A pandemic clonal lineage of the wheat blast fungus

Wheat, the most important food crop, is threatened by a blast disease pandemic. Here, we show that a clonal lineage of the wheat blast fungus recently spread to Asia and Africa following two independent introductions from South America. Through a combination of genome analyses and laboratory experiments, we show that the decade-old blast pandemic lineage can be controlled by the Rmg8 disease resistance gene and is sensitive to strobilurin fungicides. However, we also highlight the potential of the pandemic clone to evolve fungicide-insensitive variants and sexually recombine with African lineages. This underscores the urgent need for genomic surveillance to track and mitigate the spread of wheat blast outside of South America, and to guide pre-emptive wheat breeding for blast resistance.
Competing Interest Statement
KL is a founder of Floodlight Genomics. TI receives funding from Krishi Gobeshona Foundation of Bangladesh SK receives funding from industry and has filed patents on plant disease resistance.
Subject Area
- Biochemistry (13881)
- Bioengineering (10578)
- Bioinformatics (33617)
- Biophysics (17321)
- Cancer Biology (14390)
- Cell Biology (20382)
- Clinical Trials (138)
- Developmental Biology (10994)
- Ecology (16221)
- Epidemiology (2067)
- Evolutionary Biology (20527)
- Genetics (13524)
- Genomics (18821)
- Immunology (13947)
- Microbiology (32531)
- Molecular Biology (13545)
- Neuroscience (70933)
- Paleontology (533)
- Pathology (2222)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (3780)
- Physiology (5961)
- Plant Biology (12169)
- Synthetic Biology (3406)
- Systems Biology (8246)
- Zoology (1874)