reveal glutamate/aspartate and tyrosine responses to K+, in agreement with the identified K+ interaction sites, as well as specific unfolding events in the C-terminal domain upon activation. A rearrangement of the relative protomer orientations confers upregulation through key structural elements involved in the alternating access of BetP affecting sodium and betaine binding affinities. Although K+-specific regulation is unique to BetP we discuss unfolding/refolding of sensory domains as a unifying element in hyperosmotic stress response of osmoregulated transporters.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.